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Best Marketing Strategies used by Apple, Microsoft, Google & Walmart I have always wondered on
this question that, How a company becomes the preferred option in the minds of their
consumers? That s what we are going to talk about today. Hi! My name is Aziz and I am
the founder of Days to Domination. Days to Domination is a blog where I discuss how successful
companies use, what elements are so common within them, that we can use in our business
to take our business to the level that they enjoy. Today, I am going to discuss with you
4 principles that are used by top companies to become the preferred option in their marketplace.
First Principle - The Power of Less The first principle is The Power of Less . Have you
ever wondered why Google is at the level that they are now? Think about that! Google s number
one competitor is Yahoo. How many clicks or how many buttons are on Yahoo.com and how
many buttons are on Google.com. Google applied this principle the power of less, to their
website. They eliminated every other opportunity. They eliminated Google Weather, Google Docs,
Google Email or Google Maps, I don t remember how many other options they have, but they
eliminated every other option from their website and only focused on one thing the Search Bar.
They leveraged their power. The unique element that Google had was their search algorithm
and they focused their power on the search. So when a person went to Google, the only
and the most prominent thing that they saw on Google was a search bar, and Google leveraged
the unique asset that they had, to become the top player in the whole world. Did you
know that Apple was 90 days from Bankruptcy when Steve Jobs came in and took the position
as the CEO? When Stave Jobs came in, he eliminated a lot of departments that Apple was focused
on and he focused on some key products, that he thought in his mind, are going to take
Apple out of bankruptcy and make it a company that it is today. Steve eliminated all the
departments that he thought were non-profitable or not contributing towards the success of
Apple. He focused on projects like iPod and later iPhone, to take Apple from the company
it was near bankruptcy, and make it the company it is today. Apple did not stop there. If
you go to Apple.com today, you see a huge advertisement or a huge link on their feature
product - Right now it is iPhone 4. If you go there, you are going to see advertisements
and features about iPhone 4. On the top, you are going to see the navigation which is really
clean and on the bottom you will see other information, but that is not really highlighted,
because they want to focus the majority of their attention, promotions and target on
iPhone 4 now. When I used to work in the computer store, I saw that in the Apple department
there were only 5 laptops and in PC department, there were like 50 laptops. The conversion
rate in the Apple department was much higher than that of PC department, because people
would walk in the PC department and they would see all these computers and get confuse as
to which PC is right for them. They would get a lot of information that they had processed.
But in Apple department there were only a few choices, people were able to absorb the
information and make a buying decision much faster. I am going to give you another example,
how the power of less worked for a watch company. There was a company who hired a marketing
firm to do some advertisement on their wrist watches. The marketer said that we are going
to market one watch at a time, but the owner said, No! No! No! I want to market all my
watches , so he said, OK! If you insist we are going to do a split test . What they did
was that they ran one ad with one wrist watch, and on the other ad consisted of like 7 watches.
The results were that the ad which consisted only one watch outsold all the watches sold
combined from the other ad. It means that the sum of all the watches sold combined was
less than the ad that had only one watch. Second Principle - Slightly-Better Syndrome
The 2nd principle that I am going to share with you is the Slightly-Better Syndrome . This
principle was introduced to me by Marshall, who is a guru at AdWords or Google Ads. He
used this principle to explain that if you ad is slightly better than your competition,
then you can dominate the market. What he meant by that was, let s say that your ad
was slightly better than your competition, there are going to be more people clicking
on your ad and you are going to enjoy more people coming to your website and you are
going to enjoy lesser cost-per-click, so you are winning in all situations. But I believe
that this principle works in a broader sense. I was reading a blog on fourhourworkweek.com
and there was a blog about 2 Opera singers. The famous one was Pavarotti, who got so famous
and so popular that he had wealth like 200-400 Million dollars. Now another singer whose
name is Flores is as good as Pavarotti, but he is not as rich as Pavarotti was. Now why
is that? That is because Pavarotti was slightly better than Flores and this is the reason
that he accumulated so much more wealth than Flores did. What s the reason behind this?
Let s say that you are a consumer and you are going to buy a car. There are two cars
equally priced, equally everything but one is slightly better than the other. May be
the tires or the grip on the tires are slightly better, or let s say that the color is a little
bit more shinning, you are of course going to buy the car that is slightly better. Although
it does not even matter to you, but you are still going to buy the car that is slightly
better. But you are just one consumer. Think about million and billions of other consumers
altogether. They are all going to prefer the car that is slightly better. It does not matter
if it is a car, or a singer or a Google Ad, or it is Google or Yahoo. Think about Google
and Yahoo They are similar search engines but Google was slightly better (or may be
a little better) than Yahoo in searching websites and producing results that the users wanted.
