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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Shoot!

  • Oh! Jesus!

  • Yo!!!

  • He did it!

  • Yeah

  • I fall down.

  • What happened?

  • It makes you fall down

  • So we went to Spain and in this TV show where Titus beat Channing Tatum and Bradley Cooper in a shooting contest.

  • After the show, we asked them if they’d be on a new Trick Shot video

  • and of course when youre an a-list movie star who makes figures of films when some kidsdad has should be on that home movie.

  • Say no! What?

  • You think they say no?

  • Or they could be totally cool about it

  • Watch this.

  • Alright man.We got to talk about some

  • I think I’d played pretty good.

  • Let you say to let me win on that

  • Let me now have the eye of the tiger like you do

  • You crash me into that basketball thing

  • I think if I train a little bit more,

  • I could buy some stamina now but I’m not going to

  • You knoweat right, get some sleep

  • Arm wrestle for the next challenge, okay?

  • And one day I could maybe

  • you know, have to focus right now because it’s intimidating here, intimidating guy.

  • Yeah!

  • Challenge me with arm wrestling? Yes?

  • Yes!

  • Whew!

  • Yey! Yey!

  • Yeah!That’s right!These two!

  • Titus is here tonight to make his most incredible shot.

  • Yes, a shot of our very own genuine tall regulation hoop.

  • Nice shot buddy!

  • Hey Titus, getting late.Should we go inside?

  • I’ll do one more, Dad.

  • Alright!You can do one more

  • Yeah! Yeah! Yehey! (people yelling and shouting)



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

トリック・ショット・タイタス3 -- チャニング・テイタム & ブラッドリー・クーパー (Trick Shot Titus 3 -- ft. Channing Tatum & Bradley Cooper)

  • 1779 115
    Go Tutor に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日