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  • The Pythagorian philosopher Plato hinted

  • enigmatically that there was a golden key

  • that unified all of the mysteries of the universe.

  • It is this golden key that we will return to

  • time and again throughout our exploration.

  • The golden key is the intelligence of the logos,

  • the source of the primordial om.

  • One could say that it is the mind of God.

  • With our limited senses we are observing only the outer

  • manifestation of the hidden mechanics of self similarity.

  • The source of this divine symmetry is the greatest mystery of our existence.

  • Many of history's monumental thinkers such as Pythagoras, Keppler,

  • Leonardo da Vinci, Tesla and Einstein have come to the threshold the mystery.

  • Einstein said, "the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

  • It is the source of all true art and science.

  • He to whom this emotion is a stranger,

  • who can no longer pause wondering and stand rapt in awe

  • is as good as dead. His eyes are closed."

  • We are in the position of a little child

  • entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages.

  • The child knows someone must have written those books.

  • It does not know how.

  • It does not understand the languages in which they are written.

  • The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books

  • but doesn't know what it is.

  • That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most

  • intelligent human being toward God.

  • We see a universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws.

  • Our limited minds can not grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellations.

  • Every scientist who looks deeply into the universe

  • and every mystic who looks deeply within the self,

  • eventually comes face to face with the same thing:

  • The Primordial Spiral.

  • A thousand years before the creation of the ancient observatory at Stonehenge,

  • the spiral was a predominant symbol on Earth.

  • Ancient spirals can be found in all parts of the globe.

  • Thousands of ancient spirals such as these can be found all over Europe,

  • North American New Mexico, Utah, Australia, China, Russia.

  • Virtually every indigenous culture on Earth.

  • The ancient spirals symbolize growth, expansion and cosmic energy embodied within the sun

  • and the heavens.

  • The spiral form is mirroring the macrocosm of the unfolding universe itself.

  • In native traditions, the spiral was the energetic source, the Primordial Mother.

  • The Neolithic spirals at Newgrange, Ireland date back five thousand years.

  • They are five hundred years old than the Great Pyramid at Giza

  • and they are just as enigmatic to modern observers.

  • The spiral goes back to a time in history when humans were more

  • connected to the Earth-to the cycles and spirals of nature.

  • A time when humans were less identified with thoughts.

  • The spiral is what we perceive to be the torque of the universe.

  • Prana, or creative force, swirls Akasha into a continuum of solid forms.

  • Found at all levels between the macrocosm and the microcosm,

  • from spiral galaxies

  • to weather systems,

  • to the water in your bathtub,

  • to your DNA,

  • to the direct experience of your own energy.

  • The Primordial Spiral is not an idea,

  • but rather that which makes all conditions and ideas possible.

  • Various types of spirals and helices are found throughout the natural world.

  • Snails.

  • Sea coral.

  • Spider webs.

  • Fossils.

  • Seahorses' tails.

  • And shells.

  • Many spirals appearing in nature are observable as logarithmic spirals

  • or growth spirals.

  • As you move out from the center the spiral sections get exponentially larger.

  • Like Indra's Net of Jewels, logarithmic spirals are self-similar

  • or holographic such that the characteristics of every part are

  • reflected in the whole.

  • 2400 years ago in ancient Greece, Plato considered continuous

  • geometric proportion to be the most profound cosmic bond.

  • The Golden Ratio, or divine proportion was nature's greatest secret.

  • The Golden Ratio can be expressed as

  • the ratio of A + B to A is the same as the ratio of A to B.

  • To Plato, the world's soul binds together into one harmonic resonance.

  • The same pentagonal pattern that exists in a starfish,

  • or in a slice of okra, can be seen in the path of

  • the planet Venus traced in the night sky over an eight year period.

  • The intelligible world of forms above and the visible world of material

  • objects below, through this principle of geometric self similarity.

  • From the self-similar spiral patterns of the Romanesco broccoli

  • to the arms of galaxies, logarithmic spirals are a ubiquitous and

  • archetypal pattern.

