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What is going on, guys?
So here we have the HCG death Army Kid, otherwise known as the Dark Army.
For those of us in the U.
S who grew up watching g gonna onto NAMI, I was always a big fan of G.
I like it.
I know a lot of people aren't really big fans of its kind of divided fan base for a G condom.
But I was definitely really happy when band I announced this kid.
It's a continuation of band eyes line of making these alternate universe Grun suits like the Leo, the Magen Ock and now the Death Army kids.
So I wonder what's gonna be next.
I don't know, but I'm sure you're bound to see some variants of this.
Probably just the four legged, very intimate.
There's a bill diverse variant, which is also a four legged version.
I think we'll probably see a regular for the good version of this, but if you guys watch the eye, build a video, the live build off this I did have some mixed opinions, mixed thoughts on that.
So we'll go through those here, of course, in the Review video.
As always, guys Thank you.
USA gonna store for their support.
If you want to check the link down in a video description, you can check out this kid and everything else there can save 10% off everything using the coupon code there.
Zachary Alias tend to check that out.
Now, let's just talk about the few accessories that this has.
First off, let's start off with the simple stuff here.
As for his hand options, you just got these two holding hands.
Then you do have 1/3 1 as well, Which is this kind of very large open.
And this is for holding the weapon, which would be here, the club shaped beam rifle.
So this is just obviously a club shaped beam rifle.
This does have a seam line all the way down the middle of that in this front, cat part is just a cap on the front of their.
Just to have so much good to see you alive seems all the way through all these spikes and through this inner detail in there, you can see there's a little hole here on the side, and that is where this is going to plug onto this open hand here for using the rifle also as and melee weapon as a club.
Like so.
Otherwise you just hold it and just the regular holding hand.
Just pop it into their like so and it holds it will.
Now, if I was not gonna have any issues with that now, these pegs on the side Not really sure what you can do with those, because I don't think you really plug into the back or hear anything.
Yeah, strangely, it doesn't actually really fit into that hole there.
It seems like it might, but it doesn't last thing.
It does also come with the folded up version of the foot.
For your transforming into a kind of its covering mode.
As for a sticker is the only stickers you have us just for the mano y there were actually two different ones.
You can actually turn the model I around.
Let's pop off the top of the head, which is pretty easy enough.
And you basically got two forms of the model.
I know this one thing.
You guys told me it's the scanning motor than you can pull out this part in here, and it's kind of like an SD kit.
You've got the two different versions of the eyes on the front and back of this Parsi.
Just turn that part around to the other side and you have the smaller model, which I think you guys said is kind of basically like the inactive version, or I might have them backwards Anyway.
You've got two versions of the mano y there, and that's it for the stickers.
Now I'm actually really surprised that you didn't get little black Circle your stickers for these two little black circles there on the front of the just and then down here on the front of the legs there as well.
Just for reference will take a look at the manual here.
You see, those are black circles there and there and obviously would have been cool if those were actual separate off black parts set inside there.
But it's really surprising that those weren't actual stickers construing again.
This is just a cheap, simple high grade.
But whatever the case, just a little bit of black paint and there should sort you out anyway.
Let's just talk about the articulation here.
Head will go up to there, which is actually pretty good, considering it's this head is sort of somewhere to like Leo or a sock or something, where it's just very simple and very low set into the body there, but actually pretty good up and down articulation up and down there like that.
Shoulders will actually swing out to the front.
They're pretty far like that.
And then you could move these up and down just a little bit.
We're going to be careful cause I keep running into this problem.
Keep popping off.
You can see, first of all, just a very odd connection.
See how how far away the arm is set out there away from the body.
But the shoulder armor just sits up on top of there, and it's not a very strong connection.
And if I just keep touching, Ron keeps popping up very easily.
But the lives we just got some rotation here at the top of the arm joint in the elbow will give you about 90 degrees and that is about it.
The wrist, of course, just on a ball game.
But we do also have a hinge there in the wrist as well, which is pretty nice.
The hands are, you know, they are where they are.
They're a little bit ugly looking, in my opinion, but they do sort of match the design.
I suppose in the stomach section, we do have some Ford and back bend here a little bit and then side to side as well.
It's just kind of wanna Baldwin in there, so you can also rotate that the waist a little bit as well.
These skirt armor parts, the front skirt will move up to there and conceit.
Nice color separation of the red in there.
That's cool on the side script.
Those also move up a little bit and the back skirts kind of weird.
It will move up.
It's two parts.
The lower part can move up like that.
It's actually meant to fold in like that for the transformation, which we'll see in a moment as far as the legs.
Those can come out all the way to the size of no problem with that and then all the way up to the front, about to 90 degrees and then bend at the knees.
Just got the single joint, which will give you just a little bit more than 90 degrees.
Like that interesting detail again before the transformation.
They're at the ankles.
Those will move side to side pretty well like that, and then forward up Thio about their back to about.
They're without popping off the ball joint.
Polly cap in there and then up Bernie with you got some detail there as well.
It looks pretty good self.
One thing that I will say about this kid right after that is that it's pretty weak just moving it around here.
I mean, I just built it up just yesterday, and I'm just moving around here kind of pretty gently.
