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  • Our next guest has correctly predicted the last nine presidential elections from 1984

  • through 2012.

  • American University History Professor Allan Lichtman's popular vote predictions were perfect

  • including the 2000 election which the Supreme Court ultimately awarded to George W. Bush.

  • In 2016, he predicted an electoral college victory for Donald Trump who lost the popular

  • vote to Hillary Clinton.

  • Professor Lichtman joins me now from Bethesda, Maryland.

  • Professor Lichtman, thank you so much for joining us.

  • Not only are your predictions overwhelmingly correct, but you often make them very early.

  • Can you give us an explanation of how your model works?

  • (You're really analyzing the performance of the party as a whole.

  • The candidate is almost secondary, here.)

  • Amazing.

  • Is it too early to make a prediction for 2020 or do you have that in your pocket yet?

  • Because back in May, you told CNN, Donald Trump will win the 2020 election unless the

  • "the Democrats grow a spine and do their constitutional duty and move into an impeachment inquiry.

  • They've launched their inquiry.

  • Is that enough?

  • Do you think the 2020 election is

  • now for

  • the Democrats to lose?

  • I understand your model.

  • But, I do want to point out that this election is unlike any other in a variety of ways.

  • One of which is that you have a huge field of democratic candidates.

  • The party is more important than the candidate when it comes to your model.

  • But, do you see any variance depending on who wins the democratic nomination.

  • You have candidates on one side of the spectrum - Sanders and Warren versus Biden.

  • Will that not have any effect at all?

  • How much does foreign policy, for instance, policy vis-a-vis North Korea, performance

  • impact a candidate or a party's win for 2020 presidential election?

  • Finally, what are

  • some key factors that will shape the 2020 presidential election between now and November

  • 2020?

  • Absolutely fascinating.

  • Professor Allan Lichtman, many thanks for your fascinating insights this morning.

  • We appreciate it.

Our next guest has correctly predicted the last nine presidential elections from 1984


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過去9回の大統領選挙の勝利を予測した教授 2020年の米大統領選挙の当選予想 (Professor who predicted win of last 9 presidental elections project 2020 U.S. election winner)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日