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  • Greetings! Happy Wednesday, or at least it is when I'm gonna record this and stuff.

  • Let's open a brand-new monitor in the box! This is a ViewSonic Optiquest Q71 17 inch monitor from the year 2001...

  • with the features that I want.

  • 1280x1024, 87 hertz refresh rate, .23 millimeter horizontal dot pitch.

  • ViewSonic makes pretty darn good tubes, or at least I remember them being good.

  • I haven't actually used one in a long time. But-

  • I wanna try it out! [Grunt]

  • And uh, use it for various projects. Look at all these awards that it won.

  • "Designed for Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 98." Awesome!

  • And yeah, I bought this new because...

  • [Box scraping noise]

  • You know, it's such a hard thing to find someone that's going to ship like a CRT properly.

  • And so, a new in box one is going to be packed properly. I know that-

  • and it's one reason I am happy to pay a little bit more for this. This was $79.

  • I think that's too much, but I don't really care. 'Cause I'm gonna use it.

  • [Cutting sounds]

  • Mmm!

  • Starting here, we have the base. [Chuckles] That's nice to have.

  • I've actually come across a few like, used CRTs of the era that just don't have the base.

  • I don't know who would take it off. You kinda need it.

  • Ah! See, nice form-fitting packaging.

  • This is pretty much what you have to try to mimic when you are shipping CRTs and

  • I am just sick and tired of, you know, ordering...

  • [Styrofoam falling noises]

  • a nice CRT and having it arrive completely busted, which is very easy to do even if you're very careful with packaging.

  • You can see even this very sturdily-made bit of styrofoam, in the packaging...

  • It broke, so it was smashed in the front of the box during shipment.

  • That would have not worked well with lesser packaging.

  • Okay, it looks like we have some stuff here. Oh! It has some software.

  • [Sniffs]

  • Nice fresh power cord, that smells perfect.

  • "ViewSonic Monitor Installation Disk for 95, 98, ME, and 2000," which is exactly the range of computers that I'm going to be using this with.

  • And here's the User Guide. It's just like... eh, you know, things you can do.

  • It's a very limited warranty with these. This was the Optiquest line of ViewSonic monitors.

  • The parts, I believe, were all the same pretty much.

  • But uh, they were a budget release because they didn't include things like extended warranties and like ViewSonic Parts & Repair services.

  • Yeah, they cheaped out.

  • Monitors themselves, though... Well...

  • They're still a ViewSonic... Mmm!

  • Look at this beast! Ahh, it's wonderful! That's a sweet looking CRT!

  • [Sniffing noise] Mm, and again, that smells brand-new and beautiful.

  • Mmm... fresh VGA cable...

  • I'm all about that base, man!

  • Let's uh... ooh!

  • Wh- wh- what does this do?

  • What a weird thing. That seems... utterly pointless, but maybe I'm just missing it.

  • Sticker is about the only indication that this thing is over 16 years old.

  • Not yellowed yet, which is nice! The sticker is yellowing though.

  • *Clatter*

  • Okay, I guess that's what that thing comes off for because now it makes it... a little easier to get on there.

  • *Click*

  • Awesome!

  • Urgh...

  • Ugh.

  • This thing is like, 50 pounds or something.

  • Just checked, it's uh, 40 pounds/18 kilograms.

  • Ha ha ha, wow.

  • That's a 17 inch monitor, I'd love to get like a 21 inch. There's some amazing Sony Trinitrons...

  • [Sigh] but man, those are really hard to find now!

  • I mean, you know, unless like... run across one at a thrift store, but that's just like... it's pretty much never going to happen.

  • *Click*

  • I've given up on finding... *sigh* computer CRTs in local thrift stores. I find them occasionally when I go to Greensboro.

  • There's a Value Village that still takes them in, but that's like the only place in the state that I've come across.

  • Oh man, let's turn this beast on... before I hook it up to anything.

  • Mmm!

  • Yeah... CRT sounds!

  • Nice!

  • "No signal! Course there's not!"

  • Might be able to not do anything until I plug anything in, but...

  • That's okay. *Click* Let's plug something in!

  • I'm going to plug in my somewhat... ngh, nasty looking these days, uh, Windows 98 capture machine here,

  • just generic beige thing that is very much turning yellow. I gotta do something about that. This thing is getting gross!

  • It used to be that color just a couple years ago. It has really gotten yellow over the past few years.

  • IBM Model M...

  • *Thud*

  • Standard frickin' 2 button HP mouse.

  • *Thud*

  • Mm, some speakers because I like sound.

  • And you got the wonderful monitor... plugged in there.

  • *Click*

  • *Computer whirring noise*

  • Yeah, I actually wanna repaint this whole thing, like I just wanna paint this computer like, I dunno, green or something.

  • That is looking nice! Oh ho, man!

  • Yeah, I do have a nice, awesome Gateway CRT in there.

