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  • Alright, it’s Christmas in Japan, baby. I went to Shibuya crossing in Tokyo to check

  • out some Christmas action. Theyve got some Christmas lights popping off. Some photo opps

  • went down with some sexy Santas. More photo opps with some Japanese dude dressed like

  • a Christmas tree. Alright, here weve got some old guy getting his groove on outside

  • the subway exit. Here’s some random cleavage action. Then there was some kind of buckwild

  • biker gang that just circled around the crossing nonstop dressed like Santa Claus. Alright,

  • if you made it this far in the video then congratulations because youre about to

  • see some crazy shit. I came across this group of young Japanese people that were just kneeling

  • in a circle, shaking their heads like crazy. Wasn’t exactly sure what the master plan

  • was but every once in awhile they raised their heads and just started chanting and singing

  • in unison. BACK with the heads, no were talking. And some guy dressed like Rudolph

  • and another dude with green hair just joined in. Merry Christmas from Japan, baby.

Alright, it’s Christmas in Japan, baby. I went to Shibuya crossing in Tokyo to check


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B1 中級

東京・渋谷クロッシングで日本のクリスマス (Christmas in Japan at Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo)

  • 245 16
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日