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But what we're seeing is that pneumonia in particular a kind of pneumonia, which is called interstitial pneumonia that produced much dismay are dismayed.
Means that that you've got a short in breath were difficult to breathe the while doing everyday activity.
This is due because at the place where infection is between, where they all Bailey under the vascular off, the longer because of the fact that in this situation is difficult from oxygen 20 in the blood on the car, both drops it to get outside in air.
And so this is why this disease is particularly stressful for the patients because of theirs, very little oxygen in the blood.
Actually, they made main age that we are falling.
It's order people.
We've got very, very few pediatric cases.
Most off the cases are people above the age of 40 on.
Actually, the greatest eight group is people above the age of 50.
In particular, male patient appears to be more a tourist rather than female.
Whenever with your patient with indecision, pneumonia that he's caused by stars called to this is the name off.
The virus is not that easy to understand.
Who are the patient will do good or will do bad because actually, we've got quite limited unification in order to forecast what the clinical evolution off this patient will be as all this is a part off, the difficulty in management this patient, not easy to understand will the patient will go to worse.
So we need tohave content monitoring off these patient because apparently we had made patients that that seems to be quite a stable.
But in very few hours that they may develop respiratory insufficiency and they needed to go in tow intensive care unit.
It is likely a small proportion, but it really depends on the vulnerability off the patients.
And so so far, actually, we know that only a minority off this station we needed to create this patient.
Well, since the very beginning, we are trying to use also antiviral drugs that drugs that may have antiviral activities.
So in particular as soon as they cases confirmed, we are using drugs and that we generally have been used in H I V infection that these protease inhibitors together withdraw.
See Clarkin Onda soon as the patient is off course that these drugs are off label because they are not registering for stars called to infection, but there are clinical trial that are working in orderto address its benefit counter this epidemic 10 days ago but nevertheless in the past 10 days and we'll be falling approximately certifications.
Okay, But what I want to stress is that in the past 10 days, all our activity totally change.
This is the experience in Italy in which the epidemic started two weeks ago.
I think that Italian and Canadian house system have got many similarities on, So please take advantage of what has beena they the epidemic evolution in our country in order to forecast what presumably may happen in your country.
So first of all, think that the first case has bean in a hospital on this patient was not recognized for 45 days having sask off, too because of the fact that contemporary he had a severe bacterial pneumonia.
So first message to say is that most of the time, let me say very frequently Surkov infection to is associated with bacterial new Meena, the Italian situation.
The case zero was a person that had contact with China, but he was totally asymptomatic.
So sometimes it's so difficult to identify the case.
Zero but the case one should not be messed because he will be a patient who is admitted in the hospital with severe pneumonia.
And so please, in this situation test as much as you come.
So we need to work on this is the message for Canada.
Do all what you can tow identify the very first cases because in this situation, the isolation procedure will work must with regard to death rate we are still in a In a situation in which the death rate is approximately 2% so is not huge.
But the burden off this disease with regard of the way in which has changed the lives off people is already very huge on the burden off.
Economic consequence is really huge.
On go again off course, we needed to avoid the death.
But we also need to avoid infection because of the impact is really back.
One tool that we thought was very useful is to build a new electronic chart, that community between the territory on the hospital, but also that is in the hands off the patients that will be in warranty.
So people worrying for until May be very much stressed.
They maybe they feel alone.
They doctor are not going to visit them most of the case because there's no enough.
So actually, what we do is try to empower them toe right.
Us in an Elektronik tried on the web or what?
Their condition?
The fever.
They respiratory rate?
What is it?
A respiratory distress.
So that to understand which are the danger signs that will require, for instance, hospitalization.
So I think very important is to be prepared also with a telemedicine approach.
Weiss Population get crazy.
All the people want to seek to be tested.
Any kind of fever is going to the hospital.
That's no God is wrong, is dangerous.
Actually, this epidemic started at 10 12 days ago in my hospital, but, uh, we live here.
We've got very few hours to go home every day because we need to be working.
Let me say 18 hour day off course, that is difficult to sustain in the long term.
But we can even think that this will not be a short and mistaking most of my time in the hospital.
That's the issue.
But let me say this is something personal off course.
This has been something very stressful.
But I'm also very proud to be working in this situation because off the fact actually we are in front line.
We know that if we are quiet, we understand what we are doing.
We try to give a clear message.
Well, it's also a big honor to be to work in this situation and be in touch with people.
Try relief Their problem.
I'm tryingto make them understand that this situation can be controlled most of the time.
It is a severe disease, but it's not a deadly disease.
We can cope with this disease.
We now must not get in tow.
Panic as though is very important.
Toby present here to give clear message.
People must not be afraid.
They will change their way of living for a while.
OK, but give a message That is for sure that we will cope with this epidemic.