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Hello, everyone, Welcome to another video.
Now inside this box is the cheapest full PC set up that I could find on eBay for just £49 of 99 pence.
We've got a monitor, the PC itself, a keyboard amounts and all of the necessary cables.
You may think that this was just a one off lucky purchase.
But if you take a look on eBay, especially here in the UK, you'll see quite a lot of these listings for four setups that cost anywhere between 50 and £60.
Now what these machines have in common is that they are often del or HP, secondhand machines that come with a 17 inch monitor on DDE.
A lot of the time, the specs will vary depending on what they have in stock at the time, though.
If you're looking for a cheap system, then this may be the way to go because the £50 for a full set up with Windows 10 well, you can't really go wrong today.
I wanted to see what we actually got off the purchasing one of these, and all I know for sure is that it should feature four gigs of Ram a 250 gig hard drive on DDE WiFi, which again, for the price?
Seems very reasonable indeed.
So I suppose we better get this box open, see exactly what we've got on there.
Talk about hell.
Well, a machine like this will actually perform, and maybe we'll add a graphics card to it as well.
And this has already got one and see what it can do when it comes to running gains something that shouldn't be a forefront of your mind if ordering one of the's set ups.
So let's see what we got for our £49.99 starting with the accessories.
And we have the HP Mouse and chunky del keyboard, the key noises of which remind me of every nineties movie office scene.
I can picture a workplace full of these, and the noise is just glorious.
As promised.
We also have the necessary cables required to make use of this machine straight out off the box.
No speakers, but we weren't promised any.
So it doesn't matter.
This very adjustable monitor looks to be a commonly found 17 inch 12 80 by 1024 display I'll confirm that later.
And as far as monitors go, it's nothing special.
But it's ideal for a set up like this.
The vertical adjustment is a bit haphazard.
I nearly took my two front teeth out.
When standing above it, it feels like it's spring loaded.
As for the machine, well, it appears to be a no frills, small form factor.
Dell OptiPlex 7 55 to be precise from around 2000 and eight Every time you see it from now on, the side panel will be off, as it would be more likely for me to bump into the queen having dinner in Nando's than it would for me to be able to refit this.
I don't know what I did, but the side panel will just not go back on inside.
Everything looks pretty tidy and dust free, which is good, because I would assume that most people purchasing one of these wouldn't feel that confident, opening it up and tinkering around inside just to remove a few bits of dust and grind, I almost forgot.
We did get a free WiFi adapter to this little USB dongle, which is fine at maintaining a stable connection No, of course you do have the traditional ethnic poor to make use off for wired connection.
So of course, I just had to test it out with the included monitor.
And it was nice to see that everything had been set up.
An open office had been installed, as well as some other free software that would likely be appreciated by someone looking to get on with some work straight away, jumping into device manager for a quick look at the specifications.
And we have a core two duo E 4600 clocked at 2.4 gigahertz along with onboard Q 35 graphics.
Oh, I can confirm this machine does have four gigs of Ram has promised under 250 gig hard drive.
Oh, and the monitor decibel to 12 80 by 1024 Max at 75 hurts now.
I was concerned at first about how Windows 10 would run on a machine of this age, but I was quite surprised at how no snappy but non Laghi everything waas.
This is in part, thanks to the sensible amount of Ram.
Two gigs may still be okay, but I'd recommend avoiding any cheap rebuilds with that amount these days.
Four, on the other hand, is perfect for basic computing on dhe there to free slots on the motherboard.
Should we ever want to add some more sound wise, The traditional del harm is present, but the system remains quite enough as to not bother you.
If it were under a desk for basic usage then and despite a chip from late 2007 powering this rig, everything was okay.
Are then attempted to run some games, and anyone who has experienced older onboard graphics like the Q 35 Express chipset will know the instant pain and regret awaits Vice City legged along at about 15 frames per second at 6 40 by 4 80 Of course, though, remember this PC is not meant for gaming.
This whole gaming part is just for the sake of the channel name not going unused for the next five or so minutes.
Now, half Life two was a thing of beauty.
It ran a little better, but boy with a graphics messed up, it actually got to the point where I forgot I was recording and continued playing for a good half an hour just to see what would happen to the game world laughing uncontrollably all the way through the tests.
What was that?
What's that?
Although this machine does have a 275 or so ps you the case is very cramped on dhe.
We did get the small form factor version off the PC.
Remember, we were told that it could be a small form factor system or a desktop that we got and for adding a graphics card.
A full tower desktop would be the better choice.
Now the PCR Express Slop states 25.
What's maximum as well.
So, um, or powerful graphics card was out of the question.
But after making a subtle change in the form of a G force to 10 I know, I know.
I'm realizing I had been using the machine upside down all day.
I installed the drivers and found the experience to be a little better yet again.
So picking up a used one of these to go with this Dale might be a good idea, though, As I said before, if you're after a system like this, you probably won't be concerned with upgrade options.
This certainly improved the gaming experience, though, with the previously tested G Ta and Half Life two now running a lot better.
I was even able to throw Fallout three this PC and see at least 30 frames per second at the maximum supported resolution.
Games like counterstrike.
Globe offensive will panic, though, and cause you some trouble.
Even with everything turned down, there might be some words out there to help you with that.
If you want to go down that road, remember the G force to 10.
Also, it doesn't support any latest direct ex versions, so you're pretty much stuck with older games.
And while we're on the subject, we may as well take a quick look at another Bethesda classic, the Eldest Girl's Oblivion, which seem to run fine again and a little better than Fallout three even in built up areas.
So for games like that, this combination is going to be okay.
I could never help it.
I always find myself coming back to gaming and seeing how various systems handle themselves, despite this not really being about game play this time around for a basic machine, and old L always seems like a sensible path to go down simply because they are treat on dhe.
Go on forever.
Forever in the world of PCs is any term that exceeds 10 years.
There is sort of an upgrade path as well.
And I found I could use an SSD with it, No problem.
So if it does start to get a little tired, slap one of these in on DDE, as well as a little bit more ram and possibly even a court to quite process, er, you might just be able to make it last forever, ever instead of just forever.
Well, I hope you've enjoyed this mystery PC speck on boxing.
I will have always been curious as to what would actually turn up if I bought the cheapest full set up online.
And, you know, I'm not really that disappointed for anyone in an office environment or someone who's just put in office in their house.
They want something cheap, though.
If you just put in office in your house, you probably can afford something a little better than this.
Yeah, yeah, All in all, it's not too bad for what it is.
Personally, I think this PC was worth it just for this half life two game play.
I've never seen anything quite like this before.
I'm not sure what could have caused this issue.
To be honest, it's It's very likely that it's the Q 35 chipset drivers.
I'm not sure if this would happen with a different operating system or whether it's just It just doesn't like Windows 10.
So that could be something to bear in mind, though.
As I've mentioned many times now, it's not a machine that you would or should really pick up for gaming purposes that, as you saw, even when paired with the G force to 10 it can handle itself in some lower end situations.
And maybe by making use of a few months, you might be able to tweak things a little further.
This whole half life to issue might might be resolvable.
Anyway, thank you very much for watching.
I hope you've enjoyed the look at what is one of the cheapest bundles on eBay.
If you did leave a lock on it down below, leave it.
It's like if you didn't subscribe to the channel, if you haven't done so already on, hopefully oh see all of you in the next one where I'm not quite sure what we'll be doing yet, but as a ways we'll think of something.
Thank you and good night.