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  • what's up everybody welcome back to my channel! hi how are ya?? in today's video

  • we're going to be talking about something that is so highly anticipated

  • and no... I don't mean my pregnancy. I am talking about the Anastasia Beverly

  • Hills 'Norvina' eyeshadow palette! now I was recently on vacation and I just got

  • back literally a day ago and I saw this all over the internet it was a little

  • sneak peek it was fucking revealed and I was like

  • oh my god this palette is fucking pretty but what does it look like in real life

  • how does it perform we're gonna test it out today I have it right here in my

  • hands I'm really excited bitch because you know I love and Anastasia moment! now

  • here is the PR package and let's open her up oh I feel like rays of like purple

  • light should be shooting out this right now this is of course the PR package

  • let's get this palette out and let's dive in! iIam very excited about this one

  • today now if you guys do not know Norvina aka Claudia is one of the owners

  • and is the creative director of Anastasia Beverly Hills... that is Anastasia's

  • daughterr! I live for her she's very creative and she's fun to follow o

  • social media because she is very like about her business she gives a lot of

  • sneak peeks on Twitter about the brand a lot of like insider information business

  • advice and she's just an overall like sick person in the beauty industry so oh

  • my girl finally you have your own palette I don't know what to expect

  • today so we're gonna open this up we're gonna do a look I'm thinking of trying

  • out as many shadows as I can so just like the box of crayons palette review a

  • few months ago I made you one eye with some colors and one eye with some more

  • so we can see how they really all perform this palette does retail for $42

  • and there is for the first time seven shimmers and seven mattes now usually

  • they do not do that so I was pleasantly surprised with that now of course here

  • is the unit carton just some tidbits this is our cruelty free bitch we are

  • cruelty free yes of course this palette is not vegan but there are 14 a

  • whimsical shades ranging from bold to bright mattes to soft pastel shimmers

  • these shadows have is 0.71 grams which is very standard for them and girl we

  • all know what an Anasazi a palette looks like by now we all have modern

  • renaissance in our makeup kits so let's keep it really real

  • now this does have the feel of a modern Renaissance palette it is like that soft

  • like a velvet felt it feels so yeah me I'm just like ah now let's get to what

  • y'all want to hear about the inside now here is what she looks like of course it

  • comes with a plastic protector so the shades are protected from everything and

  • of course the mirror as well which you can peel this right off so everything is

  • fucking for ratch honey now as you see there is a whole entire row of shimmers

  • and in the whole bottom row is mattes now I think the shade that everyone on

  • the internet was gagging breathing and choking on was right here Sol which is a

  • beautiful I'm scared to say like the colors because I don't want to get it

  • wrong but to me it's like a eggplant periwinkle hybrid and it just looks

  • amazing I'm like it on my whole entire lower lashline right now now of course

  • as you see this palette does come with a blending brush let's pop this one out

  • this one actually works there's a lot of poets where it's like girl was the brush

  • necessary um no it's not at all but this one actually works and it's a dual end

  • so if you're someone that doesn't have a lot of makeup brushes girl you get a

  • brush every time you buy one of their palettes love that I don't know what I'm

  • gonna create we're just gonna wing it and try as many shades as we can and I

  • will do some swatches as well so we can really see what is about to happen okay

  • I really want to just dive into the shade first so let's do that I'm gonna

  • take the brush out for a minute so doesn't fall out and now let's dive into

  • shades soul oh hey okay I have to just watch this right here in my hand

  • oh wow oh girl we're talking like Bowl coverage that color like literally looks

  • like Noor veena as like a person like when I think of her I think of her

  • stunning violet hair the purple the hues she's like the epitome of like a unicorn

