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  • being part requires is a place where we all get together.

  • It's not just about singing, it's about supporting each other.

  • Singing is a huge part of it, but also the natural support will give to each other as friends, wives, girlfriends, service, women, you'll just live together, work together.

  • It's a really network of support as a little bit older than the average age of our choir.

  • I found them to be very helpful when things are not going so well in my life.

  • So implied about quite a serious illness three years ago, it took a lot of courage for me to Tel Aviv one but want Everyone knew they were being very supportive and they helped me.

  • They always ask, So it gives me this amazing sense of safety.

  • Before military, Dr Squires were born was never any sort of support mechanism for the women.

  • For the wives and families, you can now move somewhere and instantly have a support network of women who know the area can help you pinpoint you to the right direction, have had some incredible opportunity singing with the military wife choirs, I found out I can actually sing.

  • And the longer I've been singing, the better it gets have done quite a bit of recording, which is great.

  • I never thought I'd ever be in a recording studio.

  • Has been fantastic to get a coach for the ladies in on go off singing and we've done some big events.

  • Knowing that they're listening to us absolutely takes your breath.

being part requires is a place where we all get together.


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A2 初級

ミリタリー・ワイブス ザ・オフィシャル・サウンドトラック・トレーラー (Military Wives The Official Soundtrack Trailer)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日