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- These are really tricky questions, I don't know,
what would you guys do?
(upbeat music)
Would you rather spill a drink on your date's lap
or open your wallet three, oh!
Three condoms fall out, whoa!
Drink's gotta spill! (laughs)
Nah, nah, nah, I feel like,
condoms, safety is a good thing, man.
But I'm still taking the drinks option.
Accidentally smack your teeth during your first kiss,
or accidentally burp during your first kiss?
Smack teeth, sorry, burping is just really foul.
Taste and smell.
Have a date with bad breath, or really bad B.O.?
Pfft, (laughs) what would you guys think?
Feel like I'm gonna be heavily judged here right now.
I'm stumped, been stumped here.
This one I genuinely don't have an answer for this,
because smells, I'm pretty particular, like.
I think smells leave lasting impressions of people.
Go on a date with someone that spends 10 minutes
getting the perfect food Instagram shot,
or go on a date with someone that live tweets the date.
Yeah, the Instagram shot thing, it's a bit of a no-no.
Live tweet is definitely worse,
I'd rather the Instagram picture,
at least it's just over and done with.
Accidentally say I love you on a first date,
or accidentally start crying about your ex on a first date.
Definitely accidentally saying that, oh, whoa,
I love you, that is a bit ew-ish. (laughs)
That's a bit creepy, actually.
But crying about your ex on a first date,
I think I love you's the better mistake to make.
Fart halfway through a date, or always have the hiccups?
I don't know, but is it a fart, like, that's heard?
(Ovie laughs) - Yeah.
- Is it a fart that's heard,
it's very different, innit? - Yeah!
- If it's heard, it's just, like, oh,
you could just look around, type of.
I don't know, it's not that deep, everyone bloody farts,
but I think the hiccups would just be a bit awkward
over the, yeah, it would just be annoying
over the course of that date.
Forget your date's name, or, (laughs)
forget your date's name all through the date,
or accidentally call her your mum's name constantly?
Yeah, man, I'd rather accidentally call her my mum's name,
man, like, yeah, I love,
I love my mum, innit?
- [Producer] Would you date someone
with the same name as your mum?
- My mum won't have that, innit? (laughs)
Mum would not have that.
If she had the same name, like.
It would definitely come out.
Find out your girlfriend hates dogs,
or find out she cheated on her ex?
Ah, man, well.
No one really hates dogs, like.
Cheated on her ex, though?
That's also a tricky one.
Did she cheat for you?
Ooh! (laughs)
If you have cheated, it's different from cheated on your,
like, just your last-- - Last, yeah--
- Like, how much have you grown since then, like,
are you a completely new person?
As Voxi's love coach, I'm definitely going for
finding out my girlfriend hates dogs, then.
Have food in your teeth throughout the whole date,
or have a booger hanging out your nose the whole day.
Well, I would hope the person that I was gonna date
would tell me.
Depends, if we're going on a date and it's outside,
wearing a little boogey shows your humor. (laughs)
Shit, (laughs) this is not, what am I doing?
Find out your soulmate, and have all your friends hate them,
or stay single forever surrounded by your loving friends.
Well, obviously, finding my soulmate.
If my friends hate them, cool,
they won't hate me, so.
You have your best friends,
and you have your soulmate, perfect.
You can get a break from your soulmate,
you can get a break from your mates.
Perfect world.
Have a date that's more stylish than you,
or a date with way better hair?
More stylish than me
and you got better hair than me, perfect!
That means I've done great.
I'm punchin'! (laughs)
That's great, man.
Run into your ex on a date,
or run into your ex on their date?
If any of them happened, I have a rule.
Don't try and avoid it.
If you see them, and they've seen you,
an easy hello, it doesn't need to be an awkward situation.
What if you run into to an ex, and they ghosted you,
and you were on a date?
And what about if you were talking to your date about 'em,
oh, so a ex that ghosted you, - Oh, but, you're messaging,
- And you're like - And then, whoa!
- [Producer] Oh my god, I'm so busy tonight,
like I just can't do anything!
- Oh! (producers laughing)
- [Producer] Oh my God!
(everyone talking at the same time)