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  • so today i mean if you if you and fate stay night originally a visual novel

  • developed by tightening when the release of two thousand four began his

  • twenty-four pistols and was released in two thousand six so i have some stories

  • about this creates what they call the holy grail worth for help every ten

  • years or so or set of ages and seven service participate and all-out war to

  • obtain the holy grail about item that she is at the end of the work to grant

  • the master inserted always stop any update designer arts another we got the

  • synopsis out the way off you have to stress that this and he has

  • wide variety of office ben delivers it may be different aspect it has actually

  • romance suspects haha gave us hope it's a comedy for action fans will definitely

  • be satisfied at many of the bike to put together very well

  • and you have a certain of the outcome because public are critical

  • our main characters you know any other was finally got a studio eighty eight

  • with the podium from police excise duty haha novel total yeah saw scared of the

  • main character and a good guy

  • character starts a little bit and knowing any borderline sexta staffers

  • although his servants a brutal warrior he can't get past the fact that he had

  • that's and therefore johnson every battle that is around

  • getting his ass handed to him

  • each and every time while there's a legitimate reason for his actions in is

  • in explaining to appear on the series about a particular point we've had

  • several instances

  • of one of the dorset out of this guy

  • main bus service it was actually one of the best female characters uh... and

  • receiving any headway not only has to take some serious at there's also a

  • bunch of different leads to a personality they get to see twelve

  • theories and makes it seem more realistic

  • in the athletes be neither andy and not

  • black one-dimensional c really truly as a lots of personality in this series

  • hands down one of the best scenes that displays but i just mentioned at the

  • scene of simply hurt angioplasty and will be postural busy trying to be

  • brought back to try to put his hand occurs she's too busy bee in the movie

  • blog boldface excited and that was really shows that

  • she is not only female but he's also handles quality were to be like a friend

  • as well and it to me that's a great excesses like

  • awesome female eleven characters are being told to go and archer who are

  • massive serbian and participating in the holy grail wars as well pc throughout

  • the series wikihow classifiers assumed at its height but they still hold their

  • own

  • with her powers as he has a mate

  • meanwhile her serving archer basis kickass all around in all honesty he is

  • really bad ass if he can steal some of the best fight scenes in the entire

  • series some of the vocational and they did the main character actually preheat

  • story

  • and i definitely say that archer

  • is hands down probably one of my favorite characters in the series aside

  • from the main character or one of the main characters strieber insists it felt

  • like last minute accident evil what all that action scenes all the incredible

  • action the best part for me of the series

  • is the romance between skill

  • and seagrams because like i said not only are you getting married also action

  • we'd also get it is really interesting and dramatic love scenario between the

  • two second really touch a heartbeat cuban ghastly cried yes there's a part

  • of the city's acting

  • you might cried too

  • just saying touched up on the music for this tape that definitely going to see

  • that the soundtrack

  • with very amazing it was one of the best soundtrack that particular legal time

  • with nearly sheet

  • and n_b_c_

  • film perfect with the team that it pat

  • and that's really what the subject control of the series in eighteen

  • seventy c field at dayton climactic quirky wasn't well that's seen it made

  • you really feel it with your heart if you have action scene companies really

  • fairly week fits fate stay night opentable the went on to say any

  • sympathy reasons than anything special to be honest with you and insert

  • instances definitely falls short

  • well for seven years old and that we don't see that it does hold up easily

  • it's not too bad that but still to be a bit better

  • now to get to see figure or before anyone comments

  • faced a titus psychotherapy zero it's starting you've got a recipe zero i had

  • to say regardless of the quality of the prequel fitzgerald it without the jury

  • increase the quality affix the later part because

  • it was such an amazing series i think that we had a lot obstructs with that

  • even if it is a role as a ten hour ten it won't increase the quality or

  • mind to it that uh... fate stay night because i felt the same imported nearly

  • perfect

  • ballots updates in every quality want andy and an incredible when the action

  • romance viable some amazing fight scenes

  • and a beautiful relationship to top it all telephone waffle and actions of the

  • main character early on series about the direction of cities could have been a

  • bit better

  • i get the same reason eight point five up at if you went through a series of

  • tests or tar online forty blend of

  • actionable next annual absolutely adore fate stay night for what it is so if you

  • see that they don't stay did you enjoy it what was your oral ultimate and if

  • you have it will you be getting to simply go lookout hahaha overview would

  • be zero but until next time off and on the world and for boxing hope you enjoy

  • it

  • phones al

  • for free tuesday night because in all honesty

  • this was a series that let me think about it for like nearly a week to after

  • i finished watching it and that's why i think he should definitely get this one

  • echo as always people

  • happen awesome day

so today i mean if you if you and fate stay night originally a visual novel


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Fate/Stay nightアニメレビュー -- ForneverWorld 2013 (Fate/Stay Night Anime Review -- ForneverWorld 2013)

  • 464 37
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日