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was definitely scary, more scary than anything that I've ever witnessed.
Mobs and masks these air scenes from Chinese hospitals Corona virus is spreading like wildfire throughout the country, and it was all happening during Ryan, the yacht's first ever trip to Asia.
Little vacation time.
Iran are just exploring Thailand and all the islands around it was It was a pretty epic time until the vacation near to 10 the night before.
Our last day is when the amount of people infected and people are dying figures really Rose and Ronnie says the scene at Bangkok Airport was a sea of masks and panic.
It was like a scene out of World War Z without the zombies and the airports were extremely crowded.
And some places they had you quarantine where you had Thio, given your temperature, they had, like, Dr Setups right there in the middle of the airport.
But I doubt whether we're gonna be able to come home.
But he did landing last night in returning to news that possible cases of Corona virus are being investigated here in Michigan.
My text messages were blowing up, asking if it was me who was the suspected cases.