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  • Tomorrowland at Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World, is the one land at the park that’s

  • seen the most attractions come and go.

  • Ascetically, the land has also changed from its original sleek retro look, to the steampunk

  • space theme we got with the 1994 refurbishment.

  • It’s really tough having a land based on the future when the future will always become

  • the present or past, so frequent updates are needed to keep it current.

  • Today Tomorrowland is going through a little bit of an identity crisis and Disney is slowly

  • updating parts of it.

  • There are many defunct attractions and while Tomorrowland has in a sense become yesterday

  • land, if you know where to look and what to listen for, there are many hidden references

  • and remnants left over from many extinct Disney attractions!

  • So today were gonna be looking at some Tomorrowland history and counting down the

  • Top 5 Hidden Secrets and remnants of Extinct Attractions in Tomorrowland.

  • Number 5 If you ever use these restrooms at the back

  • of Tomorrowland, youre actually walking into part of an extinct Disney World attraction.

  • The Skyway was one of the opening day attractions at Magic Kingdom in 1971.

  • While you were seated in your gondola, you able to travel back and forth from Tomorrowland

  • to Fantasyland while getting a great birds eye view of the park.

  • It was a popular attraction with guests and it was a great way to get between two different

  • lands.

  • The fantasyland station was located where the Tangled Restrooms are today and the Tomorrowland

  • Station was across from Space Mountain.

  • On November 10th 1999 the Skyway was closed for good in an effort to remove some of the

  • older rides to make way for new experiences.

  • Well so much for creating new experiences because for almost 10 years, from November

  • 1999 until September 2009, the Tomorrowland Skyway station remained abandoned until it

  • was demolishedwell partially demolished is more accurate.

  • These restrooms in Tomorrowland were actually the restrooms that used to be in the Tomorrowland

  • Skyway station.

  • Disney only tore down the top floor that contained the load area for the Skyway and the front

  • portion of the building with the waterfall.

  • In this old video you can see these are the exact same restrooms and even the original

  • signage on the building seems to have survived.

  • So just when you thought that the new Skyliner would be the only tribute to this extinct

  • Disney attraction, always remember that this restroom building was actually a part of the

  • original Tomorrowland Skyway.

  • Number 4 Tomorrowland currently has the oddly placed

  • Rocket Tower Plaza Stage in the middle of the land, but did you know that Tomorrowland

  • used to actually be home to a real outdoor amphitheatre with seating?

  • That’s right, the area right here where Buzz Lightyear currently meets used to be

  • open and behind these walls there was the Galaxy Palace Theatre.

  • It originally opened in 1980 as the Tomorrowland Stage and used to be home to revue style shows

  • that were such a beloved part of the 90s at Magic Kingdom.

  • {Singing} Disney World a Wonderland!

  • The kids of the kingdom ladies and gentlemen.

  • During the 1994 refurbishment of Tomorrowland, the theatre was renamed to the Galaxy Palace

  • Theatre and it opened with a show called Galaxy Search.

  • {Music} Its been a blast but its time for us to move!

  • Galaxy Search!

  • Where the heart of us is a stage.

  • So long from Galaxy Search!

  • As the years went on, the theatre was only used for dance competitions and hard ticket

  • events like Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party, then in January of 2009 Disney decided

  • to close the theatre for good.

  • They constructed a wall under the PeopleMover, installed a Buzz Lightyear meet and greet

  • and just like that the entertainment venue became defunct.

  • The theatre footprint is now a backstage area with a cast member parking lot.

  • There are no real references left over from the theatre but just knowing that the Disney

  • magic used to continue beyond these concrete walls creates this sense of wonderment when

  • you walk by.

  • It’s fun imagining what this area would have been like prior to 2009, and quite frankly

  • with how busy the park has become, having this added capacity of an entertainment venue

  • today would help disperse some crowds.

  • Maybe one day Tomorrowland will get another stage like the Galaxy Palace Theatre but until

  • then, this wall will serve as a reminder of this extinct Disney attraction.

  • Number 3 Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin opened

  • on October 8th, 1998 and before your mission was to defeat the evil emperor Zurg, this

  • space used to be home to what was originally known as Delta Dreamflight.

  • When the attraction opened in 1989 it was sponsored by Delta Airlines and they remained

  • the attractions sponsor until 1995.

  • After Delta pulled their sponsorship, the ride was briefly renamed to just Dreamflight

  • then when it was refurbished to remove all references to Delta it became Take Flight.

  • Well the changeover from Take Flight to Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin only took 11 months

  • which is very quick for Disney.

  • Since it was a quick turnaround you can find many references leftover from this extinct

  • attraction in Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin.

  • It starts right at the marquee sign.

  • The original sign for Delta Dreamflight was shipped as a cloud and if you take a look

  • under the blue trim of the Buzz Lightyear sign, well youll see its in the shape of

  • a cloud and was just recycled from the old attraction sign.

