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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • -Guys, there was a new episode of "Below Deck" on Monday,

  • and I love that show.

  • I don't think anyone knows it better than me

  • because that is my exact -- Leslie J--!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Leslie Jones, everybody! Leslie Jones! Leslie!

  • What? What are you --

  • -Nobody knows "Below Deck" more than me.

  • -Oh, really? -Trust. Trust.

  • -There's only one way to settle this.

  • it's time for a one-second quiz "Below Deck" edition.

  • Here we go.

  • ♪ -One-second quiz, "Below Deck" edition

  • -Ha! -Here's how it works.

  • We're going to play a video clip from an episode of "Below Deck,"

  • but it's gonna be just one second long.

  • First one of us to hit this button has to say

  • what is happening in that scene.

  • If we get it right, we get a point.

  • Ready for this?

  • Let's see the first clip.

  • -Kate, where are you going?

  • -Oh! -I got it.

  • That's when Kate quits her job.

  • -You're cheating. -I didn't cheat!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • That's Kate Chastain, the great Kate Chastain.

  • -I love Kate. -Me too. She walked out.

  • -She walked out. She a boss!

  • -"Don't follow me." -"Don't follow me!"

  • -"Don't follow me!" -"Don't follow me."

  • -"Don't follow me." -"Don't follow me."

  • -That's right. -I love Kate.

  • -I love Kate too. Me too.

  • Alright. Next clip.

  • -Oh, my God! Oh!

  • -That's when the too drunk girl got too drunk on the island

  • and they had to bring her back on the plastic boat.

  • [ Ding! ]

  • -That's right.

  • That's right.

  • And she was like, "I didn't pay for this.

  • I didn't pay for this whole thing."

  • [ Mumbling ]

  • -Like, please go get some help.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Let's take a look at our next clip. Here we go.

  • -What did you hear?

  • -Oh!

  • -My favorite scene -- Captain Lee coming to

  • straighten them out with no shirt on.

  • [ Laughter ] You know what I'm saying?

  • That's like Daddy getting up in the middle of the night like,

  • "Why y'all in this room, making all this noise,

  • when I'm trying to sleep?!

  • Go to sleep!"

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Captain Lee!

  • -Oh, I love that. Alright, final round.

  • This one is worth 1,000 points. -1,000?

  • -Yep. Here it is.

  • -When did it get that -- -Here we go.

  • You didn't even see it!

  • You pressed it before it came on!

  • You pressed before -- Stop doing that!

  • Stop doing that! Stop, stop! Stop doing that.

  • -I know what it is. -What?

  • -That's when stupid Brian hit his knee and then the guy had to

  • come on the boat and give him some antibiotics

  • and it still didn't work though.

  • [ Ding! ]

  • -That's right. That's right. You won.

  • Wow. I want to talk more later.

  • You win. Leslie Jones, everyone. We will see you later.

-Guys, there was a new episode of "Below Deck" on Monday,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

レスリー・ジョーンズとのワン・セコンド・アンダー・デッキ・クイズ (One-Second Below Deck Quiz with Leslie Jones)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日