You know, I'm not like, thrashing around or anything, and a lot of stuff keeps wanting.
Fall off.
The arm fell off the shoulder.
Armor keeps popping off really easily, and I mention this in live build to the legs are really loose, kind of.
So where the hip is connected to the leg there, where it's like rotating there.
That part is tight enough, but the connection of that great part into like the lower like here is kind of loose, so, like the legs kind of loose on here and doesn't really feel like a really strong connection.
It seems to be holding a leg on there well enough.
It's not popping off of that ball joint up inside there, but it's kind of a little loose.
It doesn't feel very solid anyway.
As far as the general construction of the kid.
There's two things that I won't mention, one good and one bad.
So the good thing is, as I alluded to before, is the color.
Separation is pretty good.
Lots of bits that you would think unlike normal high grades would probably just be a simple sticker are not like the red, but here on the front skirts these dark brown parts than the shoulder.
Is this actual part separation here on the face of red parts, dark brown parts and just the light, tan ish parts there.
So the color separation in a few different areas is pretty good, and basically you have color separation everywhere where you need it.
Except for as I mentioned the black dots around on some of these parts, we kind of have a nice to have those colors separated parts.
But the negative thing that I'll point out about this kid is just the amount of seam lines that it has.
It does have a lot of them to the front and back half of the torso that it seemed like between there.
That's pretty standard, though.
On the shoulder here, this end cap is a solid piece, but, uh, across the top of the salary of a seam line there on the four army of a seam line down the side of this forearm parts and then on this dark green party of a seam line down the middle of that with the spike and everything.
So seam line through there on the thighs, a seam line down the middle of their on the lower leg on a seam line down the back half of that's not on the front, though Luckily, that's covered up by a part there in the front.
And then, as I mentioned on the rifle, a swell.
So there's quite a lot of seems on the skin, which you say it's a high grade.
What do you expect?
Yes, that's true, but compared to other Julio and Marga, not feel like this one has more, especially compared to just kind of high res in general, these days are kind of doing a lot better as faras hiding the seam lines or just having less seam lines.
This one seems like it has a lot that probably could have been avoided in different ways.
If it was up to me to guess, Of course, you know, we have to kind of put some trust in Bandy's engineers that they probably did their best with eso.
There's probably reasons for why it does have the sea mines, but it just makes it more work for us as modelers to have to deal with those before getting ready to paint this kid.
And for a quick size comparison here it is with the Magen Ock and the Ark 72 Gundam, so you can see there are gonna be generally a little bit shorter than your standard Gundam.
And again, just about the comparison with the monarch also had some pretty good color separation.
There was some of the different orange and brown parts fitting in together, but definitely less seam lines compared to the Death army kit.
Now, some of the same lines on the Maga knock were they were able to hide as panel lines, and maybe they just didn't want to add Penhall lines to the death army.
Maybe they wanted to keep it close as possible to the original artwork would be my guess as to why they did it that way.
But again, it's just something to point out for you guys to be aware of when you're building a kid.
Here's a look at the gate once you've transformed it, basically just by holding up the legs, swapping out the feet and then kind of pulling the armor on the back of the angles around over the top of the new folded up feet.
And that's pretty much it.
And I guess this is sort of it's a hover mode, kind of basically.
So, uh, it's cool that it can do that.
I don't know how many feel really good.
I want to display their kid like this.
So it's always nice when Banda includes stuff like this just cool stuff that you're able to recreate with the kids.
But this kind of goofy anyway.
The kid, overall, I think, is pretty good in terms of it just being a fun, a simple HD kit of a I would say fan favorite, as in it's a favorite among people who are actually fans of the series.
If you're not a big fan of G.
Gundam, I don't know if this is we're gonna be really very popular suit.
I've really heard a whole lot of people saying they like this suit, but they don't like you got him as a serious So I don't know those guys who maybe don't aren't big fans of the serious What do you think about this mobile suit in general, what you think about this kit?
I personally would think that it would be kind of appealing to people, even if they aren't big fans of G Gundam that just it's just still a pretty cool looking mobile suits just in general as a grunt.
And it would be very easy to customize this, I think, by adding other Penhall lines or details or weathering, especially if you wanted to know whether this up, dirty it up, you know, damaged and all that kind of stuff you'd be very easy to do is just very simple.
Get it?
Didn't you guys watch?
The live bill didn't take any time at all to get this put together.
Let's go!
The overall message here is just that.
It's cheap, simple, but effectively finally gives us an actual model kit of the death Army, which is cool.
It's appreciated as a fan.
I like it.
It's not the best get in the world, but it is what it is.
And I'm just glad that we got an actual kid of this rather than not having one for the longest time.
So it's pretty cool.
I'm definitely looking forward to working on this little bit more in the future, not looking forward to some of those steam lines, especially through the steam lines, like on the rifle going through those spikes and everything.
That's gonna be a a real pain in the ass.
But I don't know.
We'll just have to see what we can do about that.
In the meantime, guys, thank you so much for watching.
If you have questions or comments, of course, feel free to leave those down below again.
Think of us again in store for their support, and, as always, guys, you don't have a great day.