  • With that blue trim around the edge it does disguise its shape as a cloud when youre

  • looking at it from the front.

  • Now once you get inside the attraction and board your ride vehicle, youre actually

  • traveling along the original Delta DreamFlight track.

  • Disney built Buzz Lightyears Space Ranger spin around the old track, which is why the

  • track is elevated above the show scenes.

  • One last left over reference from Delta Dream Flight is when you enter the emergency escape

  • hatch.

  • If you ever thought it was kinda strange that you were going from such a vibrant set of

  • show scenes into what seems like a very disconnected tunnel that doesn’t really fit, well thats

  • because it was just a leftover scene from Delta DreamFlight.

  • Originally you passed into a giant turbo jet that looked like this.

  • As you enter the emergency escape hatch, youll also see these red side lights, similar to

  • the lights in Dreamflight.

  • Then once you got into the physical tunnel Delta Dreamflight used to project a flying

  • sequence on the ceiling and walls, but now youll find spaceships and aliens flying

  • here instead.

  • Number 2 The Tomorrowland Transit Authority People

  • mover is a classic Disney attraction that originally opened as the Wedway People Mover

  • in 1975.

  • With many attractions coming and going the PeopleMover script has always been altered

  • and modified since the attraction does offer a grand circle tour around Tomorrowland.

  • Currently after you pass the space mountain lift hill into this corridor youll hear-

  • Paging Mr Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow.

  • Please contact Mr. Johnson in the control tower to confirm your flight to the Moon.”

  • Now you might think that Mr. Tom Morrow is just a play on words of Tomorrow and it definitely

  • is but its also a reference to an old extinct attraction.

  • In the show building where Stitch’s Great Escape used to be, this was once home to Flight

  • to the Moon from 1971 until 1975.

  • In the attraction’s pre show there was an animatronic character named Mr. Tom Morrow

  • who was the director of operations at Mission Control.

  • In 1975 the attraction was renamed Mission to Mars and was slightly re-themed.

  • They still kept the Mr. Morrow animatronic but he then became Mr Johnson.

  • Mission to Mars closed in October of 1993 and Tomorrowland’s 1994 refurbishment is

  • the first time these extinct attractions were referenced on the PeopleMover.

  • In the 1994 script as you approached the Carousel of Progress you used to hear- “Paging Mr.

  • Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow your party for Saturn has arrived.

  • Please give them a ring.”

  • In 2009 the PeopleMover script received a revamp and that’s when Disney changed it

  • to reference both Mr Tom Morrow from Flight to the Moon and Mr. Johnson from Mission to

  • Mars.

  • Paging Mr Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow.

  • Please contact Mr. Johnson in the control tower to confirm your flight to the Moon.”

  • Number 1 Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor is the newest

  • Tomorrowland attraction and it opened on April 2nd 2007.

  • Before Mike Wazowski and the other monsters were telling jokes to collect laughs this

  • space used to be home to the TimeKeeper.

  • The TimeKeeper was another attraction that opened in 1994 with the refurbishment of Tomorrowland

  • and like the rest of new Tomorrowland, TimeKeeper has this steampunk retro theme.

  • When the attraction closed in February of 2006 to make way for Monsters Inc Laugh Floor

  • a lot of the Timekeeper queue was left in tact.

  • Pretty much everything in the queue that doesn’t directly relate to Monster’s Inc is a leftover

  • reference from The Timekeeper like the green archway.

  • During its time as the Timekeeper, these archways had TVs hanging from the beams and today each

  • of them has this hallow oval shape where the TV used to attach to the beam.

  • The TVs also had wires extending to either side and these wires used to attach to the

  • lasers on the right hand side.

  • This steampunk futuristic lasers is still in the Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor queue and

  • it definitely doesn’t match the aesthetic of Monsters Inc.

  • The water pillars were also part of the Timekeeper as well.

  • When you take a look at the design of the interior of the attraction compared to the

  • queue, there are definitely two very different looks.

  • The Timekeeper and former attractions in this space were presented in Circle Vision, and

  • when you look at the layout of the theatre it’s still retained its circular form acting

  • as another remanent and reminder of the past.

  • In mid 2018 Disney removed the spaceship outside of Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor that was added

  • in 1994 and they replaced the marquee sign with something that looks almost identical

  • to the old signs of Tomorrowland prior to 1994.

  • Slowly the 1994 references are being removed and although the timekeeper has been defunct

  • for more than a decade, these remnants that are still left act as a little reminder of

  • the beloved extinct Tomorrowland attraction!

  • So if you could bring back one of these defunct Tomorrowland attractions which one would you

  • choose?

  • I’d love to know!

  • I’d love to know!

  • Leave a comment down below to start a conversion and don’t forget to hit that like button

  • if you enjoyed the video.

  • Thanks so much for watching!

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ディズニーワールドの絶滅した乗り物の秘密トップ5|トゥモローランド (Top 5 Hidden Secrets of Extinct Rides at Disney World | Tomorrowland)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日