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A22-15 A 22 Homer's "Iliad" tells the tale of the First Crusade.
When we think of Homer's Troy, we imagine it in fantasy hues of times long gone.
And yet the latest research conducted of one of the world's leading mathematicians proves it to us irrefutably: what we know as the "Trojan War" was in fact the First Crusade!
We aren't talking about obvious parallels between two major military campaigns separated by millennia - the Trojan War and the First Crusade are but different names of one and the same military campaign.
The former ended up in the distant past due to the blatantly erroneous chronology that we use - one that was created by the Jesuits in the 16th 17th century.
This chronology, regarded by many as the absolute historical truth, contains many gaps and repetitions.
Most major historical events (as well as personalities and even places) have several phantom duplicates arbitrarily dated to various antediluvian epochs and presumed completely unrelated to one another: the Trojan War and the First Crusade are a perfect example.
Our entire view of the so-called "Antiquity" and the Middle Ages changes radically; history becomes streamlined and unencumbered by all the dark ages, lost empires and mystical cyclic patterns that afflict the official version.
Classical Greek poleis become one with the mediaeval Crusader states, ancient Egyptian paganism identifies as Coptic Christianity, and historical Troy, Constantinople and Jerusalem turn out to be the same city on the Bosporus, which we know as Istanbul.
Jesus Christ was born in 1053 A D and crucified in 1086 A D!
Crusaders did not wait for one thousand years to punish the tormentors of Jesus!
There isn't a single Crusader map in existence that would locate Jerusalem in Palestine (or indeed give us any detailed information about that region) - unlike modern historians, mediaeval cartographers knew the location of the Holy Land perfectly well.
Sounds absurd?
Not if you have read "History: Fiction or Science?"
by Professor Anatoly Fomenko: a brilliant mathematician and a true scientist to the core: unconfined by dogmatic thinking and determined to get to the bare historical truth at any cost.
Was there really a Dark Age?
It is common knowledge that the Classical Age was followed by many centuries of utter stagnation and decline with virtually nothing happening but wars and famine and the destruction of the priceless ancient monuments.
Then, during the Renaissance, the Classical authors re-appear from oblivion, Latin and Greek become resurrected as the intelligentsia Esperanto of the Middle Ages, numerous manuscripts re-appear from oblivion to be copied, enter wide circulation, and vanish again, never to be found.
How preposterous would it be to suggest that there were no Dark Ages to separate the antiquity from the Renaissance - that the "Re-naissance" was in fact the naissance of the Western European culture as we know it?
It does contradict everything that we may ever have learnt about history.
However, new methods offered by empirical statistics and developed by Anatoly Fomenko, the Russian mathematician, and his colleagues, provide plenty of evidence to support the theory that the Dark Ages are a phantom.
We find lots of spicy morsels in the cauldron of history- fancy the statue of Marcus Aurelius lost for several centuries and then found "by accident" on one of the Roman streets, or Senators congregating amongst the ruins of the Capitol due to their being "nostalgic about the great imperial past of the Empire", or the pagan temples turning Christian at the wink of an eye, with the name of the saint coinciding with the name of the pagan deities that these very temples were consecrated to in the mysterious "days of yore"?
This book will change your entire perception of History forever!
What if Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were invented during the Renaissance?
What if The Old Testament was a rendition of events of the Middle Ages?
What if Jesus Christ was born in 1053 and crucified in 1086 AD?
Sounds Unbelievable?
Not after you've read "History: Fiction or Science?"
by Anatoly Fomenko, the leading mathematician of our time.