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  • you are very sweet Ist down lies my trick Wait much left on his head He ate a slice Oh, Funderburg When I acted in history boots regard about us in the Bible didn't mention this and a viable dad mentioned.

  • Not even you are Marie sweet down, Uh, sheets of paper.

  • Elias.

  • Marie, Wait.

  • Ramin, I come hell carted second beneath Kappa Limpar Practiced amity up your temper like a man team and cleaver that Dianne Erlich Accounts created man on the coach from the tone that practically exploded i o creator A little are our books in order in the cops Amity lifter of falling Prestige this calmly Hogan Noches, navigator does it miss Mitochondria?

  • Hair falls off me, Xena.

  • And it kicked Medina upset and exact marginal.

  • Excited Stiffed me So like it did for the directive and turning down my cake.

  • Domestic So column Moishe, Xenia.

  • Practical matters even Hillman all of the ninja trick and accept from justice Finally saying team cadre conference on stem heaven Look me is that can take it on the memorials in thief in a FEMA debit card.

  • These stem a fish, A zombies don't list them.

  • And he also moral are causing an Enzo Moyo and all obey He'll, uh who?

  • Yeah, it acted my except mine and a dime Getting the recognition off and write the exact for your crown and kingdom by Hillary getting any kind of kind of remote cities of really, uh f Cus is going to shoot it kept the Shi Li me 00 yea positions follow me basis Theo Daily did sign the coach to God defense.

you are very sweet Ist down lies my trick Wait much left on his head He ate a slice Oh, Funderburg When I acted in history boots regard about us in the Bible didn't mention this and a viable dad mentioned.


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B2 中上級

ロミーナ - 'Samson'|ブラインドオーディション|ザ・ヴォイスキッズ|VTM (Romina - 'Samson' | Blind Auditions | The Voice Kids | VTM)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日