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  • not in New York, where the governor has declared a state of emergency with now at least 89 Corona virus cases off 50% jump overnight.

  • The governor with strong words with CDC and tonight we're learning.

  • One of those infected in New York is an uber driver.

  • This is Some professional sports teams are assessing how they move forward when it comes to fan participation.

  • Here is ABC Stephanie Ramos.

  • Tonight, a state of emergency declared in New York as the Corona virus spreads across the country.

  • The number of confirmed cases soaring toe at least 89 statewide.

  • 11 in New York City, including an uber driver, a man in his thirties hospitalized in Queens, plus 23 new cases confirmed in a suburb outside New York City, about half of them linked to an attorney who frequently traveled through Grand Central Terminal.

  • The governor blasting the federal government, claiming the state isn't getting enough money to fight the virus and there aren't enough tests.

  • CDC was caught flat footed.

  • I believe they're slow in their response, and I believe they're slowing down the state.

  • This as Florida reports the 1st 2 deaths on the East Coast a man and a woman, both victims in their seventies with recent overseas travel.

  • One of them from the district Congressman Matt Gates, represents who earlier this week wore a gas mask on the House floor.

  • Tonight, Gates releasing a statement expressing sadness about the death, urging people to take the necessary precautions to minimize your exposure.

  • People seen Taking extra precaution.

  • New video shows a Costco worker in Tampa wiping down shopping cart handles as customers entered the store.

  • Nationwide, at least 29 states have covert 19 infections, with new cases in California, Oregon and the first case of community spread in Nebraska.

  • The N B A.

  • Tonight Telling teams to plan for the possibility of playing games without fans.

  • Superstar LeBron James responding to a reading and now the NHL, closing all locker rooms to the media over fears of the virus.

  • All right, Stephanie Ramos joins us now from the hospital where that New York lawyer is being treated in Steffy.

  • I want to go back to that uber driver.

  • The company has just released a statement about their driver, who tested positive.

  • That's exactly right.

  • Tom Uber says they have a dedicated team working closely with public health officials.

  • They also say they've removed the driver's access to the APP and are also working with authorities.

  • Tom Stephanie Ramos reporting from Manhattan's West Side Hi, everyone, George Stephanopoulos Here.

  • Thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel.

  • If you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel.

  • And don't forget to download the ABC News after breaking news alerts.

  • Thanks for watching.

not in New York, where the governor has declared a state of emergency with now at least 89 Corona virus cases off 50% jump overnight.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

ニューヨークでは少なくとも76件のコロナウイルスが発生しており、緊急事態となっています。 (State of Emergency in New York with at least 76 coronavirus cases)

  • 0 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日