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  • Chris Hill: Hey, thanks for watching. We're coming to you from Fool Global Headquarters

  • in Alexandria, Virginia. I'm Chris Hill, here with senior analyst, Jason Moser and Ben Ra.

  • Guys, thanks for being here. Jason Moser: Thank you.

  • Ben Ra: Thank you. Hill: We're going to be talking about what's

  • happening in the market this week, which if you're in an investor, you've already known

  • that there's a lot of red out there. We're going to be taking your questions.

  • Some of you have already asked about where to put your cash, if you've got a little cash

  • on the sidelines. Good news, we've got a free investing starter kit that comes with five

  • stock ideas from our investing team. You can find it at That's

  • Check that out, we'll email you the report. Jason, let me start with you, as of this live

  • YouTube, you look at the S&P 500 the Dow Jones Industrial Average, both down about 9% so

  • far this week. We are long-term investors, we think in decades, not in quarters.

  • I'm not going to lie to you, this is a painful week.

  • Moser: [laughs] Painful. I don't know. I guess that depends on perspective. I was kind of

  • happy to see this pullback. Now, I'm not happy for the reason behind the pullback, of course,

  • because I think a lot of this is based on concerns over the coronavirus and how that's

  • playing out on economies over the world. If we think about the global economy today is

  • truly a global economy, right? Technology has made the world much smaller, it’s far

  • more connected, more intricate, more connected supply and consumer chains. So, you see a

  • lot of questions regarding growth coming into play. And it's not even March yet.

  • I think we had a Goldman Sachs report out here earlier today that essentially whittled

  • down earnings growth to zero. That's zero. And that's coming from a pretty heady optimistic

  • time here, just a couple of months ago. So, this is one of those Black Swan events,

  • nothing we could have totally predicted or really foreseen. We know that these types of events

  • are going to happen, we don't know what it's going to be, when it's going to be and how

  • long it's going to last, but here we are. Hill: Ben, when you think about the impact

  • of the coronavirus, to Jason's point, the supply chain issues that it's causing,

  • whatgoes through your mind as an investor, because one thought that I've had and that I've seen

  • out there in sort of the financial media is, some businesses out there are going to have

  • an easier time of getting their supply chains and therefore their businesses up and running,

  • others are already, probably, looking at maybe the last quarter of 2020 and into 2021 before

  • it's business as usual? Ra: Yeah. Generally speaking, I think it's

  • going to be very difficult to predict, but when I look at the market, I focus on what's

  • going on in China a lot. And if you look at the supply chain disruptions there,

  • one of the risks that have been reported, but is somewhat underreported, I think is the level

  • of debt that's in China. So, there is this risk that you can have this chain-reaction,

  • where you have business disruption, you have a lot of companies that are highly indebted.

  • And China is, in general, if you look at total household, government, corporate debt is 300% of GDP.

  • A lot of it is corporate debt. So, if you've been looking at a lot of

  • Chinese companies, as I have, you would have noticed that there's a lot of short-term debt out there.

  • So, when you have this kind of disruption

  • then you have situations where companies are saying, “Well, when's the money coming in,

  • I have to pay my fixed costs?” There's debt maturities, there's interest. I would say

  • there's going to be a lot of missed interests and principal payments, and then you have

  • the possibility that the government will have to inject funds, which theyre already doing now.

  • I think it's likely there's a risk that they'll have to do more. And then you have

  • other risks,” like, what's going to happen to the currency and what's going to happen

  • to the offshore debt? So, there's all of these different chain-reactions

  • that can take place from the coronavirus. Hill: Jason, you think about what we've seen

  • in the United States in terms of the IPO market over the last -- call it -- six- to ten months,

  • where for a couple of years, Wall Street and everyday investors like us were willing to

  • jump in on companies that weren't profitable, that maybe didn't have the greatest sketched

  • out business plan. And that kind of came to a stop, sort of the midpoint of 2019,

  • the patience ran out. To Ben's point about debt, how concerned are

  • you about monetary policy, which is something we don't really focus on in terms of being

  • business-focused investors? But to Ben’s point, there are a lot of companies out there

  • that are not profitable, that maybe we were willing to give a greater amount of leash to,

  • that maybe as investors we should scale that back a little bit?