  • almost like just very like oh I'm also dying to touch wild child

  • oh okay now I know people have had opinions about some of their palettes

  • before with formulas and blah blah blah this let's put this next to it so of

  • course every palette is gonna be different but I know that this formula

  • is consistent with the modern renaissance formula so I am very excited

  • for that krummy and just pretty that is I want to

  • like put them in her corner put it on the brow bone okay let's do one more

  • before we dive in which shade am i living for I mean Celeste Jules okay

  • let's give her a little swatch oh wow that's like full unicorn fantasy okay I

  • mean these are right there are a look all right before we get started they

  • have new lip glosses out the shade is called Venus I feel a little weird and

  • naked without anything on my lips so let me just slap this on

  • they'll just touch my nose because I was like really into the smell yummy okay

  • let's put this on oh come on dimension I don't feel like I'm naked mole-rat

  • anymore now like I do in every review I am going to prime my lids with the Mac

  • painterly paint-pot right here most of us prime our lids if

  • you don't no worries you do not have to but I love doing that just so there's no

  • creasing or anything throughout the day and I'm gonna bring this up above my

  • brow bone I know Anasazi of Beverly Hills is very well known for their brow

  • products which I love and adore but honey we don't believe in eyebrows on

  • this channel for 2018 so probably worn them like once or twice so I am so sorry

  • honest hacia please don't slap me okay so I just saw this stunning picture of

  • Claudia and I'm like honey we gotta like do one I like that that is so pretty so

  • I'm gonna do one eye with some make 5 shades and then maybe the other eye with

  • another 5 shades so we could try to get like most of them down so I am going to

  • dip into shade eccentric right here with a little Mac 2 1 7 brush and we're just

  • gonna dive in right to there and coat the brush girl the brush is coated and

  • it looks really great so let me grab my

  • ax lavender mirror and let's pop eccentric

  • right into our crease

  • yeah such an easy light crease color I know a lot of you're really gonna

  • gravitate towards this shade and I do not blame you

  • BAM obviously you guys saw that blended out very easy so I'm gonna just add in a

  • little more right in here and we're not gonna do the whole lid because there's a

  • lot of color going on in there in a minute alright so there is a centric

  • laid down very cute now it says they use what else passion

  • in the crease oh okay so passion is this color right here it looks stunning I'm

  • gonna use the same brush and just dive in to there for a minute let's give her

  • a little pop right in there not all the way across just a little in there oh yes

  • alright now I do want to know I've never had this issue before in my entire life

  • with my personal skin but recently if you've been following me on snapchat or

  • IG stories you know that I have a little bit of eczema on my eye in my fold so

  • right there you guys I have a crazy red patch that I have been trying to get rid

  • of so the eye shadow is obviously blending amazing but I do have this

  • weird little patch right there so if the eye shadow sticks or looks a

  • little weird hi eczema how are you doing girl so

  • recently I bought this stuff I'm just gonna talk about in the video this may

  • help other people so I bought this stuff online let me go back to my story here

  • okay so it's called eczema honey and it is all-natural miracle healing bacteria

  • fighting this whole thing right I literally got it today it's in the

  • freezer and I've used it once I think I need to use it like ten more times so I

  • don't know why maybe you guys could give me some advice in the comment section

  • down below but I've never had this issue and it's

  • not an ingrown hair I know that's gonna be a lot of people's like little girl

  • you shave your eyebrows I don't know what is going on shadow still sticks to

  • it but it can kind of cause it to look a little bizarre so how to throw that out

  • there in case you guys were like girl what is going on alright so now let's go

  • back into the review passion and eccentric are blending amazing I'm just

  • gonna take eccentric and go around and just buff and blend that out all

  • right now I'm gonna go in with shade wild child right here this in gorgeous

  • pink metallic that we swatched earlier and I'm gonna go in with a little

  • synthetic Mac brush a little 242 if you will and let's just go our brush and see

  • we love a reflective shadow yes okay so let's just pack that all over the lid

  • I'm just gonna throw a little glitter on my eczema and just call it a day BAM

  • okay this color girl stunning all right now we're gonna go in with this gorgeous

  • purple metallic right here I have been dying to touch the shade okay the

  • pigment went on the brush amazing so I am just going to pack this right in here

