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  • Sex. Sax. Sucks. Six. Sakes. Seeks. Socks.

  • The only difference in these words is the vowel or diphthong sound in the middle.

  • I've had a lot of students who are worried about the pronunciation of a sex versus six,

  • and I made an awesome video on that, check it out.

  • That compares two vowels, EH and IH.

  • But I've noticed a lot of my students have a hard time with EH and AA, bed, bad, said, sad,

  • bet, bat, leather, lather, and of course, sex, sax.

  • So in this video, we're going to go over the difference in position for these vowels,

  • and there will also be a listening comprehension quiz at the end, that you won't want to miss.

  • It will help solidify your pronunciation of these words.

  • If you listen closely and train with the video, you'll be ready to score well on the quiz.

  • So stick around to the end to take it and let me know in the comments how you did.

  • What is sax?

  • It's a shortened way to stay the word saxophone.

  • He plays sax in a jazz band.

  • So the only difference between sex and sax is that vowel. EH versus AA.

  • Let's take a look at the position of these two sounds.

  • The AA is on the left and the EH is on the right.

  • The main difference is in the part of the tongue that lifts.

  • For AA, it's the back.

  • Since my jaw drops, you can see inside my mouth.

  • AA.

  • And since the back of the tongue lifts and it comes down in the front,

  • you should be able to see it quite a bit of the tongue.

  • Aa, aa.

  • It might also help to lift your top lip a little bit, aa, aa.

  • That can help you get the right tongue position.

  • Aa.

  • For EH, the jaw drops a little bit less and the part that lifts is closer to the front of the mouth.

  • Eh, eh.

  • One tip I give my students to help them find the correct position is this.

  • Pretend you have a little mint in your mouth, and someone says: what's in your mouth?

  • And you go to show them.

  • You open your mouth, you lift your tongue a little bit, but you don't want the mint to fall out.

  • Eh, eh, aa, eh, sax, sex.

  • Say these two several times while looking at the pictures of the mouth position.

  • Ah, eh, ah, eh, ah, eh.

  • Let's look at a bunch of words that are real words in English that begin with the S consonant,

  • and end with the KS cluster.

  • Sex, six, sax, seeks, sakes, socks, sucks.

  • Sex, six, sax, seeks, sakes, socks, sucks.

  • If you don't have all of these vowel or diphthong sounds in your own language.

  • I can see how some of these would be pretty confusing.

  • Now, I'll quiz you. Which word am I saying?

  • If you get one wrong, write that down, and write down the words you thought it was.

  • That's a minimal pair you'll need to work on.

  • Sucks.

  • That one was sucks.

  • It sucks that you lost your job.

  • Sakes.

  • That one was sakes.

  • This one is actually usually singular, sake, for Pete's sake,

  • but some people do say the plural 'for goodness sakes', even though that's not grammatically correct.

  • These expressions both show exasperation, frustration.

  • Oh, for Pete's sake, stop screaming.

  • Sex.

  • That one was sex.

  • What is the sex of your baby?

  • Six.

  • Six. She's six years old.

  • Sex.

  • That one was sex again.

  • Sax.

  • That would was sax. He plays alto sax.

  • Socks.

  • That one was socks.

  • I wear socks to bed.

  • Six.

  • That one was six again.

  • Seeks.

  • That one was seeks.

  • He seeks the truth.

  • Okay, now I'm going to go a little bit faster.

  • Sex, sax, socks, six, sex, seeks, sax, six, sucks, sex, sakes, sax, six, socks.

  • How did you do?

  • Let me know in the comments below how hard the quiz was for you.

  • What are you having a hard time hearing?

  • What feels easy?

  • If there are certain minimal pairs you struggle with, there is a way to get better.

  • Listening to minimal pairs over and over, as many word combinations as you can find like, bed, bad.

  • Listen over and over, you will start to hear a difference.

  • In my Academy, I have long lists of comparison words for similar sounds with audio.

  • My students work with this audio repetitiously, they start to hear the difference,

  • and then they're able to imitate them and sound native. It's truly amazing.

  • If you're interested in learning more about the academy, click here, or find the link the video description.

  • I hope this video has helped.

  • I have lots of other videos on the vowel sounds of American English.

  • Click here to see my playlist for a how-to on all of those vowel sounds.

  • That's it and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

Sex. Sax. Sucks. Six. Sakes. Seeks. Socks.


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HOW TO PRONOUNCE SEX|アメリカ英語発音ガイド|レイチェルの英語 (HOW TO PRONOUNCE SEX | American English Pronunciation Guide | Rachel’s English)

  • 14 3
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日