  • Moser: Yeah, I absolutely think that it's a good time to take a look at your portfolio,

  • look at the businesses in there and determine which ones are profitable versus which ones are not.

  • And that may sound a little funny, but the fact of the matter is, like you said,

  • a lot of these businesses out here today these high-flying businesses that have been doing

  • so well, they are doing very well based on the promise of a very great future, they are

  • not bringing in that profitability today. And we've had a very accommodative Fed to

  • this point, right. It seems like whenever there's even a hint of headwind or challenging

  • times on the horizon, the Fed is very quick to get in there and ease that monetary policy.

  • It does feel like I've heard more about the Fed responding to the coronavirus as opposed

  • to perhaps the companies that are out there developing a potential vaccine.

  • So, for me, definitely, I was looking through my portfolio just yesterday and doing a little

  • bit of an inventory and looking at some of these businesses and saying, you know what,

  • this business is profitable, this one isn't, how long do I think this company is going

  • to take to get to a clear and sustainable path of profitability? And if it's one where

  • you can't really paint that picture so clearly, you need to keep that in mind, because this

  • could last for a little while. I mean, I don't think this is one of those situations that's

  • going to last indefinitely. I mean it's a temporary situation, but it is difficult to

  • actually figure out how long it may take. One of the data points, I noticed here earlier,

  • in regard to market corrections; which I think, technically, we're now in a market correction.

  • There have been 26 market corrections, not including this one, since World War II.

  • These corrections last around four months on average. So, depending on the situation, it could take

  • a little bit longer, this could end a little bit sooner, we don't know yet, but it's worth

  • knowing what you own. Hill: And, Ben, to the point you made earlier,

  • I mean this is one of those situations, it's going to be incredibly hard to predict.

  • And I'm not trying to downplay what's happening with the coronavirus, it's a very serious

  • health situation. That said, I think, as investors, it's worth taking a step back and realizing

  • what we're seeing in the market, even just the amount of red that we're seeing this week,

  • this comes against the backdrop of a ten-year bull market. So, at least some of what we're

  • seeing is investors -- whether it's institutional investors on Wall Street or everyday investors

  • like you and me -- saying, “You know what, I've done well to this point, if you've been

  • investing over the last five-, ten years. I'm taking a little money off the table,” so to speak.

  • But to go to Jason's point, how are you personally

  • going through your stocks, what are you looking at to sort of determine, okay, maybe it's

  • not from the standpoint of transacting, like, “I'm selling a bunch of stocks that I've

  • done well in,” but maybe it is from the standpoint of, “I've got a watchlist and

  • some of the stocks that were on my watchlist, I'm now removing them from my watchlist.”

  • What are the couple of things that you're looking at?

  • Ra: Well, so, if you focus on the American stock market, the U.S. stock market,

  • it's a bit unique, I would say, because over the last ten years, it's been a great ten years

  • for stock investors here in the U.S. And the U.S. market really has outperformed versus

  • the global indexes. So, I think the unique thing about the U.S. stock market is how top-heavy it is.

  • So, you have these four trillion-dollar companies. So, you're talking about a total

  • market cap of $4 trillion, 20% of GDP, that's really -- if you go back to 2000, the top

  • four companies in the S&P 500 were like 14% of GDP. If you go back 120 years, it was less

  • than probably 1%. So, the big position that these kinds of companies have.

  • If you say, “Well, I'm going to own Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet.”

  • The big four trillion-dollar companies. You say, “Well, I'm hoping for a 15% return over

  • the next four years,” which is pretty reasonable I think for tech companies. That wouldn't

  • mean that their market caps will double over the next four years, so theyll be a total

  • market cap of $8 trillion or about 35% of GDP. So, is that likely to happen? I would

  • take the under on that. So, I would say diversification is important,

  • so make sure you don't have all your funds into these big FANG trillion-dollar companies.

  • There's a lot of great companies out there. And I would definitely say, a significant

  • amount of diversification as well as cash balance. If you're planning on, you know,

  • buying a depreciating asset like a car, it’s probably not the best time, because there

  • may be better opportunities for your funds in the future.

  • Hill: Jason, you talked about, looking at your own portfolio, sort of, doing an inventory.

  • Probably a good time for every investor to do an inventory of their temperament,

  • because this is one of those times where, as we are reminded, investing in the stock market,

  • we love doing it, we think it's the best way to grow your wealth over time, because that's

  • what the math has demonstrated for the past 100 years, but it's not for everybody.

