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  • prom FX empire.

  • This is Chris Stick and a look and the S and P 500.

  • And you can see that we have clearly gone nowhere during Monday.

  • It is Columbus Day in America, but I don't really think that's the problem.

  • I think the real problem is the U.

  • S.

  • Chinese trade talks really didn't produce anything.

  • We're kind of where we were.

  • And now the Chinese want to talk further before signing anything.

  • So, you know, it's just gonna be more of the same nonsense that we've been involved with the last 18 months.

  • And it really if you look at it last 18 months were pretty much flat.

  • Now we are trending higher overall, so I do prefer to buy dips.

  • But it's hard to get excited about much here now on a pull bank.

  • Somewhere around 29 40 I would expect buyers to step in all the way down to 2900 so look for value.

  • Take advantage of it.

  • But that's probably about as good as it gets.

  • Earning season starts after the session on Monday that could throw the market around.

prom FX empire.


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2019年10月15日のS&P500テクニカル分析 by FXEmpire (S&P 500 Technical Analysis for October 15, 2019 by FXEmpire)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日