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I don't ever wanna welcome to another video now.
The other day I bought an AMG Reisen 7 1800 X.
This was aimed his first generation rise and flagship costing 499 U.
Dollars when it launched in March of 2017.
Over the course of the last two and 1/2 years, we've seen the price dropped dramatically, thanks to both the 2000 and 3000 Siri's chips releasing, which themselves garnered impressive and improved reviews.
Although the eighth course, 16 Threat 1800 X was generally praised, it was the cheaper seven Siri's chips, such as thes 1700 x and maybe more so, the 1700 no necks that stole the show thanks to their cheaper price tags.
This despite them being able to offer similar performance to the 95 or 1800 with over clocking, only emphasizing this point.
That being said this then new process or what some in fact called a true return to form for a M D was far from perfect.
Overcooking ability was somewhat disappointing and gaming wise, it lost out too closely or cheaper priced Intel offerings.
But looking back now and it's clear that this was the start of what would be an ever improving lineup for I am day.
I mean, here we are today with the likes of the rise and 5 36 100 hours, one of the most recommended processes out, they're achieving solid scores across the board and offering superb performance in both CPU intensive tasks and gaming for less than $200.
The 1800 ex paved the way for this exciting new platform, and today I want to take a look back at where it all began.
I've given up the specially reserved spot in my motherboard for the aforementioned 3600 and slotted the 1800 x into its place.
I've over clocked it to four gigahertz.
At least I started that way, compared it with 16 gigs of 3200 megahertz DDR four Risin likes fast memory, so the more megahertz the better.
So as I mentioned before, gaming wise, the 1800 ex run into a few problems at 10 80 piers noted by some reviewers back in 2017.
But AM D did say that over time things would be improved thanks to motherboard updates and game specific and rising based Optimization Sze.
An article, a sore in the Extreme Tech website confirmed the AMG had kept this promise, and a year after launch, it seemed likely now heavily reduced in price.
Flagship Still Made Sense is a worthy companion to any high end graphics card.
I have, of course, paid it with my very hot and very power hungry Vegas 64 today.
No, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that the 1800 X is going to give you a hard time.
The mystery surrounding the question.
Can it Still game is almost non existent, as this is evidently still a more than capable part.
Let's take a look at some gaming results, in notably intensive games.
For example, keep your eye on the CPU usage throughout Assassin's Creed.
Odyssey managed to maintain a solid 60 FBS average with decent settings.
The 1800 ex still offering plenty of breathing room.
The figures were taken from actual gameplay, but the footage here is from the built in benchmark.
The Caspian level of Metro exodus gave us no trouble.
All levels will differ.
Performance wise, this can be said for any game, but here we were seeing 90 frames per second on average, with a respectable 1% low or minimum frame rate.
Anyone who still buys a rising 7 1800 X will have a great gaming experience, especially if you don't have anything to compare it to.
As long as you are seeing decent enough frames, it doesn't matter if another CPU gets better figures right.
This processor and a decent GPU will guarantee you at least 60 F p s a 10 80 p resolution or 14 40 p, depending on the title.
It's the same with CPU based tasks.
Before we do start making comparisons, though, let's run it through a couple of tests and Premiere Pro.
You're still getting a fantastic experience, especially as faras rendering is concerned.
Exporting a four K YouTube video is also a task easily handled by the 16 threaded 1800 X.
Looking at the Cinnabon chart.
20 multi core result first, and you'll notice that the CPU outperforms the modern day rise in 5 36 100 by a little bit.
This is just one comparative result I had on hand at the time, but there are more important comparisons to be drawn.
A little later, not just in terms of performance in the single court test.
The 1800 ex still produces what I'd call a very respectable result, though I remember other reviews from years gone by stating that it fell short of closely priced Intel offerings, which would therefore proved to be better in like to leave threaded workloads, you may have noticed that I return the rising to stock speeds as my overcooked did prove to be unstable, with infrequent yet irritating system freezes occurring.
Overcooking stability is something now much improved with new rise and chips.
At least in my experience.
I mean, half of it depends on luck of the draw.
But when focusing solely on performance of the 1800 X at stock with no comparisons involved, it is still a chip that Ivory much enjoy.
I had the rising 5 1600 for a while, up from the 1200 rising three, because I couldn't quite afford the upgrade to the rise in seven Siri's in 2017.
Now that it can be found for less than 1/3 of its original price, it does sound tempting, and I just had to buy one to play around with.
But hold on because let's look at this realistically, does it make sense to buy one these days?
Well, brand new.
It's a hard sell.
There are some priced fairly, but other retailers seem to treat it as a collector's item of sorts, pushing the cost way out beyond that of anything worth paying.
Unless, well, you are a collector with money burning a hole in your pocket, you may as well buy a rise in 5 36 100 be done with it.
The used market is where this could make more sense if you're willing to forego a warranty and in some cases on included original stock fan.
Here are the average use prices of the 1800 X in the U.
K U S A.
And mainland Europe as of December 2019.
Not bad for what you're getting, but it's important to remember that the 1717 100 X can still be found for less, and we'll do almost just as well.
You should probably also consider the price of a rise in 2000.
Siri's chip ones, they're still sold knew, for example, the 2600 X, which is still a fantastic chip and costs about the same knew as a used 1800 X on average on the 2700 X.
The X is superior to the non X by quiets some margin, according to reviewers.
And this would certainly be the one to go for, although it does cost a little more than the 2600 X and a used 1800 X, though it certainly makes up for that cost in performance, it can sometimes be found for a very close price.
Hence why I've included it as a comparison here.
If we take a look at a few comparisons, the difference, especially gaming wise, it's sometimes negligible or non existent or simply in the newer chips favor across the board.
We have a respectable set of frame rates, and none of them should be sniffed at.
It's fair to say that the gap well wide and uncertain Tripoli releases, and this may become more apparent in the future.
But we'll have to wait and see how results vary.
It's worth noting that the rise and 7 1800 X is true potential still lies within content creation and CPU heavy tasks.
Even today and as a content creator, I'd still be more than content that see what I did there with this process it in 2019.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it.
Overall, this video was never meant to prove anything.
Rather, it was just to look back at where this whole rise in line up started a trip down memory lane, so to speak, the rice and 7 1800 ex Shell was something special, and it's nice to see that it's dropped so significantly in priced from its original R P, though trying to find one new can be an expensive endeavor.
As we move into 2020 over the course of the next year, I hope that the prices will drop even more because I think that these may still be a tempting option if we do see another $50 euros or pounds slashed off the price, for example, and other online retailers started to be a little more sensible with their pricing to who knows when the next generation of rise and trips will also release, and this could have an impact on the 1800 exes price as well and possibly the general view towards it as long as the 2000 and 3000 chips continue getting cheaper as well.
Well, we might find that the 1800 X may no longer have a place.
I think the 1700 the 1700 X C pews are probably more likely the ones to watch.
But we'll just have to see how capable they are in another year or so.
Thank you very much for watching a hope.
You've enjoyed this.
Look back at the rise in 7 1800 X and eight, Court 16 thready chip, that really was that.
Start off something pretty cool.
So if you enjoy this video lever like when it down below.
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And hopefully I'll see all of you in the next one where we will be finally taking a look at a pre built del machine and seeing what you can expect inside of one of those things.
If you pie the cheapest price for it.