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  • Week 1: Getting started with the iPad

  • 2. The multitasking bar

  • Let's take a look at another important function of the Home button.

  • Press it twice in quick succession to reveal the iPad's multitasking bar. This multitasking

  • bar is an important way to get around more quickly on your iPad. Get into the habit of

  • using it and you'll find your iPad easier to control.

  • Using this bar, you can switch to a different app while the current one remains in memory

  • in the background, meaning that it doesn't quit, but rather enters a kind of suspended

  • animation.

  • We'll see how that works. So I select the Notes app. We move to that. Double-tap on

  • the Home button. Let's move to the iPad app. It switches over.

  • Go back to the Home screen, double-tap, and there is our multitasking bar.

  • One other nice thing that you can do from here is as we tap and hold on an app, all

  • the apps start wiggling and you see that little red button with the Minus sign in it. That

  • means that you can quit apps from here simply by tapping on the Minus sign.

  • So we'll quit the Calendar app by tapping on that button. To return the icons to their

  • normal behavior, just click on the Home button.

  • Multitasking controls If you swipe this bar from left to right,

  • you'll eventually see a set of controls. The appearance of the first button depends on

  • how you've configured the side switch options in the general setting screens.

  • How do you configure the side switch? Go to Settings, General, Use side switch to:

  • choose either Lock Rotation or mute.

  • If you've configured the side switch so that the iPad mutes when you push the side switch

  • down, you'll see a rotation lock icon.

  • When this lock is engaged, the orientation of the iPad's screen won't change, regardless

  • of how you rotate the iPad. So currently, rotation is enabled. I tap that button and

  • now rotation is locked, just like using the side switch when that option is engaged.

  • If you've configured the side switch to lock rotation, the button which you use for muting

  • and unmuting your iPad will look like a speaker. And you can see that we have it unmuted. Tap

  • the button and now the sound is muted.

  • After this button you'll see a slider for adjusting the screen's brightness.

  • To increase the brightest, just slide the button to the right, and to decrease brightness,

  • slide it to the left.

  • Here you'll also find buttons for controlling the iPad app's playback, and possibly a button for choosing wireless devices to

  • play the iPad's audio using a technology called AirPlay, which we'll discuss elsewhere in

  • the course.

  • And finally, there is a slider for adjusting the iPad's volume.

  • 1

Week 1: Getting started with the iPad


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

2.iPad - マルチタスクバー (2. iPad - Multitasking bar)

  • 52 5
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日