  • Moser: No. And it's very easy to talk about what you would love to do in the midst of

  • a market sell-off. We talk about how we'd love to see the market pullback, because then

  • it's a fire sale and we go buy whatever we want and however much of it we want.

  • But then you find yourself in the throes of it, it's a little bit more difficult to act. You find

  • yourself second-guessing your investment strategy, the companies that you've been looking at,

  • you find yourself wondering, “Do I reallycould perhaps the market go lower?”

  • Of course, it could go lower. I live by the lesson my father taught me years ago,

  • you'll never buy at the bottom, you'll never sell at the top. So, you get used to that and move on.

  • It really does boil down to just finding good businesses.

  • And I think that really is one point of emphasis in times like these. And you and I were talking

  • about this on an episode of MarketFoolery recently. One of the simple checkpoints

  • I have as an investor is to look at these companies that I'm interested in buying or owning and

  • just asking myself the very basic, obvious question, “Is this a good business?”

  • And that can really dictate a lot of what you do from that point forward. Because if the

  • answer is, “Yes, it's a good business.” Well, then you can start taking that question

  • to the next level, but if your answer is, “No,” then that's basically it, done,

  • move on, right. And that, of course, can be a little bit subjective. But I do think there

  • are some pretty objective answers when it comes to figuring out what is a good business

  • and what is not a good business. And just answering that one simple question alone,

  • I think, can help put people's minds at ease. Hill: Alright. We're going to get to your

  • questions in just a couple of minutes. The guys have a couple of stock ideas,

  • if you're looking to build a watchlist. In terms of categories though, Ben, I saw

  • one thing on Twitter today, one analyst firm came out with essentially a basket of stocks

  • that they're calling a “stay at homebasket. Not the worst idea in the world,

  • if you think that the impact of the coronavirus in China, around the world, here in the U.S.,

  • is going to mean more people are staying home. And so, it's got some names like, you would

  • probably expect in terms of entertainment, Netflix, video games Activision Blizzard,

  • Tencent, Zynga, Facebook, that sort of thing, food delivery companies. Is that an area,

  • at least, investors should be looking? And follow-up question, before you've even

  • had the chance to answer that one. Are there areas that you're looking at, where you're like,

  • This is not the time to look at this?” Ra: So, I read something very similar about

  • how if you had invested in these stay-at-home companies and shorted something, like,

  • say you know the cruise ship companies, you would have made, like, 60% just this year, which

  • is very possible and it's a great return, of course, for just one year. So, I mean it's

  • definitely a possibility. A lot of those names actually are stocks that we have looked at,

  • a lot of them they tend to be tech companies like Netflix. So, just the fact that they're

  • not so connected to the physical world, I think that's sort of a long-term trend.

  • We do live in more of a virtual world these days. So, maybe the coronavirus, sort of, highlights that fact.

  • And, yeah, I would say in general those are good names to look at.

  • Moser: I would say, within our little cube here at work, and earlier today, I was talking

  • with Aaron Busch and Emily Flippen, and Matty Argersinger -- you're going to love this,

  • Chris -- we came up with theFool on! and chillbasket, okay, much like the Netflix

  • and chill, this is the Fool on! and chill. This is the basket of stocks that we're going

  • to invest in that follow right into this trend of these stay-at-home companies, and a couple

  • of them that have been performing really well. And maybe a little bit of it is a knee-jerk

  • reaction because we're seeing the world moving more towards less human interaction and more

  • human interaction via tech. Zoom Video and of course you got to give a shout-out to Teladoc

  • today, which is having just a banner day, we're seeing the merits of telemedicine particularly

  • at this point in time with coronavirus and other health issues that break out.

  • I do think, while it is a bit of an obvious trend and we can have a little fun with it,

  • I think there is a lot of merit to it, I think there are a lot of great ideas that could

  • build a nice little portfolio of those Fool on! and chill ideas.

  • Hill: I like that idea. I also like that Ben namechecked the cruise industry as a place

  • that you probably don't want to start looking at just yet. Alright, before we get to the

  • questions that are coming in. A lot of great questions. Ben, what's one stock you think

  • folks should put on their watchlist on a day like?