  • Our own Milky Way galaxy has several spiral arms which are logarithmic

  • spirals with a pitch of about 12 degrees.

  • The greater the pitch of the spiral, the tighter the turns.

  • When you observe a plant growing in time-lapse video you witness it

  • dancing with the spiral of life.

  • A golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral that grows outward

  • by a factor of the Golden Ratio.

  • The Golden Ratio is a special mathematical relationship that pops up

  • over and over in nature.

  • The pattern that is observable follows what is called the Fibonacci series

  • or Fibonacci sequence.

  • The Fibonacci series unfolds such that each number is the sum of the previous two numbers.

  • The German mathematician and astronomer Keppler discovered that self similar

  • spiral patterns are observable in the way leaves are arranged on stems of plants.

  • Or in the floret and petal arrangements of flowers.

  • Leonardo da Vinci observed that the spacing of leaves

  • was often in spiral patterns.

  • These patterns are called "phyllotaxis" patterns

  • or leaf arrangement patterns.

  • Phyllotaxis arrangements can be seen in self-organizing

  • DNA nucleotides

  • and in everything from the family trees of reproducing rabbits,

  • to pine cones,

  • cacti,

  • to snowflakes

  • and in simple organisms such as diatoms.

  • Diatoms are one of the most common types of phytoplankton;

  • single celled organisms that provide food for countless species

  • throughout the food chain.

  • How much math do you need to know to be a sunflower or a bee?

  • Nature doesn't consult the physics department to grow broccoli.

  • The structuring in nature happens automatically.

  • Scientists in the field of nanotechnology use the term self-assembly

  • to describe the way complexes are formed such as

  • in the initial hexagonal phase of DNA formation.

  • In nanotechnology engineering, carbon nanotubes

  • are comprised of a similar arrangement of materials.

  • Nature does this type of geometry over and over, effortlessly.

  • Automatically. Without a calculator.

  • Nature is precise and extremely efficient.

  • According to the famous architect and author Buckminster Fuller,

  • these patterns are a function of timespace.

  • DNA and honeycomb are the shape they are for the same reason a bubble is round.

  • It is the most efficient shape for requiring the least amount of energy.

  • Space itself has shape and allows only certain configurations for matter,

  • always defaulting to what is most efficient.

  • These patterns are the strongest and most efficient way to build

  • architectural structures such as geodesic domes.

  • Logarithmic spiral patterns allow plants maximum exposure to insects

  • for pollination, maximum exposure to sunlight and rain

  • and allow them to efficiently spiral water towards their roots.

  • Birds of prey use the logarithmic spiral pattern to stalk their next meal.

  • Flying in a spiral is the most efficient way to hunt.

  • One's ability to see the spiral of life dancing Akasha into material form

  • is related to one's ability to see beauty and symmetry in nature.

  • Poet William Blake said, "the vegetative universe opens like a flower

  • from the Earth's center, in which is eternity.

  • It expands from stars to the mundane shell

  • and there it meets eternity again both within and without."

  • The study of patterns in nature is not something that is very

  • familiar in the West, but in ancient China, this science was known as "Li."

  • Li reflects the dynamic order and pattern in nature.

  • But it is not pattern thought of as something static,

  • frozen or unchanging, like a mosaic.

  • It is dynamic pattern as embodied in all living things.

  • The arteries of leaves, the markings of the tortoise

  • and the veined patterns on rocks are all expressions of nature's

  • secret language and art.

  • The labyrinth is one of many Li patterns.

  • It is found in coral structures,

  • mushrooms like the morel,

  • cabbages,

  • and in the human brain.

  • The cellular pattern is another common pattern in nature.

  • There are a myriad of different cellular structures

  • but all have a similar orderliness defined by their purpose and function.

  • It is easy to be mesmerized with the constant play of forms,

  • but what is most interesting is that certain archetypal forms

  • seem to be woven into the fabric of nature at all.

  • The branching pattern is another Li pattern or archetypal pattern

  • that is observable at all levels and in all fractal scales.

