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  • Yeah, definitely.

  • We're definitely built some momentum over these last two games up in a home.

  • So we got the home crowd.

  • Yeah, Things have really picked up with ourselves in a great position.

  • Yeah, the confidence is high between the morale time really enjoying environment.

  • And hopefully we can carry that forward finals.

  • I say difficult to pick one opponent until every team that goes to the Jay Bell Bell finals is gonna be really strong.

  • Everyone's going up their best players.

  • But I think obviously I'll be there very, very strong.

  • They're they're the holders sub.

  • Sure they'll go into favorites, but hopefully we can take that title.

  • Yeah, I definitely think that we could be the Jay Bell Bell final champions.

  • Definitely.

  • I mean, I see it's very tough way.

  • No mbl, anything can happen, but we're putting myself great statin in the regular season regulate.

  • So we go to the finals full of confidence and hopefully we can waken bring about the title, obviously not sing him.

  • Haven't ever won a title yet, so if we were crowned a J Val and Belle champions, it would be a great moment for the team and for the University that has a lot of great time and effort into it into champions and said a long way to go but it be really great, okay?

Yeah, definitely.


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A2 初級

AJベル、NBLファイナルデイ - クリス・アドコック、チャンピオン獲得に自信を見せる (AJ Bell NBL Finals Day - Chris Adcock confident of landing Championship title)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日