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Hi. This is Omar from DepressionHero.com, where I show you how I beat depression and
I think you can too using the same techniques that I have learned and without taking any
antidepressants. Today it is the Day of the Dead. I have two or three other videos about
the Day of the Dead, so I am not going to describe the altar that I have created here.
But what I do want to talk to you about is your ancestors and your history.
Here I have my ancestors who are now departed. One of the things that I have learned is that
in a family, certain patterns continue. These are energetic patterns. This may be a little
bit woo woo for you. It might be a little bit out there. But this is something that
I have learned and it makes total sense to me. The point is that if, for example, you
had a family member who passed away on a certain date or something happened, something of significance
happened on a certain date, then that date somehow gets propagated through the family,
especially if there are some family secrets. For example, some illegitimate children from
four, five or six generations ago or any kind of secrets like this that have been kept secret
by the family. But somehow energetically those dates and those patterns get propagated through
the family. I know it sounds weird but this is what I have learned and it makes sense,
like I said, to some extent. They have actually done all kinds of studies. I actually took
some classes with this teacher about this and it was really fascinating.
The reason I am talking to you about this and to do with depression is because it is
very possible that the depression that you are experiencing is not even yours. Perhaps
your family, your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents experienced some trauma
through war, through having to move out of their country before they came to wherever
country you are living in now. That kind of stuff is very, very traumatic.
I am from the Middle East. There has always been wars there, so actually my family is
traumatized. I have never discussed this with them. I am discussing with you for the first
time. But my family has experienced a trauma. We actually do not even talk about it, but
the trauma is there and it is in our bodies through cellular memory, because the cells
in your body have this memory which gets passed down, so there is this trauma. As a result,
there are certain patterns of thinking and feeling and behaving. You have certain beliefs
that are unconscious that you have picked up, that I have picked up and you probably
have too, through your parents and through their parents. These are all things that are
Here is a suggestion for you to do. Talk to your parents. Talk to your parents about what
beliefs they had, what experiences they had as children growing up, what traumas they
experienced. Maybe you already know this but maybe you never made the connection that this
was passed down to you because as a child, everything that you learned initially in the
first few years you learn through absorption of their energy. It is not through the words
because you cannot speak at that point and you definitely do not have the vocabulary,
but you learn those things through absorbing their energy. You feel it. You sense it. That
is how the child learns, through sensing. That is how you have absorbed your parents
energies and traumas and beliefs from the whole culture even.
One of the things that you can do to help you understand where your depression comes
from – Again this is from the desire, discover and do. That is the three part formula. You
have the desire to get out of depression. Now you are trying to discover one of the
sources of it. It could be from your parents and from their parents. Find out what traumas
they experienced that may have triggered depression for them that you have taken on without realizing.
You may actually have certain thoughts and beliefs and patterns of being, of thinking,
of feeling that are not even yours but that you have taken on because you saw them doing
this and having these beliefs and that became normal for you. Because it was normal, you
never questioned it.
Now is the time to discover the source and now is the time to question. Once you have
this understanding, then you can realize; Oh, I did not have those experiences. I did
not have to escape from my country and come to a new country and make new friends and
start from zero. I did not have that experience. Therefore, those beliefs are not mine. You
can consciously release them.
That is what I encourage you to do. That is your success task. Find out what traumas your
parents, your family experienced and see if that is what you have taken on subconsciously
without really having that experience that they had.
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video. I will see you in another video.