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  • forced to evacuate and thousands of homes left without power as record downpours caused chaos along the coast.

  • Let's go straight to Star James for the latest from Laken Jola on the South Coast.

  • Sarah, what's the situation where you are?

  • Natalia, would you take a look at these That is almost hard to believe.

  • We here on the main street at Lykken Jola were around 100 meters away from where the lake actually is.

  • And this is the main street and it is flooded.

  • First light.

  • This morning the waters were around 1.5 majors there, now, sitting at around 1.9 majors and water is slowly creeping into a number of residents homes.

  • It was around 2 30 this morning with the local caravan park.

  • The SCS were door knocking, warning people about the flood's coming this way and giving them the option to self evacuated.

  • They're being paper, wading through the waters here, trying to get out people around here in canoes as well as they're taking a look at what is exactly happening here.

  • It is so difficult to believe that this is the situation here at like controller.

  • After what an incredibly difficult start to the year.

  • It's bean here for so many residents, it is such a bushfire affected area and just up the road here, there are still many homes which are completely destroyed by the recent fires.

  • I didn't think it would do what I did because the light was virtually empty because the evaporation and being close.

  • I've never sent a fiber in that side of the lake in 40 years of living here.

  • And that was scary in there.

  • You get this again.

  • There's bean 78 millimeters of rain here it like controller in the last 24 hours just up the road.

  • And now there's been close to 200 millimeters of rain.

  • Are this low?

  • Is moving in a southerly direction.

  • There is expected to be more rainfall throughout the afternoon.

  • We'll have more updates as they come.

  • Natalia.

  • Okay, Zara.

  • Thank you.

  • On in Sydney, residents on the northern beaches have been forced to defend their properties after storms lashed the rager.

  • Enroth win millions is there.

  • We are right on high tide here in Colorado and this is the legacy of last night's a violent storm.

  • This seafoam Another spectacle in this unpredictable summer.

  • But the water that came in with the tide last night, it did cause considerable concern in this area and right through the neighboring suburb of narrow bean and evacuation order for around 4000 properties went out around seven o'clock last night.

  • With these floodwaters could in and data homes and leave this area completely cut off.

  • The SCS did have to rescue a number of people from their like site homes.

  • There are around 111 flood rescues right around the state last night and a huge 10,000 call outs.

  • Some people went to evacuation centers, while others, like business owners, they turned to sand bags to try and beat the deluge as it came rushing in water just came coming up.

  • Stand up straight from this direction and that direction before I knew it was about a foot outside the door, so we just closed up.

  • Everyone's out of sandbags.

  • We had to get in the beach, get the sandbags from this from the base and put it up against the doors.

  • Some residents they began to return home this morning, and here's was very relieved to find the real threat of landslide had spared his house.

  • We had to evacuate Two young kids, carried him out through the floodwaters and went over to estrange Joo local Judy to Jim and slept there.

  • Look the way that out.

  • He has a this morning, but the return off the high tide that is being watched very closely.

  • There is some relief from residents that the floodwaters didn't rise to more dangerous levels now, like so many communities throughout New South Wales that this summer a major cleanup is underway and could take some time.

  • And across the border in Queensland, residents are in the thick of a massive cleanup efforts.

  • Half to floods practically swallowed the town of Dolby, northwest of Brisbane.

  • Sophie Up, Croft Is there Dobie today, Extremely waterlogged but thankfully not underwater.

  • After the threat of storms overnight didn't come through, floodwaters have bean able to receive.

  • They dropped below a minor flood warning this morning.

  • This comes after the Mile Creek broke its banks In the early hours of yesterday afternoon, a massive 3.1 five meter torrent of writing floodwater swept through the town.

  • It's swallowed roads, submerged bridges and even gushed through back yards into the bottom levels off low lying Holmes.

  • Thankfully, no homes were destroyed and no lives have been lost.

  • Today, the focus is very much on the massive cleanup.

  • If it's straight, sweepers are in action council workers on the shovels, removing mud and fixing roads.

  • Here is the Darby man.

  • We're looking at a pretty major impact.

  • Council staff already started clean up, as you can see, across from the bridge over here, the flood debris, lot of soil on the roads and that and a lot of repairs back to where roads have been damaged.

  • There is still a chance that we could say more flooding here in Mile Craig if we get more heavy rainfall.

  • But thankfully, it won't be anything like the inundation.

  • They were saved yesterday.

forced to evacuate and thousands of homes left without power as record downpours caused chaos along the coast.


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B1 中級

南海岸の地域で火災が発生し、洪水が発生している。 (Fire-hit South Coast communities now flooding | Nine News Australia)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日