  • Take for example, this incredible image of a supercomputer simulation

  • known as the "millennium run"

  • showing the distribution of dark matter in the local universe.

  • It was created by the Max Planck Society in Germany.

  • Dark matter is what we previously thought of as empty space.

  • It is like an invisible nervous system that runs throughout the universe.

  • The universe is literally like a giant brain.

  • It is constantly thinking using a type of dark or hidden energy

  • that science is only starting to understand.

  • Through this immense network, unfathomable energy moves

  • providing the momentum for the expansion and growth of the universe.

  • Nature creates branching patterns automatically when we set up the right conditions.

  • Nature is an art generating machine or a beauty-creating engine.

  • Here, electricity is being used to grow silver crystal branches.

  • The footage is time-lapsed as they grow over several hours.

  • The crystals form on the aluminum cathode as ions are electrodeposited

  • from a silver nitrate solution.

  • The formation is self-organizing.

  • You are seeing artwork generated by nature itself.

  • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe said,

  • "beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws which otherwise

  • would have been hidden from us forever."

  • In this sense, everything in nature is alive, self-organizing.

  • When higher voltage is used the fractal branching becomes even more obvious.

  • This is happening in real time.

  • In the human body, tree-like structures and patterns are found throughout.

  • There are, of course, the nervous systems

  • that Western medicine knows about.

  • But in Chinese, Ayurvedic and Tibetan medicine the energy meridians

  • are an essential component to understanding how the body functions.

  • The "nadis," or energy meridians form tree-like structures.

  • A post mortem examination will not reveal the chakras or the nadis,

  • but that does not mean they do not exist.

  • You need to refine your tool that you use to look.

  • You must first learn to quiet your own mind.

  • Only then you will observe these things first within yourself.

  • In electrical theory, the less resistance in a wire,

  • the more easily it can carry energy.

  • When you cultivate equanimity through meditation

  • it creates a state of non-resistance in your body.

  • Prana, or chi, or inner energy is simply your inner aliveness.

  • What you feel when you bring your consciousness within the body.

  • The subtle wires within your body that carry Prana, the nadis,

  • become able to move more and more pranic energy through the chakras.

  • Your wiring becomes stronger as you use it, as you allow energy to flow.

  • Where ever consciousness is placed chi, or energy, will begin to flow

  • and physical connections blossom.

  • Within the brain and nervous system, physical wiring patterns

  • become established by repetition.

  • By continually placing your attention within

  • and lowering resistance to the sensations you are experiencing,

  • you increase your energetic capacity.

  • In Taoism, the yin yang symbol represents the inter-penetration

  • of the spiral forces of nature.

  • The yin yang is not two and not one.

  • The ancient concept of the "hara" is represented

  • by a yinyang or spiral swirl.

  • It is the power center located within the belly below the navel.

  • Hara means literally sea or ocean of energy.

  • In China, the hara is called the lower dantien.

  • In many forms of Asian martial arts,

  • the warrior with strong hara is said to be unstoppable.

  • In the Samurai tradition one form of ritual suicide or

  • seppuku was hara kiri, which was often mispronounced as "hairy cairy".

  • It means to impale one's hara thereby cutting off one's

  • chi or energy channel.

  • Moving from this center creates the grounded graceful movement

  • that you see not only in martial arts,

  • but in great golfers,

  • belly dancers,

  • and Sufi whirling dervishes.

  • It is the cultivation of single-pointed,

  • disciplined consciousness that is the essence of hara;

  • the stillness in the eye of the hurricane.

  • It is the gut instinct in connection to one's energy source.

  • A person with good hara is connected to the Earth

  • and to the intuitive wisdom that connects all beings.

  • To think with your belly, "hara de kanganasaii"

  • is to tap into your inner wisdom.

  • The ancient Australian Aboriginees concentrated on the same area

  • just below the navel-where the cord of the great rainbow serpent lay coiled.

  • Again, a representation of the evolutionary energy in humankind.

