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  • Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you

  • to a career and life you'll truly enjoy. Now if you hate your job but you can't

  • afford to leave your job unless you have another job offer in hand then this is

  • for you. In today's video, I'm going to teach you five key tips on how to find a

  • new job; specifically through your resume, so that you can land a better job offer

  • faster.

  • So you are sick and tired of your job whether it's your boss the work that

  • you're doing the company environments culture whatever it is you really want

  • to leave but the problem is you can't leave unless you have another job offer

  • in hand well not to worry I have a very simple plan for you that you're going to

  • execute on and it's only two steps step one you're going to create an attractive

  • compelling resume that's going to attract employers and increase their

  • chances of hiring you and offering you a new position and then step two is you're

  • going to leave easier said than done right I know I made it sound a lot

  • easier than it probably actually is but the truth is if you really hate your job

  • it's not worth it for you to stay there you've got to get out of there but if

  • you're gonna leave you have to leave in a positive methodical thought-out way

  • otherwise you're only going to regret leaving with no real job offer in hand

  • and that's only gonna decrease your confidence once you're unemployed and

  • that is not the situation that we want so in today's video I'm gonna go through

  • step one of that plan which is to help you create a top-notch attractive

  • compelling resume that's going to entice employers and increase your chances of

  • landing more interviews and thus job offers and as a side note these are

  • actually derived from my course top notch resume which if you want to learn

  • more information about you can click on the link in the description box at the

  • end of the video tip number one to create a compelling resume identify the

  • exact next type of job or position that you want not just the companies you

  • really have to ask yourself what is the title the industry the specific duties

  • that I would love to do in my next job you want to think this through really

  • carefully you don't want to just apply for any job willy nilly so that you can

  • run away from your current one you want to apply for a job that you're going to

  • actually be excited about that's something that is going to make you want

  • to run towards that opportunity rather than to run away from where you're at

  • you can look on all the job search boards

  • such as indeed LinkedIn if you're in Australia then seek calm basically

  • Google the heck out of the internet and look up all the different types of

  • opportunities that are available to you that you are truly interested in and

  • figure out what are the titles what are the industries what are the specific

  • duties and remember the key to this step is to not look at the company

  • specifically I get so many people who only focus on certain types of companies

  • that they want to get into but it makes it makes it that much harder for you to

  • find another position because if that company doesn't have an opportunity that

  • is in line with something that you're capable of doing and that you'd actually

  • want to do then there's no point in taking on that job and there's no point

  • in applying so don't so much focus on the companies focus on the roles the

  • titles the positions and from there if they happen to be with companies that

  • you'd love to work for then of course apply for them focusing on the role the

  • title and the responsibilities is ultimately what's going to give you

  • satisfaction on a day to day basis tip number two find three to five solid job

  • descriptions a solid job description means that it has a proper summary set

  • of responsibilities and requirements and education section the job descriptions

  • must be thorough must be well-written so you don't want to be looking at job

  • descriptions that are only a few phrases long those aren't going to help you to

  • build your brand on your resume tip number three is to read and highlight

  • identify the common keywords tasks and technical requirements that are common

  • across all the job descriptions and from there you'll be able to incorporate

  • these keywords into your first draft of your resume tip number four map them

  • using compelling phrases now what you're gonna do is you're going to take these

  • key words you're going to map them onto your resume by relating them to your

  • specific work experience or knowledge that you have related to those key words

  • and then you're going to develop compelling phrases and story lines on

  • your resume just because you hate your job doesn't mean that it doesn't serve a

  • purpose for you one is that obviously it pays the bills but the other is that it

  • gives you the opportunity to pull from tasks and responsibilities that you've

  • been doing that job and be able to explain that to

  • your next employer now if you're curious on how to make the phrase actually

  • compelling that's something that I teach in top-notch resume but essentially it's

  • all about making sure that you include your unique details and the purpose for

  • why you do that specific task tip number five is achievements achievements

  • achievements so what's an achievement anytime where you've saved money or

  • improved profitability or you've improved a process in your organization

  • and it can be quantifiably discussed that's an appropriate achievement to

  • include on your resume now just because you hate your job doesn't mean that the

  • things that you've done there are not valuable

  • maybe you've achieved many things in your current position yet you they've

  • been overlooked and that's why you want to leave your current job because you're

  • not being recognized for your hard work well still make use of those

  • achievements those efforts that you've put in and incorporate them onto your

  • resume and make sure that it is very clear to the future employer of what

  • you've done and what you're capable of and the value that you're going to bring

  • them so there are the five tips but honestly that's only just scratching the

  • surface when it comes to developing an impressive attractive compelling

  • complete resume that's going to attract employers and get them to want to hire

  • you so if you want more tips feel free to download my free copy of my 10

  • ultimate resume hacks which is in the description box down below but if you

  • are ready to really dive deep and truly revamp your entire resume and you want

  • my help and assistance guiding you throughout each of the steps then feel

  • free to check out top-notch resume it's my online self-study course which will

  • walk you through step by step how to create a standout resume that's going to

  • ultimately get you the job it's in the description box down below feel free to

  • click on the link and check it out there have been many people who have had

  • success using top notch resume as an approach to revamping their resume you

  • can read all about it and within a few hours through taking the course you'll

  • have a brand new top notch resume that you can use to apply for your next job

  • now if you're someone who is an ambitious professional you've been

  • looking for a job for several months now but you've not been able to land a

  • position and you want one-on-one guidance feel free to reach out

  • to me head on over to my website

  • feel free to read through my program and see if it's something that you'd want to

  • pursue if it is then feel free to fill out the application form if I think that

  • we are a match then I will reach out to you directly if you'd like this video

  • then please give it a thumbs up subscribe share it with your friends

  • thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video

Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you


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A2 初級

仕事が嫌いになった!新しい仕事を見つけるための5つの履歴書のコツ (I Hate My Job - 5 Resume Tips to Find a New Job)

  • 4 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日