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  • We're going to see our potential new space for the office.

  • Did you get a tooth?

  • D'oh!

  • Where's the tooth?

  • Gina, where is it?

  • What a nice way to go to my kid's school.

  • You need transportation like yeah.

  • Heard about Uber case?

  • Property number one.

  • Very different style way have now.

  • Yeah, I think it's these two.

  • Second.

  • Check it out.

  • I'm excited.

  • You're excited?

  • Not overly excited.

  • This one building in particular that I'm excited about.

  • We're gonna see it a little later on.

  • What are we doing today?

  • We can get cars that you don't approve of.

  • My God, no, I'm looking at my God.

  • Look how beautiful this is So cool.

  • Whoa!

  • That's a cool.

  • Is this a new one?

  • No.

  • No.

  • I don't know what I'm doing here.

  • And because I don't want him to get and the cars see Justice me being a supportive wife, coming to look at toys that Gary likes That what people do with disclosures.

  • I mean, obviously drive them, but you won't get a Lamborghini.

  • You know, I don't really like Oh, good.

  • Thank you for being supportive of my stuff.

  • Like you get the pleasures like you need transportation like?

  • Yeah.

  • Heard about uber Ben, man.

  • Just walk in.

  • Ben, the door's unlocked on.

  • Let your brother in the house on.

  • There you go.

  • Okay.

  • Back to business.

  • Did you get a tooth?

  • Did you two?

  • Where's the tooth?

  • Gina, where is it?

  • What do you get in there?

  • Get in there.

  • E way e.

  • I want to see it to Theo.

  • Bottom way.

  • Still haven't seen the two of them.

  • I need to see the way you look at the bottom.

  • You see it?

  • Your two way I can even begin.

  • That's it.

  • Tell you how did they started?

  • To be honest with you, it was very pleasantly surprised that Gary took the boys to school.

  • Because I've been really prioritizing working out because I've been feeling like I need that kicking my butt.

  • I started taking the kids a little later to school because by the time I come back, it's kind of like that today.

  • Gary took initiative and took them to school.

  • Good.

  • Yeah, but then the school called me and told me to have Ah, water gun fine thing today.

  • So they don't have anything, so I have to pack everything and bring it to them.

  • I need to take a shower and then shooting.

  • And I have a lot of things.

  • Yeah, well, good luck to meet malaria.

  • You'll be fine.

  • You'll survive this.

  • It's nice to go to my kid's school.

  • Wait, Wait.

  • No, You I want to Also bad.

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • Go, Go, go, go, go.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • Push up.

  • Yeah.

  • Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush.

  • Bush.

  • Well, great, then you a couple?

  • Gary actually called me.

  • He went to check on Ben.

  • Sleeping and Ben's face look like an avatar.

  • I think you had an allergic reaction to something.

  • He's just, like, completely huge balls instead of eyes.

  • And he can barely open.

  • I feel like completely to me off.

  • No, I'm doing today.

  • I did all planned out, and now I have to take him to the doctor, and, uh, we'll see from the jokes.

  • I am already to go.

  • Took Benny to the doctor.

  • She said that he had some bacterial and mankind might be allergy downtown.

  • We're going to see our potential new space for the office.

  • It is really scary and really exciting.

  • It's scary because we have this huge huge plans and vision to everything.

  • It's hard to take such a big risk.

  • This is like where you need to be.

  • Like I bet on myself.

  • I believe in myself.

  • I can make this happen.

  • So this is where we at today.

  • This is so exciting.

  • Is it excited?

  • I don't know.

  • He's talking about his office.

  • Gonna take a little bit, Let him get it out of a system.

We're going to see our potential new space for the office.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

買い物依存症、大きなリスク、そして赤ちゃんの最初の歯 (Shopping Addiction, Taking Big Risks and Baby's First Tooth)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日