And look at the results. Google is a far better company and a far powerful company than Yahoo
is. Currently 60% of all searches are done through Google. So you see how you can become
the leader in your marketplace by being slightly better than your competition, whether it be
Google or a singer or a phone or a car, it does not matter. Third Principle - Zero-Risk
Free Entry The 3rd principle that I am going to share with you is the compelling Zero-Risk
Free Entry . What I mean is that you must offer your customers some compelling zero-risk
free entry into your funnel, so that they can experience how awesome and how cool you
are, and then you can offer them to but your products or services. Let me give you some
really good examples. Let s talk about Gmail.com. Have you ever wondered why they introduced
Gmail.com? First of all, Gmail.com was slightly better than its competitors like Yahoo and
Hotmail at that time, when they were introduced. Gmail.com offered 1 Gig of space in their
Gmail account and at that time MSN was charging for that service and Yahoo was not even offering
that. Google was offering that awesome service to everybody for free. Why? Because they wanted
to create a database of respective customers that they can future market to. Have you ever
thought about that? How cool an idea is that? They offered a free Gmail account and people
associate with their accounts, address, phone numbers or email addresses far more than any
other thing. They offered that email address for free so that they can have that customer
in the database and they can make that customer loyal to Google, because they have a Gmail
account now. s see what Apple did. Apple introduced their iTunes and they were offering a song
for $1. Do you think that they were making a lot of money from iTunes? No! They were
not making any money; in fact they were losing money, because they were breaking even or
a kind of losing money in their service. By doing that, they became the leader of the
whole music Online Purchase industry. And think about it that Apple had their iPod,
which was the leading MP3 player at that time. iPod helped iTunes and iTunes helped iPod
and they helped each other to grow their shares in their respective industries. And think
about it that both Gmail.com and iTunes.com grew virally, because they were offering such
an awesome service, they were slightly better than their competition and it was a compelling
offer and a free entry and they became viral. I have got that service and I got so impressed
by their service that I was offering and inviting other people to use the same service. Right?
I know you might not have the budget to make a whole Gmail.com or iTunes.com, but what
you can do is offer some kind of free entry to your customers to enjoy the services that
you offer. s say that you can introduce a free trial or else you can give them some
education to educate your prospects more about your products and services, so that they get
experience how it is like to be a customer of yours. You can offer a free booklet, video
or an MP3 interview. Fourth Principle - The Power of Vision Now the 4th principle that
I am going to share with you is The power of vision . Bill Gates had the vision that
he wanted personal computers on every desk. I think that he is pretty successful with
his vision. Now think about it 40 years ago when Microsoft started, people could not even
think about having a computer on their desk. So Bill Gates sold a lot of computers and
he sold computers that people were not even thinking like, Oh no! I don t want that thing.
I don t want a computer on my desk. At the moment, you might be selling cell phones.
When you go to a person who does not have a cell phone and say, Hey! I am going to offer
you a cell phone ; he might say, Ya! I really need a cell phone and I am going to buy it.
But then, 40 years ago, you might go to a person and say, Hey! I want to sell you a
computer. Are you going to buy it? and he says, No! I don t need that computer. I don
t want that computer . Bill Gates was able to make billions of dollars to make himself
the richest man on Earth, by selling something that people DID NOT want at that time. How
powerful was his vision at that time to make that happen? What about Sam Walton? He had
a vision that he wanted a big store, that would have cheap items and it is going to
be affordable with bigger aisles and more diverse items. Back then, when he had that
vision, it was almost impossible to make that happen, but he had a vision so strong that
pulled him towards the achievement of that goal. Now you might say that no, I am not
Sam or I am not Bill Gates, but think about it. When Bill started, he was just a young
kid; When Sam started, he was just an employee in JC Penny but they had a vision so strong
that it was inevitable for both of them to achieve that goal. I really hope that you
like this information and you are going to join me at DaystoDomination.com, where I am
going to have some more videos and some more posts about how we can take our business to
the next level, using online marketing and some other nitty-gritty cool stuff. |l\l\l\l\l\lL\LlL
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