  • It is no accident that it is in the hara where new life begins.

  • The enteric nervous system, sometimes referred to as the "gut brain"

  • is capable of maintaining a complex matrix of connections

  • similar to the brain in the head, with its own neurons and neurotransmitters.

  • It can act autonomously, that is with its own intelligence.

  • You could say that the gut brain is a fractal version of the head brain,

  • or perhaps the head brain is a fractal version of the gut brain.

  • A healthy bear has strong hara.

  • When a bear knows where to forage for herbs,

  • it follows the movement of chi through its senses,

  • centered in the hara, or belly.

  • This is the bear's connection to the dream lodge; the place in native

  • traditions where all knowledge comes from - to the spiral of life.

  • But how did ancient peoples know about the spiral if modern science

  • is just starting now to recognize its significance?

  • Ask the bees, for they have not forgotten how to love.

  • Bees have a special connection to the source

  • as part of a symbiotic system helping beauty and diversity to flourish.

  • They are a bridge between the macrocosm and the microcosm.

  • There is one heart that connects all, a hive mind if you will.

  • Like an open brain, the hive sends out its dreams to the world

  • to be manifested.

  • In nature many creatures know how to act unison,

  • to move with one spirit, one direction.

  • But not all benefit the other species around them.

  • For example, the locust will devour everything in its path.

  • A locust has no choice but to act like a locust.

  • It will never make honey or pollinate plants the way a bee does.

  • A locust's behavior is rigid, but a human is unique

  • in that we can act like a bee or we can act like a locust.

  • We are free to change and manipulate the patterns

  • of how we interact with the world.

  • We can exist symbiotically

  • or as a parasite.

  • Today humans try to understand the spiral with the rational mind

  • but it was never thinking that connected us to the spiral of life.

  • We have always been connected.

  • Thinking has been what keeps us in the illusion of separateness,

  • within our own identities.

  • Thinking IS the creation of separateness.

  • The experience of limitation.

  • The more we align with thought, the more removed we become from the source.

  • Ancient cultures that were less thought-oriented aligned themselves

  • with the spiral in a more direct and personal way than we do today.

  • In ancient India, Kundalini is a representation of one's

  • inner energy which moves in snake-like or helix-like pattern up the spine.

  • In the ancient yogic traditions of India the inner worlds of people

  • at that time were comparable to those of hara centered cultures.

  • To balance the power of the spiral with the stillness of your

  • witnessing consciousness is to align with your full evolutionary potential.

  • To blossom into the unique multi-faceted being you were designed to be.

  • "Ida"-the feminine or moon channel is connected to the right brain

  • and "pingala" the masculine or sun channel is connected to the left brain.

  • When these two channels are in balance, energy flows up a third channel,

  • Sushumna, along the center of the spine, energizing the chakras

  • and unlocking one's full evolutionary potential.

  • The word "chakra" is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning energy wheel.

  • Kundalini is nothing less than the primordial spiral

  • that dances your human life into existence.

  • It is a different order of energy than we normally understand.

  • Like a bridge from "gross matter" to the most subtle energies.

  • You are that bridge.

  • Kundalini is not energy that can be forced by will, effort and friction.

  • It is analogous to growing a flower.

  • All we can do as good gardeners is prepare the soil and proper conditions,

  • and let nature take its course.

  • If you force a flower to open prematurely, you'll destroy it.

  • It grows with its own intelligence, with its own self-organizing direction.

  • The egoic mind which fixates on the outer world

  • is what keeps you from experiencing your true inner vibratory nature.

  • When consciousness is turned within it becomes like the sun's rays

  • and the lotus within begins to grow.

  • As Kundalini awakens within one's self, one begins to see

  • the signature of the spiral in all things.

  • In all patterns within and without.

  • This spiral is the link between our inner worlds and our outer worlds.

The Pythagorian philosopher Plato hinted


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内側の世界、外側の世界 - パート2 - スパイラル (Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 2 - The Spiral)

  • 231 35
    徐聆 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日