  • and let's just mix and match ooh wow these colors mixed look so pretty

  • there's a tiny bit of fall out so I'm gonna quickly grab a brush and just go

  • like that oh hi BAM alright now I'm gonna go back

  • in with shade a passion right here and just barely touch it and I'm just gonna

  • press it right here on the end just so it kind of gives my lid a little bit of

  • more pop and I'm just gonna try to go right over my little eczema patch and

  • bam okay now we're gonna take this brush with no product on it and just kind of

  • go over that and then we're just gonna drag that in just so there's a little

  • bit of darkness right there Wow okay these shimmer shadows are really bomb I

  • didn't know what to expect but they pop I'm like oh yes honey that lid is like

  • glass all right now for under the eye you guys know I've been dying to try

  • shade Sol so let me go in with a little Tom Ford pencil brush and let's really

  • coat our brush which high pigment it's completely coated already and I'm just

  • gonna drag this along my entire lash line I think this video needs this

  • moment I am so excited oh wow it's so pigmented I think I dug

  • in a little too deep

  • now there's a lot of people talking about this shade online they weren't

  • sure how it really looked in person lighting was a little off for some

  • people in some of the photos I gotta say though this shade is stunning all right

  • now I'm gonna take this blending brush and dive into Seoul just by itself and I

  • am going to take this shade and just lightly kind of drag it and smoke it out

  • so it's even more dramatic I need some drama

  • now this shade is very unique and I just love how it looks like I want to put on

  • my lid I want to put it on my ass I want to put it everywhere whoever's gonna

  • take in just kind of like that BAM oh this is a moment like hashtag this is a

  • moment hashtag iconic hashtag clock it to the house rich luxe hashtag can't

  • relate wow this is really pretty alright let me dive in again and let me

  • just really smoke this out like it's me and Nate in the bong BAM

  • love that now I think it's definitely time for a little eyeliner before you

  • can go to the other eye and add more so I'm gonna take a little Mac smolder eye

  • pencil eye Kohl pencil and I'm just going to excuse me I'm looking in a

  • mirror down here I'm just gonna pop that in there and try not just dab my eye out

  • I think it's time to try out another shade alright I'm kind of living and

  • breathing for this look already so I really want to try out shade dreamer

  • over here let's just dive in with our fingers wow that feels so soft and

  • pretty woah alright so let's just watch this

  • right here BAM oh wow hi this is so reflected I'm a little shook I don't

  • know if they added some more pearls to this palette but look at that it's like

  • literal like champagne glass okay so I really want to put that color just kind

  • of like on my brow bone you guys know I'm living for the alien look this year

  • I am an alien my mom called me an alien when I was a little boy we're here so

  • we're gonna take a little more feet why 14 brush so we're just gonna lightly

  • just barely touch into there oh wow this brush picks up a lot of pigment and then

  • we're just going to lightly just kind of put that right on the brow bone

  • Wow this is gonna give you that wet stunning metallic look now this shade

  • did have a lot more fallout than the others but I think it's the brush

  • because when I dipped into a wild child and over he and this one it did not have

  • that much fallout so I think this brush is a little much but I'm barely touching

  • it it is fully coating the brush but that one did have a little bit more

  • fallout than the rest now let me just add on to this a little

  • bit more this is gonna give you that insane gorgeous wet smokey airbrushed

  • look which sums up my existence alright so we have used six shades on

  • this eye and I'll be honest I didn't know what to expect yet but so far so

  • good loving how this is turning out so now

  • let's turn move my booty this way now girl I really want to try this shade

  • base which is the nude one over here it's the lightest if you will I love a

  • good base so let me use what are we gonna use as girl let's go to this

  • little brush and let's just pack this on my lid let's see what it looks like yeah

  • it's an easy color to lay down and just coat your entire lid and brow bone if

  • you want to I love that moment because it's easy to just blend everything else

  • once the light shade is down and there's no eczema on the side of my eye thank

  • you Jesus

  • all right that is really cute it's very brightening and I love that so far

  • easy-peasy boom all right now we're gonna dive into

  • shade incense over here which is kind of like a darker version of eccentric a

  • little bit more like very cool tone which I live for no one's doing a cool

  • toned eyeshadow palettes I'm like hi everyone we've seen warm tones so much I

  • don't think anyone else could make another warm tone palette so I was very

  • excited for this color story oh hi honey the shade is like good morning alright

