字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント look at that that is the view right now out of my studio window it is a glorious day in the UK and perhaps also you can hear the sound of the birds nature is waking up spring is on its way welcome everyone here we go again it's another live stream it's English addict live from the birthplace of the English language which just happens to be England hmm mr. Duncan you are late again I'm sorry I'm late I always have something to do this is the problem even when I'm preparing my live streams there is always something that needs doing whatever it is it must be done so quite often before my live stream begins I normally have a lot of things to do so please excuse me if sometimes I am a little bit late hi everybody this is mr. Duncan in England how are you today are you okay I hope so are you happy are you happy you should be feeling very happy this week because you have had me one extra time yes did you see yesterday I was live outside I was doing a livestream from the middle of the place in which I live and for those who missed it well don't worry everyone you can watch it again so here I am you can see it here on the screen right now so there I was yesterday live in the center of much Wenlock doing a livestream and I was broadcasting live from the square the main square in the centre of where I live and there you can see I have some food Oh can I just say that that cake was delicious a mint chocolate brownie that's what I had yesterday and also I had a cup of coffee as well as you can see in my hand so I was out in the public yesterday talking of which that is what I was talking about yesterday so on my livestream yesterday the thing you can see on the screen right now was all about public being in the public in a public place and oh can you see behind me can you see those two people behind me they are watching me they are very curious they are wondering what is that strange man doing he's standing on his own talking into his phone it looks as if he's filming himself now those people behind me can you see them maybe we can get a little closer can we get a little closer there here we go so can you see them they are very interested in what I'm doing yes I can see you looking at me wondering what I'm doing nosy people so a lot of people did yesterday they stopped to watch what I was doing they were very curious to find out what was going on in the place in which they lived because there was a strange man standing on the street corner but don't worry it was only me it was only me it's all right don't be afraid by the way my name is mr. Duncan I teach English on YouTube and I've been doing this for ever such a long time can you guess how long I've been doing this for well I will give you a clue when I first started doing this YouTube was just a little baby so my channel on YouTube is almost as old as YouTube itself so here we go again oh yes despite all the problems in the world despite all the terrible things that are happening on the planet right now and I think we know what they are we have made it all the way to the end of another week the weekend is just around the corner yes it's Friday we have made it yes all away to the end of another week once more we have managed not to blow the planet hope would you like to see another lovely view outside my window okay here we go oh look at that so there already as if we needed reminding that spring is on its way you can see there is lots of cherry blossom coming out on the trees in the garden as well shall we have the the nature sound so this is the sound right now outside my window this is live I can hear an aeroplane going over but also I can hear some birds in the distance and they sound very happy indeed isn't that lovely so I don't know why the weather is so nice but apparently over the next few days it's going to get really horrible again apparently next week it's going to be very cold it's going to be very wet and very windy again so I hope you are well today oh hello to the live chat hello it's nice to see you here today congratulations to Connell guess what Connell you are first on the live chat congratulations and jubilations you are the first one to join my life chat today thank you very much colonel for joining me also all we have Luis Mendez here today watching in France hello to you as well also martha poland guadalupe hello guadalupe i made a mistake the other day i said that guadalupe is a place in well our first of all i said it was in the bahamas but it isn't it's actually the caribbean so quite a loop is actually a place in the caribbean in fact nearby if i'm not mistaken they actually filmed some of the scenes with Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean yeah thank you Guadeloupe for joining me today also Rolfie hello mr. Duncan and everyone I hope you are having a wonderful day my day isn't too bad I will be honest with you I had a lovely day yesterday because I was out and about in much Wenlock in the square doing a live stream thank you once again to all those who joined me yesterday Meeker is here watching in Japan hello Sally Sally Sally is joining the chit chat today nice to see you here Anna Kobi is here also Christine earth hello mr. Duncan you are looking good thank you very much I feel okay to be honest I feel rather nice I don't know why but whenever the weather is good when the Sun is out when everything is looking nice I don't know why I always feel better I always feel happier when the weather is nice when the Sun is out the sun is shining in sky and everything is really nice so yes I do feel rather well today Maria Oh