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  • I'm going to show you how to make a hungry caterpillar costume.

  • So the things that you're going to need are one of your Children's well fitting T shirts.

  • Any fleece is that you want to cut up for this if you don't have the right color Felices, you can also buy fleece by the meter in the right colors.

  • Um, your pattern pieces that you can print out from the instructions under sewing kit.

  • So let's go for indoor caterpillar.

  • Measure from the armpit to where you want your first strike to start at one sent to me to seam allowance and mark.

  • Now use the bottom of the T shirt to create a template.

  • Feel stripes.

  • Don't forget to add a one cent to me.

  • Two seam allowance, top and bottom.

  • If you don't have an old fleeced up cycle, have a look in your local charity shop.

  • So we've got to cut out stripes of fleas here.

  • I'm going to pin the tea fluffy sides in together.

  • Hello.

  • Stitch the lays together using a one centimeter seam allowance.

  • So you now have your two panel sewn together.

  • You no need to repeat this.

  • So you've got four panels for the front and four panels for the back.

  • Like this one here, we're going to make the caterpillar legs in your leg.

  • Template toe a double layer of your up cycled fabric.

  • Cut along on repeat for each leg.

  • So you're like pieces together using one sent me to see Turn each leg the right way round.

  • So the seniors are on the inside stuff with scraps of fabric.

  • You could even use the old socks.

  • Now we're going to make the caterpillars hat pin the darts closed.

  • This is going to give the hat shape way you some leftover pale green fabric, but the antenna could be any color you like, dude.

  • So we're just going to sew along this line to close up the gap?

  • We have a front and a back of all hot.

  • No, we're gonna take one side of that.

  • We're going to get the two I pieces that we cut out, sandwich them on top of each other, and they were gonna pin that down and then sew around the green circle position and secure them in place states around the antenna, leaving the flat end open using a chopstick or pencil turn the antenna the right way round.

  • Now take a piece of garden wire and feed it into the antenna.

  • Thinks will give it shape.

  • We're not just going to sail around the edge of this hat.

  • And when you get to the part with the antenna lies in on the wire.

  • You wanna turn the wheel of the sewing machine to manually do a few stitches just so your needle jumps over the wire because we don't want to break any needles.

  • Photo teacher in half and measured the whip for the bottom edge.

  • Had one sent me to seam allowance and make a load of this.

  • Sold your strike panel in half.

  • Measure to your noted length.

  • He's any scraps off cuts anything you have available to create a tacitly back for your caterpillar.

  • We have pinned our tassels into place along the back.

  • We are now just going to run a line of stitching all the way down the center of those to hold them into place.

  • I'm going to cut into some of these tassels.

  • Lay down your second panel stripes, matching the right sides together on matching scenes, pin securely through each leg on each scene.

  • All we need to do now is just so on the machine down these two edges here to trap the legs in with your caterpillar costume.

  • Inside out much the right side of the T shirt to the right side of the costume part the T shirt's lots inside.

  • Pin it carefully, easier pinned round the tall.

  • And I'm now gonna sew around that to attach the top to the caterpillar body.

  • Let's have a little look at it.

  • Okay, Caterpillar costume.

I'm going to show you how to make a hungry caterpillar costume.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ファミリークラフト。はらぺこあおむしのコスチュームの作り方 (Family Crafts: How to make a Hungry Caterpillar costume)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日