  • now this shade had a little bit more follow than the other mats but not too

  • extreme I think the color is really beautiful and it blended out very nice

  • this is kind of like one of those shades where you could literally wear these too

  • and some lashes and like it'd be good to go so we love a palette that's a

  • versatile but I'm dying to play in this volatile shade so let's grab a clean

  • brush if you will and let's dive into that this is a morphe 4-3-3 brush and

  • we're gonna dive in right here at this shade it looks stunning it's a very cool

  • tone and I'm like yes girl let's just deepen our crease and add a little bit

  • more depth okay the shade incensed with this mixed looks

  • very cute hi

  • alright then we're gonna go in with shade base over here and we're just

  • gonna hit that once or twice and then go over what we already did so it's a very

  • airbrushed looking all right now we're going to dive into shade rose gold right

  • here I am dying to play with this one who looks pretty okay so we're just

  • gonna give it a little different vibes over here and let's just see what it

  • looks like now as you guys see I'm just doing little packing motions I'm not

  • just like putting it everywhere we're literally just here I'll hold this up

  • we're just like pressing in like that and then we're just pressing on the lid

  • direct contact we're not gonna take it all the way over cuz we are gonna leave

  • some dimension right there and we're gonna add some shadow in a second but

  • this shade whoa all right now I am dying to try I think I'm saying that about

  • every shade I have to stop sorry guys new makeup gets me off I know a lot of

  • you feel the same way okay so let's dive into shade summer right here is a

  • stunning gold color Emma said come okay so it looks something like this I'm

  • gonna do a little swatch right here ooh cause they're still reflective okay

  • let's dive into summer one two three and bam

  • I'm really packing it on so there isn't some fallout which you guys know I don't

  • mind I have had way worse all you got to do is quickly go BAM brush it off and it

  • literally left no residue all right now we're gonna dip into a volatile BAM one

  • more time and we're just going to add a little bit right here just so it all

  • flows just like the other side all right now I definitely think we need some

  • under-eye action this side was just so stunning but there is a shade in here

  • called love which is like a I don't even know how to describe this color it's

  • like pinky it's kind of coral let's take it with a clean finger and give it a

  • whirl well what would you guys say this is whatever it is it looks really cute

  • all right so let's dip into her and let's see what happens now I did use a

  • packer brush on the other side which worked way better so I don't know why I

  • didn't do that again all right I quickly just clean the brush I used for soul and

  • let's go back in to love this is a unique shade I don't really see brands

  • making matte colors like this but what do you guys think about the color story

  • in general are you living for an honest hacia palette I know so many of you are

  • obsessed with them including myself I've had a lot of hits

  • only a few misses on this channel you never know with brands what is gonna

  • come next and I think honest toss to get Beverly Hills is one of those brands

  • that always delivers the heat is what I like to call it like they know what

  • their consumer wants they're constantly putting out products and may have like

  • grown so massively in the last two years it's exciting or really like what from

  • the last five years to now just like like the growth is insane so congrats to

  • them honey Wow okay now we're gonna go back in with this brush and we're just

  • gonna coat it real quickly and let's smoke it out just like the other side

  • alright now just like this side I'm gonna pop in some black liner sorry I

  • have to look in my mirror over here and I'm just gonna pop that right in my

  • waterline like the other side and just give it an added little oh alright so I

  • think it's definitely time for some mascara but I used every shade in this

  • palette except dazzling and drama so before we even do mascara I do want to

  • touch those quickly we got dazzling right there and then we have drama I'm a

  • dog named drama huh so let's do drama right here oh wow that is a very

  • gorgeous color okay and then let's do dazzling BAM hi I mean those two

  • together though wow these swatches look amazing I can't wait to of course try

  • these in another video but overall I think we got a lot of shades in this

  • look so for mascara today we're gonna go in with the brand new milk makeup cush

