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I was not meant to do this with one hand.
Calm down, man.
My name's Ashley and welcome to my life.
It's not glamorous there.
No photo shoots, notifications and Fiji no boosted.
Boarding through New York City is just me, my computer and a whole lot of sleep deprivation.
Personality matrix charts.
I love his parking spot.
So lunch.
So today we have a couple things to Dio.
I have to go to the post office and return all of those packages and ships and stuck out from my store.
I have to go to my P o box and I also I'm gonna go thrift ing.
I'm doing the costume design for one of my friends.
Senior thesis films I have to buy, like keys, gloves, some Flowbee fabric, enough blazers to kind of deconstruct and then reconstruct into a blazer dress, which I don't know what's gonna happen, because it is just about sunset.
And I thought before I went inside and the dinner because I am starving, I would try to take a couple instagram photos.
I stumbled across this little street with this cute, little like Ricky New York looking alcove.
So I'm gonna try to take a couple of photos here without people thinking I'm a fucking weirdo.
It's always a fun time already, folks.
Oh, now for the rest of the day, which is when I actually do with college, is around 6 30 PM right now, and I have an assignment due at 10 p.m. So that would be fun to deal with.
Basically, what we have to do is create the materials to pitch a TV show or movie and also make a poster design for it.
But luckily for my screenwriting class, I've already writing an entire screenplay.
You guys asked me how I managed to balance college and YouTube and dating and not really a social life.
Might Social like this is pretty lacking, and this is kind of a truth of it.
One of those things, either editing or my schoolwork, gets left super last minute the past two weeks in a row.
I've pulled all nighters on Wednesday night to try to get my Thursday video out, and then, obviously my assignments are getting done a little bit last minute, too, but not to worry, everything is getting done regardless of how wait.
So that's all you can ask for, really.
It is Saturday, and I look motherfucking crazy.
I am trying to film four different hair tutorials in a single day, therefore a brand's YouTube channel, so they're gonna take a while to review.
But the videos are due on Monday for approval, and I also have to submit an instagram posts several hours later.
It is around four PM right now, and I am all wrapped in case you guys are wondering how my room always looks so nice for filming.
It's because in the opposite corner behind the camera, there's always this pile of crap.
I also realize that I haven't drank anything today, so I'm trying to stay hydrated.
My real problem is that my big water bottle has mold at the bottom.
I've been trying to kill it with some soapy water.
I think I might just have Michael Reagan.
Oh, no.
Meanwhile, I've been drinking out of my little stem lis wine glasses like the classy, slightly underage adults that I am this time on.
Ashley's very assorted dinners am.
I think I'm just gonna finish up this weirdly small amount of chicken that I have left over.
It's like so gross.
I'm sorry that my meals are like, not cool.
And then I have some pita bread from Costco.
This list, like $3 for this much pita bread that I was gonna eat that with homeless Well at it today, I'm to get started filling my sustainable brands.
Whole also happens to be my half birthday, so I'm officially 20 and 1/2.
That means I'm six months away, too.
No longer having to use my fake i.
So I am just midway through filming all of my modeling clothes, the whole it's going pretty well so far.
I film a lot of holes kind of in a rush, but I've really been taking my time with the posting and modeling.
And I've also been taking separate photos that I could use for Instagram posts or for some nail really crying up my thumbnail game.
Guys, I am an idiot.
I modeled for way too long, like Ocean Bidding started at 10 30 now it is like 11.
After the fitting for Emily's film, I brought home some dresses to alter and got back to filming my whole Let's talk about it.
I just finished filming and I am a sweaty mess.
And the rest of the evening will just be editing, which imaginary excited for because I'm so sweaty and my throat hurts.
I'm so done with talking this week just another day in my life eaten three different planes of ice cream.
I have this problem when I'm filming that I feel like I need to say the line 15 different times.
This is the shit that I listened to all night, but she just has such a good eye for But she just has such a good eye for really cool vintage clothing.
So I think but But she has such a cool, but she just has such a good eye for actually in a good mood.
For once, I am sufficiently caffeinated.
Oh, that's fucking hot.
Since it's Monday, the hairstyle videos are due to sponsor.
Yeah, they're not done yet, but they're getting kind of close.
I am sitting down to do the voice over right now.
We're gonna smash them together, hopefully get him done by the end of the workday, which is about five hours.
Also, like, caved and bought new scrunchies.
And I really thought I was gonna regret it because, like, who the fuck needs this money?
Turns out I do.
I really like wearing them and visit velvet One is so cute.
Well, turning into a crazy scrunchie lady.
Day by day, I should be leaving.
But I don't know where my headphones are.
And I refused to walk for half an hour.
One entertained by any type of music.
You I got him get fancy that they actually put a decent distance away for once.
So today I am heading to my management office.
I thought a manager for around a month, we're having, like, a strategy meeting, whatever the heck that means.
We're also gonna talk about making prints and march, which is something I really wanted to do for you guys.
But I have just not had time to do it with school.
If I do a Murch line, I want it to be really good.
I don't want to just, like, throw best rest on any T shirt.
You know, I also forgot to pee before I left.
So is this.
Traffic could hurry up a little bit.
Me and my bladder would be very grateful.
Thank you, Beverly Hills.
That's where I want to be.
Stay tuned for my YouTuber music video.
Dave, You guys okay?
So I just finished up with my meeting.
I'm going back to my apartment, and I'm going to say it with me.
Kids edit.
You have to make 38% last through an entire lecture, which me Luck run out of battery.
I'm not even mad that I'm gonna not be able to take notes.
Mostly just mad that I'm not gonna be able to do all of my other work and reply to my other e mails between you two being late to class is that seven minutes late, you're nearly five minutes early, and if you're five minutes late, you're nearly on time.
So you really laid it off.
It is just past 12 and I've just exporting the video for brain review.
I have a spicy eight hours of class today, and I still have not any of my homework.
That'll be fun and nearly impossible to do.
Not should really wish me luck.
Okay, Guess who's not turning a physical copy of her assignment in soft fucking printing on the second page, keep running the class, like, 20 minutes late.
You're nearly just 15 minutes late.
And if you're 15 minutes late, then you just really fucking late still, So I have around 20 minutes before I have to head to my next lecture.
This one is actually a really good one.
I love this professor.
He is insanely articulate, and he actually worked at Fox.
So he's like a really working human and not one of those professors who just failed to their career and then decided to teach us a backup plan.
We have a quiz on some readings and class, but I already did those readings in my other class that I had earlier today because I'm all about that multitasking life.
I am mostly done with my video for tomorrow, which is better than most weeks when I pull it all nighter.
But I still have to do some color correction and take any brand notes which only came in yet, so I should work on that.
Just posted my video at last, which means I am done for, like, maybe 3 to 4 hours better free.
And of course, what better way to spend my free time than buying a bunch of shitty food.
A target?
To be heading out the classroom.
It is my last class of the week.
I'm gonna be, like, 500 feet.
But what else is new in my life, E I just got out of which means I am Free me from the dead.