Maria I am saying hello to Maria also Marina is here mirela lots of em's mirela Maria also marina also yes mean hello Yasmine I don't understand what do you mean you don't understand if you don't understand guess what you can actually have captions on the live stream it's true YouTube now has live captions so if you press this button on your computer keyboard you can actually have live captions so not only can you watch me live you can also see what I'm saying live as well isn't it amazing isn't technology incredible I must say I think it is hello Yasmine for those who are wondering when I'm on you can catch me every Sunday Wednesday and Friday from 2 p.m. UK time so that is when I am on you can watch me on Sunday Wednesday and Friday and who knows I might also have a little surprise livestream like yesterday hello Theo hello also 2 minutes or menisci hello mr. Duncan welcome welcome to you as well sweetness how are you doing d teacher your dear teacher is feeling okay today not too bad also we have a mitt and Maria again Pedro all paid Belmont is here today say hello and maybe goodbye as well hello also to Palmyra Anna Rosso so many people are already with me on the live chat we have a lot of things to talk about today one of the subjects we'll be discussing is something that was brought up yesterday so someone brought up this particular subject yesterday so soon we will be talking all about time how to express time in English words connected with time also I will be having a little contest as well I will be showing some of the times on the clock so there will be some times displayed on the clock here in the studio and what I want you to tell me is what the time is how to say it in English so we are going to have a little bit of fun with that later on lots of words connected with time also something else I want to mention I know we live in an age of equality fairness everyone has now decided to be kind and nice to each other well almost however there are people now who are starting to disagree with certain words certain words that contain the male gender or the word man for example we have man hole can you see that I know it's very tiny but I do have a very small man hole so here is the word man hole as you can see the word man hole has the word man in it it contains the word man so man hole is an opening in the ground normally used to hide drains or sewage or maybe the opening to a utility area so something that you have to access that is underground you normally have a manhole so these days people are saying mr. Duncan and everyone else on planet earth maybe you shouldn't be saying manhole anymore perhaps we should have a new word instead of manhole what do you think another one is mankind so when we talk about humanity when we talk about people human beings Homo sapiens we talk about mankind so everything that happens everything that humans do the evolution of humans we often talk about the evolution of mankind mankind the events that have shaped humanity we often used the word mankind so again another word that perhaps we could change to something else what about people kind or person kind here's another one if I can get it out of my hand oh here's another one man hours so we have man hours man hours this relates to the number of hours that a person has worked or the amount of time it will take to do something so when we say man hours we are actually saying how long something will take or how many hours it will require for something to be done so how many man hours will it take to build that wall how many man hours so once again we are using the word man in a phrase or word so man hours how many man-hours will it take to build that wall how many man-hours will it require to do that thing man-hours so the amount of time taken or the amount of time it will take to do something oh here's another one manpower manpower so we have man-hours and also manpower so manpower just relates to the number of people required to do something maybe you need more manpower it means you need more people to do something so you can see once again we are using the word manner but is it is it a good thing or a bad thing manpower manpower you need something Derner maybe something that takes a lot of effort or work we often say manpower we need more manpower we need more people to help then we have manhandle oh hello man handle a man handle or to manhandle something because this is actually a verb you are using this as a verb so man handle means to push someone or to shove a person so if you are pushing a person around if you are pushing them around maybe you are hitting them with your elbow or you are shaking them with your hands to shake a person is to manhandle someone perhaps you are putting someone into a car by force you are making them get into the car we can say that you are manhandling them to treat someone roughly to push a person around is manhandle you manhandle something here's another one oh here's an old one if you've ever seen the film Titanic you might hear this phrase being used man the lifeboats if you man the lifeboats it means you get in to the lifeboats so you are telling everyone to get in to the lifeboats the ship is starting to sink man the lifeboats man the lifeboats it means you want people to get in to the lifeboats you are using this as a distress call so you use this to tell people to abandon the ship you must man the lifeboats to man something is to control it to take control of something here's another one man-sized so if something is man-sized it means it is larger than it normally is so if something can be described as man-sized it is larger than normal so