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  • Okay, guys, I decided to do Sarah home.

  • I feel like there's really good basics that I can find.

  • And I'm a big, big fan of mixing high and low.

  • So I wanted to take you with me to choose and see how I pick my items from Zara and Dan.

  • How you styled them?

  • Never gonna Delinda.

  • I'm thinking about the whole process now.

  • I usually show you only result, but camel is obviously like super and styles for fall.

  • And this is a great way to show you guys why she was something over the other.

  • So these air pretty similar.

  • This is a little darker, but this has kind of a satiny finish.

  • And it's actually very light for me when a jacket is this, then kind of has a cheaper look to it.

  • So although I do love the double breasted buttons here, I do prefer the thicker feel of the jacket.

  • Also, the collar find can kind of transition Well, in spraying ones were at that point.

  • So this looks more expensive to me.

  • Waistbands really gives thing is what will happen Just like, wanna have it all.

  • Okay, change.

  • First of all, I got the sweater because I didn't like my dress on its own, so I had to pair it with something.

  • I decided to change the concept because I didn't want to show you all items that you have to go and buy Zara.

  • Obviously, I am aware of the whole past fashion industry and I don't be a hypocrite and say that I'm never buying fast fashion because that's not true.

  • I love mixing High and Lola convention before, but when I do by fast fashion, I really buy and focus on things that I feel like will last for a long time.

  • Hands y.

  • I do buy items that I feel like I can mix into my current cordial things that will last a long time.

  • And so I have low days from fast fashion that's been in my closet for years, like 67 years.

  • So e take care of them and make sure they're good quality.

  • So I picked my items from Zara yesterday and I brought them here today.

  • I brought a few other of my items that are nods are kind of the items that I feel like a lot of people usually have in their wardrobes.

  • So I wanted to just show you how I would put together an outfit using my staple pieces and also the staple seasonal pieces that I fact from Zara.

  • This is by no means a trend video.

  • I really went for the more classic pieces that I just feel like every woman will really benefit from this season and moving on the stock for showing you the pair of fans that I'm sure you already seen it a lot on other people.

  • But you're for sure, seen it a lot on me.

  • I feel like these pair of pants are So I got him in three colors.

  • So these are the slouchy jeans kind of have a feel of like the eighties.

  • I was just in New York and I went into, like, Isabel moron store and they literally old a sale.

  • Is this so the fact that I got them from Zara in all different colors for the price Zara is pretty amazing.

  • I've been wearing these.

  • This is the first pair that I got, probably every other day.

  • I don't think I own any piece of clothing that I've worn so much, Judging by my effort of the days and Instagram.

  • This was a very wise by.

  • The next one is this skirt that I found And a lot of you guys always talk to me about showing you things that our work appropriate.

  • So I found that this is a really pretty way to wear a skirt to work.

  • But you can also wear it out.

  • So what I really like about the skirt is the fact that it has the bell that will do a beautiful job in extension.

  • Waiting.

  • I said it right, accentuating the waste.

  • Also, the fabric is good as heavy.

  • It looks expensive, which is usually what I'm looking for, especially from fast fashion houses like Zara.

  • So this is something that you can wear with a turtleneck and some booths, heels or loafers.

  • You can put a blazer on top of it.

  • It's a really easy way to make a business outfit look a little more feminine and flowing.

  • Next up.

  • Is this laser this when I actually get a pole on instagram stories and asked which blazer you would choose, So I placed it.

  • Besides, I'm not the one kind of had a similar feel to it.

  • A lot of you guys chose the other one based on the pole.

  • But the reason why I chose this one is first of all.

  • The color is much more transitional, in my opinion.

  • So this will work really beautifully in the fall in the winter and end up spring.

  • Also a fabric.

  • I guess you couldn't really patch it through instagram, but the fabric feels more substantial.

  • And for blazers.

  • Although a lot of fast fashion companies make a lot of really cool ones, the fabric is really important, and that's what's gonna make it feel and look cheap or expensive.

  • And then I picked this sweater, and this is something that's a little more playful.

  • Yes, it's a staple but has color in it.

  • This again also will work great for fall and spring.

  • And yellow, surprisingly, is a really versatile color and looks really good on a lot of people.

  • Also, it actually elevates your mood.

  • Look, look at this.

  • Don't you feel happy already for his green Alec brownish yellows, Burgundy's those air colors that I think will always add a pop and ah, mood and a feel and style to your job.

  • So I was really excited to get this one.

  • At first I looked at it.

  • It kind of felt true to me.

  • But then when I tried it on, I was like, Oh, all right, I have, I think, one more from last season.

  • That's kind of baby Blue.

  • And this gonna sweaters also love to pair with dresses that have pattern and half kind of hints or collars that work well with yellow.

  • Just creates a really like, dynamic outfit, things that I try to avoid when I buy sweaters at fast fashion companies.

  • I don't like when the neckline is too low, because as you wear like chunky knits, it starts getting stretched out.

  • And then it's starting to kind of get looser.

  • And that's where sweater start feeling and looking cheap.

  • So I kinda opted for hire neck that will make it feel more cozy and and more elevated.

  • Also, as much as I love Trans and I love seeing it on other people, I'm not the kind of fashion content creator that wears an outfit only once I do like to purchase and where things over and over again and mix and match its.

  • I do like to buy things that I know I'll be able to wear for a long period of time.

  • So this is why I decided to do a Zara Hall, but in a very strategic way.

  • These boots that I saw at Zara I really like the low heel because I know I'll be able to wear them during the day.

  • It will be easy to walk in, but I also really like the slouchy look, which is something that I've been eyeing and looking at in the recent fashion shows.

  • So I know that it actually came back to slouch like boot been in and out for a long time.

  • So I wanted to find one that's more affordable because it's not a sure that I'll be wearing a lock.

  • And then I have this pair of pants that I got maybe a month ago or so.

  • I really love the fit of it.

  • I love the oversize.

  • I love that it's really long, and when I wear heels that kind of covered the shoe.

  • I also made sure that the waste is really fitted and that's what you want to look for when you're getting oversized pants.

  • So these are also a winner for May and then this top.

  • I kind of wanted to get a spin on the classic button down, so I really enjoyed this detail over here and again.

  • It looks easily like a designer top for more fun fashion content.

  • You guys can watch my how to style oversized clothing video share.

Okay, guys, I decided to do Sarah home.


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A2 初級

ZARA 2019年秋のトライオンハール (ZARA Fall 2019 Try On Haul)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日