  • Um, it had a Sony Trinitron tube in it, which is also fantastic in a 17 inch.

  • Um, it's very similar to this, spec-wise.

  • You know, it's used, I don't know what kind of history it has, and...

  • Alright Windows, let's see what you get. Man, those scanlines are looking beautiful.

  • Maaan, that's looking goood!

  • At least it is to me! I dunno know how it's looking at the camera.

  • Or to the camera cause I'm not- not looking.

  • "Degauss it!"

  • "Yes, degauss!"

  • *Click*

  • Sweet!

  • Okay, so that shows resolution and uh... refresh rate.

  • So let's max that thing out to um...

  • [Laughter] Can it go 1600x1200? It didn't say it could.

  • *SFX* We'll try it!

  • *Computer whirring noise*

  • "Out of range," yeah, well, okay, that makes sense.

  • I think it said, what, 1280x1024? So let's try that.

  • *SFX*

  • *Computer whirring noise*

  • Oh, yeah! Dude, that's a sharp 1280 too!

  • Wow ooh, that looks funky, even to me! I know it looks... probably weird on the camera, but,

  • Um, anyway, that refresh rate, what the heck is it?

  • Uh... that's 60, but... I would love to get up to 85, maybe that's what the disk is for.

  • It's looking good. There's a bit of a weird looking artifact up there, it's like a little red streak...

  • but yeah, that is wonderfully sharp.

  • Man... I remember looking at these monitors in Best Buy and Circuit City back in the day

  • and just being like, "Holy crap! The resolution is *insaaane*!"

  • Alright, let's try out that uh, that disk.

  • I wasn't gonna *snap* even mess with it, but...

  • maybe it'll be able to...

  • *Clattering & Disk insertion noises*

  • give me more options as far as being able to adjust

  • the refresh rate on the monitor cause it just sees it as Plug 'N Play.

  • Don't mind me, just messing with the color temperature on my camera. Ooh, that looks better.

  • Yeah, that's- that's a little closer to what I'm actually seeing.

  • So okay, uh, InstallShield Wizard is complete!

  • There we go, Optiquest Q71-6.

  • *SFX*

  • Not sure why it's asking me for that *chuckles* location, it already had it in there, but there it is.

  • Alright, cool! So that's the monitor.

  • *Clicking noises*

  • Eh, well, okay, so we can only choose 60 hertz on this uh, resolution, which makes sense.

  • If I put it to something more sensible...

  • like...

  • 1024x768...

  • We should be able to get a higher refresh rate.

  • There we go! 75, that's not bad!

  • There we go! Oh, that looks much better already.

  • Whoa...

  • So much easier on the eyes.

  • Okay, I'm ready to try out a game on here and...

  • Actually, Jazz Jackrabbit 2 might be interesting to see.

  • So... yeah, we're not going to be able to go any higher than 640x480 on this one but that is okay.

  • [♪ Game Music and SFX ♪]

  • Still looks lovely.

  • [♪ Game Music and SFX ♪]

  • Oh ho....

  • [♪ Game Music and SFX ♪]

  • That looks glorious!

  • [♪ Game Music and SFX ♪]

  • Man, that's some good color!

  • Ohhh...

  • *Chuckles*

  • CRTs make me happy, especially new old stock ones, man!

  • This is wonderful.

  • [♪ Game Music and SFX ♪]

  • I'd say... this is at least on par with that... uh...

  • Gateway in there with the Sony tube... if not a little better! I'm liking the colors by default a little better!

  • I haven't adjusted the color at all, temperature or... you know, brightness, contrast, or anything.

  • [♪ Game Music and SFX ♪]

  • It's looking delightfully rich, although, of course, you're seeing it through a camera through a YouTube video,

  • so... it's not like-

  • *Chuckles*

  • Maybe it looks like garbage! I don't know.

  • My apologies for that 75 hertz headache-inducing footage from a moment ago.

  • It looks amazing in-person because, you know, higher framerates are nicer on the eyes,

  • but, er... it looks like garbage on a camera and that's just how that works because of shutter speeds, so, whoops.

  • But anyway, thanks for watching this random ramble of me unboxing a random thing,

  • which is not that random because I chose it on purpose.

  • But if you enjoyed this, then I- you know, great, but-

  • *Chuckles*

  • This is not what I typically do!

  • On the other hand, this is just something that I wanted to upload here, outside of my normal upload schedule because it's exciting to me!

  • I love old monitors, especially when they're new. I don't get too many chances to open brand-new computer monitors,

  • so anyway, back to the normal LGR scheduled programming.

  • Friday, and then Monday, and then Friday, Monday, Friday, Monday, and then...

  • If I decide to do anything else like this, I guess I will.

  • Thanks for watching!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday, or at least it is when I'm gonna record this and stuff.


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LGR - 新しい17インチViewSonic CRTモニターの開梱 (LGR - Unboxing a New 17" ViewSonic CRT Monitor)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日