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  • Hi there, everybody.

  • My name is Witch in that one.

  • From the interview, Twain and Company past my interview dot com.

  • And in this tutorial, I'm gonna give you my five star interview questions and answers.

  • Now, it does not matter what kind of interview you have coming up.

  • I promise you, if you watch this video from beginning to end, it will make a significant difference to your performance at the interview.

  • I believe he used these answers.

  • The answer is that I'm gonna give you to these fire store into questions.

  • I believe you're gonna pass your interview now before I get into those all important questions and answers.

  • A very warm welcome to this tutorial is the same.

  • My name is Richard, but Mom, that's me there on the right hand side, I've been helping people for about 20 years now to pass their interviews.

  • I'm very passionate about it, and in this tutorial, a sale will give you my five star interview questions and answers on the arms.

  • Is that gonna give?

  • You are unique in the fact that you can't find them anywhere else, So it's certainly worth your while watching this tutorial.

  • As always, please make sure you subscribe to the channel by clicking that red button below the video.

  • That way you're not gonna miss out.

  • And I would also very much appreciate it if you gave the video thumbs up.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Straight into the content.

  • So what is the star technique?

  • Will?

  • The star technique is a great way to structure your answers to the interview questions to make sure they scored very highly.

  • And this is situation task action on result.

  • So when responding to questions such as, Can you tell me about a time when you worked hard under pressure?

  • Or can you tell me about a time when you worked as part of a team to complete a difficult task?

  • You would respond by telling the interview panel the situation you're in, You would then tell him the task that needed to be done.

  • You would then tell into panel e action that you took on.

  • You would then tell him the results following your actions, Then the fifth part of the star technique is reflection, and this is a great way to make sure you stand out from the other candidates.

  • You say to the interview panel while following the result.

  • I reflected upon my performance, and this is how I felt I performed on.

  • This is what I might do differently next time.

  • Okay, that's really important.

  • I'm going to give you a sample responses to put all of this five star technique together right now.

  • So let's take a look at a common interview.

  • Question a tough one.

  • Okay, describe a time when you delivered outstanding customer service.

  • This is a really common situational behavioral type question on the important part is described a time or explain the times You have to give a specific answer.

  • So I'm now going to put up my sample response to this question, using the five star technique that just covered on By the way, I'll tell you where you can download a copy of these questions and answers that all utilize its star technique at some stage during the presentation here we go to describe a time when you delivered outstanding customer service.

  • In my previous job, I was managing the telephone lines and responding to customer calls.

  • One day, an elderly gentleman telephone to place an order online, and he was clearly having problems selecting the right product and also making the payment over the phone.

  • I saw it is my task to spend time patiently helping him choose the right products and also talking him through the payment process, reassuring him along the way.

  • I started off by asking him a series of questions to ascertain which product he needed, then explained in detail how we would use his payment details to process the payment and that his details were really secure and then took the payment details and his address for delivery on.

  • I also upgraded into our express delivery service free of charge to provide further reassurance that you would receive his goods quickly.

  • The result.

  • Although the customer was initially confused and he struggled to find the product he needed, I managed to talk him through everything successfully by being patient and methodical In my approach.

  • The customer was really happy with the service and he has since used our company again to buy products Upon reflection.

  • I felt a handle this situation really well as it's important to go out of your way to help all customers is this usually result in more business or positive reviews for your employer now I utilize their as you'll see the situation task on action and result.

  • So situation task action results on our then moved on to the reflection part.

  • So the reflection part demonstrates a higher level of intelligent thinking.

  • You look back on your performance, so we have to do is think about star with an extra on the ends of situation.

  • Task action result reflection.

  • Let's have a look at another question on a difficult, tough behavioral question that we are all gonna get asked or our during our interview described a stressful situation.

  • You were in on how you handled it.

  • Now we have to be ableto work in stressful situations whilst in our jobs.

  • So therefore, this is a normal question for the interview panel to ask.

  • So how do we answer this Using the star technique?

  • Here we go describe a stressful situation and how you handled it.

  • I was working as part of a team on a difficult, time sensitive project for a client.

  • The client unexpectedly brought forward the completion date, which meant we had to work around the clock to get everything completed.

  • It was my job to monitor each stage of the process and support the other team members incomplete in each of their specific tasks.

  • If they needed anything to complete their part, the project, I would go away and find it for him.

  • It was stressful because we will have to work additional hours outside of the normal working day whilst also concentrating on each specific task in hand.

  • I made sure I carried out my element of the project has required on a remained calm and focused at all times whilst also supporting my team colleagues.

  • The end result was a success due to the extra effort we all put into the team task.

  • On the extra hours we all dedicated to the project, we managed to complete it with just three hours to spare.

  • It was a great all round team effort.

  • Upon reflection.

