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I'm surprised that all of these my fellow contestants up here, I guess, would be the right word for it.
Given nobody pays attention to the clock.
I'm surprised they show up because I would have thought after I did such a good job in beating them last week that they'd be a little bit afraid to do that.
But I think that Donald Trump thinks it would be better if he's president.
I do not think so.
Vladimir Putin thinks that Donald Trump is should be president.
I did states and that's why Russia is helping you get a little bit.
You're Theo, Mr Putin.
If I'm president, the United States trust the you're not getting into fear in any more American elections.
I'm hearing my name mentioned a little bit.
Tonight, I want you.
I have opposed authoritarianism all over the world and I said is what Barack Obama said in terms of Cuba that Cuba made progress on education.
Yes, I think really, really, there's no bed, Barack Obama said.
Is they made a great progress on educations, make and health care.
That was Barack Obama.
I am not looking forward to a scenario where it comes down to Donald Trump with his nostalgia for the social order of the 19 fifties and Bernie Sanders with a nostalgia for the revolutionary politics of the 19 sixties.
My secretary of education will be someone who has taught in public school my secretary of education.
Well, someone who believes in public education and my secretary of education will believe that public dollars should stay in public schools.
I come at this with a great deal of humility because we have had a lot of issues, especially when it comes to racial justice and policing in my own community.
And I come to this with some humility because I'm conscious of the fact that there's seven white people on this stage talking about racial justice, and I know that if I would black, my success would have been a lot harder to achieve.
And I know a lot of black people that if they were white, it would have been a lot easier for them.
That's just a fact that we've got to do something about it, then rather just demagogue about it.
Let's just go on the record.
They talk about 40 Democrats, 21 of those with people that I spent $100 million to help elect All of the new Democrats that came in, put Nancy Pelosi in charge and gave the Congress the ability to control this president.
I I got them.
The fact is not out of time.
You spoke over time, and I'm gonna talk.
Here's the deal way.
We've got to deal with the institute angle races.
Vice President.
Bush, I know how you cut me off all the time, but I'm not gonna be quiet anymore.
Okay, Mr Stiles, prevent North Korea from launching missiles to take them down.
And if we don't, why am I stopping you?
No one else stops.
There's my Catholic school training.
150 million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability more than all the wars, including Vietnam.
From that point on, corny John, our street not want to tell you if I'm elected in her, I'm coming for you and gun manufacturers.
I'm gonna take you, acknowledge that we should be renegotiating the new start treaty and the other arms negotiations.
That must happen.
This president just likes to do tweets at 4 a.m. In his bathrobe, gets out there and doesn't achieve the results we need.
I would meet with him, but I would do it with our allies.
I would have cleared of livable when I would have seen those deliverables.
At least I didn't have a boss who said to me Kill it the way that Mayor Bloomberg never have said to one of her Come on pregnant employees.
People want a chance to hear people want a chance to heavier from the women.
I never said that.
Senator Warren.
That is a very serious charge that you leveled at the Mayor.
Yeah, sold a woman to get an abortion.
What evidence do you have of that?
Her own words.
And Mayor Bloomberg, Could you respond to this?
Never said it, Period.
End of story.
If we spend the next four months tearing our party apart, we're gonna watch Donald Trump spend the next four years tearing our country apart.