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Hi! This is Mark from iloveweightloss.co.uk. I�m going to give you another character
trait of people that achieve tremendous transformations. So, this is another character trait that we�ve
identified that our clients at Bedford and Milton Keynes, the character trait that they
have. And therefore, it allows them to achieve an amazing transformation. One of these is
the fact that they don�t blame others for their slipups. So, a lot of people, when they
slip up, when they either eat bad food or they don�t do what they feel they need to
do to lose weight or to get in the shape that they want to, they blame others and they blame
the circumstances, they blame the situation that they�re in, other than themselves.
Now, a good example is perhaps when you go to London � this has actually happened to
me. I went to London. I spent the day out and I didn�t really plan what I�d be eating
and I got ravenous. And when I�m hungry, it�s like my willpower goes, and I�ve
probably got the worst willpower when I�m hungry. Most of the time, I don�t actually
allow myself to have to rely on my willpower because you only obviously have a finite amount
of willpower. But this time, I did, and I was a case of either eat some bad food � I
think it was some cake or brownies, which are my kind of go-to if I ever want to make
myself feel good for 10 seconds and terrible for the next 2 hours. But, it was that or
feel bad and not eat any food. And because, like I say, my willpower is low when I�m
hungry and I have low blood sugar, I ate the brownie. However, a lot of people would blame
the fact that, oh, I was in London. I couldn�t eat well, or I was out for the day. I couldn�t
eat well. Now I knew that this was all down to me. This is my choice. I hadn�t planned
and that was my fault. But I�m not going to beat myself up about it. I�m simply going
to put things in place so the next time when I�m in the same situation, it won�t happen
again. So I know that when I�m in London or if I�m out for the day, I can�t realistically
rely on my willpower to not eat bad food if I�m hungry, so I�ll just simply accept
that that�s with me, and this will allow me not to be in the same situation again.
So, that is the kind of character trait you want to have if you�re to achieve a transformation,
is if you slip up, yes, you slipped up. You can�t blame anyone else other than yourself,
but blame yourself for all of half a second, and then get straight back on track and put
things in place that it will never happen again. I�d love to hear your comments. Let
me know if you think that you�ve been a victim of blaming others instead of yourself
when perhaps it is more of your own fault. And don�t beat yourself up about it is the
main key. Alright! I�d love to hear your comments. This is Mark from iloveweightloss.co.uk.