  • I feel that by remaining calm, supporting the wider team and working the additional hours really helped to get the difficult project over the finishing line.

  • So that's telling the interview panel you understand how remaining calm focusing on your plan on also supporting the team by working extra hours helps you get over that stressful situation.

  • So the reflection part is really important.

  • Let's have a look at another difficult question using the star technique.

  • Explain the situation you were in when you had to overcome a difficult challenge.

  • Explain the situation you were in when you have to overcome a difficult challenge.

  • Here we go.

  • I was studying an online personal development course to help increase my knowledge in a particular subject.

  • It was challenging due to the amount of time I led to dedicate to studying in the evenings and also due to the fact that distance learning Tutor who was allocated to support me, changed partway through the course.

  • It was my job to focus on the studying too great a plan of action to make sure I put in the required time and to also spent time getting to know the new tutor.

  • So they were up to speed.

  • With my progress, I created a schedule that dictated when I was going to study in the evenings to ensure I kept up to date with the course curriculum.

  • I also dedicated time on the phone, talking to the new tutor to make sure she was aware of the areas I needed the most supported and to also let you know of my reasons were studying the course or what I wanted to get out of it.

  • The end result was that I managed to get all of the studying done in time, which resulted in the passing, of course, with a distinction to summarize.

  • I feel I am at my best when it comes to overcoming difficult challenges on.

  • I always create a visual plan for achieving what it is I want to get done on by what time scale?

  • So that shows that you have no problem with dealing with difficult challenges, and also you have a plan for doing it.

  • So you are actually at your best when you're dealing with difficult challenges.

  • Let's have a look.

  • Another question.

  • Hopefully, the star technique is really, really helping.

  • Tell me about a time when you have conflict at work.

  • This is perhaps one of the top is situational questions you could get us.

  • Tell me about a time when you have conflict at work and here's my suggested answer for you.

  • I was taking part in an important meeting at work with internal members of Star on, also with representatives from to external suppliers during the meeting, one of the representatives from one of the supplier companies started making derogatory comments towards me that I found inappropriate.

  • I wanted to challenge the person who was making the comments in a professional way.

  • My goal was to make him aware the comments were not welcomed, but without ruining the meeting atmosphere.

  • I responded by saying to him that I had been part of this team for quite some time and I felt I deserve more respect than what he was currently affording me.

  • I said it in a confidence and professional manner so as to not ruin the integrity of the meeting.

  • As soon as I said what I wanted to say, he apologized unreservedly and the remainder of the meeting went smoothly on without any issue.

  • I would always tackle any form of conflict head on in a professional and calm manner, with a view to resolving it quickly and amicably.

  • At the end of the situation, I reflected upon my performance to see if I could improve for next time.

  • I actually felt a handled it well.

  • I was able to control my emotions in a positive way and I ultimately achieved the desired outcomes That's a great situation to use.

  • Now I'm gonna give you another question in the second.

  • But before I do, if you click that link right there in the top right corner of the video, you can download the full set of 17 star interview questions and answers to help you prepare for your interview.

  • The 17 of them.

  • But I'm gonna give you, including the ones right now in this tutorial.

  • Let's have a look at another question.

  • Tell me about a time when you disagreed with an immediate supervisor.

  • This is another tough one.

  • Tell me about a time and you disagreed with an immediate supervisor.

  • Now most people think you should say, Oh, I've never disagreed with with something.

  • There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with your supervisor or manager, but it's how you go about it.

  • So here's my suggested answer to this question.

  • When I first started working for a company, my manager was giving a team briefing about how we should approach a specific task.

  • At the end of the brief, he asked if any of us disagreed with the plan, and I put my hand up to suggest a slightly different way of working It was my intention to offer a more efficient method of working that would help the team and also hopefully to save the company some money in the process.

  • I put forward my suggestion in a professional, respectful manner of my manager, thanked me for my contribution.

  • The end result.

  • Waas.

  • My manager utilized a small part of my suggestion, which resulted in a slightly more efficient way of working to summarize.

  • I think it's really important to say if you disagree, or if you think something could be achieved in a different way.

  • When putting forward your argument or suggestions, you should always be respectful and professional at all times.

  • So, as I say, if you'd like all 17 with starring to questions and answers, you can click the link right now below this video, go to my website past my interview dot com, where you can download all of those for a small feet.

  • I hope you've enjoyed my tutorials.

  • Please do subscribe.

  • Thanks for watching Andi.

  • Generally, I really wish you all the very best in your pursuit.

  • Passing your interview.

  • Thank you very much for watching.

Hi there, everybody.


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A2 初級

5つのSTAR面接の質問と回答!STARテクニックの使い方! (5 STAR Interview Questions and ANSWERS! How To Use The STAR Technique!)

  • 12 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日