  • mascara this of course hit the market a few months ago I am obsessed with it

  • can't stop using it they finally just released this mini version love it for

  • travel still feels like a heavy amazing component which I love and the brush is

  • still fat and delicious

  • all right these lashes are lifted I love it so far oh wow

  • okay now I know I normally would throw on some lashes if I really wanted to

  • finish this look but you know I love to show off shadows I think for an

  • eyeshadow palette review I don't want to really cover up the work I want you guys

  • to be able to see all times these colors like at my lid so okay I'm not mad at

  • this look at oh but there's no shimmer on this brow bone and it's kind of

  • giving me like I need to do it so let's go in I was gonna touch dazzling but I

  • think it's way too dark to be on the brow bone so let's go in one more time

  • with dreamer and we're just gonna lightly dust her on top hi honey

  • wow that is beautiful alright only thing I want to add is of course a little fix

  • plus for my skin 1 hydration now I want to dive in quickly with the UH Nastasia

  • moonchild glow kit and just give my cheeks an extra little like Vava voom if

  • you will now let's go in with purple horseshoe

  • right here and pink heart and I'm just gonna kind of doing a little cocktail

  • moment and hi how are you oh okay I almost looked in there like there's no

  • where dear Jeffrey come back to earth we knew that all right you guys I think

  • that this look is complete now it's time to give my final thoughts and my real

  • first impressions on the noir vina palette now obviously I really didn't

  • know what I was walking into I didn't know what kind of formulas palette was

  • gonna have I will say this this palette is very consistent the mats are

  • beautiful the shimmer shadows are stunning and maybe my favorite shimmer

  • like color story that they've ever done thus far I can't stop looking at my lids

  • I keep like closing this eye and then closing this one and going back and

  • forth and I feel really pretty and I love what a palette can make you feel

  • like ah I just inspire you just to get creative and have fun now I think that a

  • lot of you are going to be obsessed with this palette I know a lot of we're

  • waiting for this review so whenever you guys wait for me to try something before

  • buying it I really appreciate that I love that

  • you could trust me because there are some shady bitches out there but as you

  • guys can see this palette blended amazing on the eyes every shadow

  • obviously we did try these two but every other shadow performed great of course

  • there was some heavy fallout on a few of these especially dreamer and love but

  • overall it wasn't crazy where I was like who girl

  • it was very consistent and great like I am really happy with this palette I've

  • got a lot of rough patches on this channel lately with some things just

  • going a little raw at array at all but the newer Buena palette slays I didn't

  • know what to expect from her but girl she came with the fire so you guys sound

  • off down below let me know what you think what do you think about this look

  • what do you think about the shadows the formula everything I want to know your

  • thoughts but I will say this right now that the Anastasia Beverly Hills noir

  • veena palette is Jeffrey star approved I really love everything about it now you

  • guys know I am NOT the biggest fan of the soft touch packaging it does feel

  • really nice but it does get really dirty quickly over time if you don't mind that

  • great my modern Renaissance has a mess all over it but I like dirty makeup is

  • that weird I love when people like just have a mess everywhere and like you use

  • and go ahead in a palette eleven people tweet me pictures and there's like

  • literally like no product left in a pan why does that get me off I need to see

  • my psychologist alright so thank you guys so much for watching another first

  • impressions review I hope this helped you if you are going to get this or if

  • you're not thank you for watching I really appreciate it I will see you guys

  • on the next review and if there's anything crazy that you

  • guys want me to try sound up below I don't know what the T is there is so

  • many products and launches coming up I can't wait to see what the makeup

  • community has in store for us next all right you guys thank you so much see

  • you on the next one Wow

what's up everybody welcome back to my channel! hi how are ya?? in today's video


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ノルヴィナ・パレット...ジェフリースター公認? (THE NORVINA PALETTE... Is It Jeffree Star Approved??)

  • 4 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日