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  • Hi! This is Mark from I�m going to give you another character

  • trait of people that achieve tremendous transformations. So, this is another character trait that weve

  • identified that our clients at Bedford and Milton Keynes, the character trait that they

  • have. And therefore, it allows them to achieve an amazing transformation. One of these is

  • the fact that they don�t blame others for their slipups. So, a lot of people, when they

  • slip up, when they either eat bad food or they don�t do what they feel they need to

  • do to lose weight or to get in the shape that they want to, they blame others and they blame

  • the circumstances, they blame the situation that theyre in, other than themselves.

  • Now, a good example is perhaps when you go to Londonthis has actually happened to

  • me. I went to London. I spent the day out and I didn�t really plan what I�d be eating

  • and I got ravenous. And when I�m hungry, it�s like my willpower goes, and I�ve

  • probably got the worst willpower when I�m hungry. Most of the time, I don�t actually

  • allow myself to have to rely on my willpower because you only obviously have a finite amount

  • of willpower. But this time, I did, and I was a case of either eat some bad food � I

  • think it was some cake or brownies, which are my kind of go-to if I ever want to make

  • myself feel good for 10 seconds and terrible for the next 2 hours. But, it was that or

  • feel bad and not eat any food. And because, like I say, my willpower is low when I�m

  • hungry and I have low blood sugar, I ate the brownie. However, a lot of people would blame

  • the fact that, oh, I was in London. I couldn�t eat well, or I was out for the day. I couldn�t

  • eat well. Now I knew that this was all down to me. This is my choice. I hadn�t planned

  • and that was my fault. But I�m not going to beat myself up about it. I�m simply going

  • to put things in place so the next time when I�m in the same situation, it won�t happen

  • again. So I know that when I�m in London or if I�m out for the day, I can�t realistically

  • rely on my willpower to not eat bad food if I�m hungry, so I�ll just simply accept

  • that that�s with me, and this will allow me not to be in the same situation again.

  • So, that is the kind of character trait you want to have if youre to achieve a transformation,

  • is if you slip up, yes, you slipped up. You can�t blame anyone else other than yourself,

  • but blame yourself for all of half a second, and then get straight back on track and put

  • things in place that it will never happen again. I�d love to hear your comments. Let

  • me know if you think that youve been a victim of blaming others instead of yourself

  • when perhaps it is more of your own fault. And don�t beat yourself up about it is the

  • main key. Alright! I�d love to hear your comments. This is Mark from

Hi! This is Mark from I�m going to give you another character


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B1 中級

MKブートキャンプ - あなたが変身したい場合は、間違っても他の人のせいにしないでください。 (MK Bootcamp - If You Want Transformation, Don't Blame Others When You Go Wrong)

  • 175 7
    curt に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日