  • Ra: One stock that I really like is a stock that actually, we use here in the company,

  • Slack. Just a business messaging app, it's workplace collaboration. It's something that

  • we use all the time here. And of course, there'sa competitor called Microsoft Teams;

  • and one of the reasons the stock has been in difficult times recently. But the way I see it, I think

  • there's a strong chance that there's going to be a duopoly between those two companies,

  • Microsoft and Slack. And it's a big market out there and I think it's a very fine company.

  • Hill: Jason, what about you? Moser: Yeah, you know, I was thinking a lot

  • about these businesses that aren't supply-constrained or focused on selling you a singular product.

  • And I mean a lot of these companies that I've talked about before, things like ANSYS or

  • Autodesk or Adobe, even The Trade Desk, I think is another example there. But I'll go

  • with Adobe. And one reason is, I actually opened a position in Adobe this week myself.

  • I mean, I've liked this business for a while, it's a recommendation in our Augmented Reality service.

  • And at its core, Adobe is a digital media company. Shares are down about 10% since

  • February 19th, they make a lot of cash. It really is something where the market pegs

  • this market opportunity well over $100 billion. So, even if you cut that in half, it's still

  • an attractive opportunity there. But a really attractive subscription business,

  • tremendous presence in the digital creative industry. 90% gross margins. 90% of the business

  • is subscription-related. And it's just gotten to a point where companies in this digital

  • age can't do without the tools that Adobe is providing. And then they're investing 15%

  • to 20% of their sales every year back into research and development to continue to build

  • out that suite of tools and services that they offer. So, it's a really wonderful business,

  • it's had a lot of time to prove itself there. The stock has obviously been a terrific performer

  • to this point. I think there are plenty of great days ahead for Adobe.

  • Hill: Alright. We'll get to your questions in just a second. Again, if you're enjoying the video,

  • please consider giving us a “thumbs up,” it helps other people find the video

  • and we enjoy doing these videos, and thank you for watching. And again, go to

  • It's a free investing starter kit with five more stock ideas from the investing team.

  • Let's get to the questions that are coming in. One person asking, “I've got about $3,000

  • waiting in a portfolio, I want to start investing. Is now a good time to buy an index fund or

  • should I wait a bit more?” A lot of times, Jason, that's our best first

  • step for investing even before getting into stocks.

  • Moser: Yeah, well espouse buying an index fund in good times and in bad. And I'll tell

  • you that my 401(k) here, that money, every paycheck goes into an S&P index fund regardless

  • of market conditions. I think now is as good a time as any to get started in an index fund,

  • because we've seen that index pull back so significantly just over the course of a week here.

  • Again, if you approach this from the perspective of, it is ultimately, albeit a

  • serious one, it's a temporary problem, it will be solved, we will get past this.

  • If you don't believe that then maybe you should be hunkering down in your basement and buying

  • a big old mac and cheese bucket or something like that. But, yeah, I think this is a great

  • time as any to buy into the index, given the pullback.

  • Hill: “I had two friends ask me in the last week, if they should buy shares of 3M?

  • Would you call this speculation or is there any merit in companies like this that might have

  • some direct benefit from global fears of coronavirus?” Ben, 3M, one of those companies that makes

  • so many products, we've all probably got them in our home or office, certainly post-it notes.

  • But I think this is in reference to the fact that among the products they make at 3M, masks.

  • Ra: Yeah. No. 3M is a great company. It’s been around for a long time. But I would say

  • that investing based on just news headlines like this, I would really caution against that.

  • So, investing is something that you do over time, over a long period of time.

  • And just trying to put a bunch of money into a couple stocks just because of a headline

  • is not something that we would recommend. We recommend something that Jason does,

  • which is invest over time to dollar cost average, it takes out the effect of timing where youre

  • not trying to time the market and try to buy at the bottom.

  • Hill: A question from Sam who asked, “Is it fair to say that investors should be conservative

  • until the COVID19 flu is history?” We were talking before about temperament,

  • Jason, and you mentioned the Goldman Sachs report. I mean, I'll just speak for myself,

  • I know that my expectations as an investor are just a little bit lower than they were

  • a couple of weeks ago. Moser: I thinkconservative

  • is probably a good word, I would just say take it slow. There, I think, can be a bit

  • of a race to put as much of your money to work as you possibly can when you see one

  • day where there's a big sell-off. That's understandable, particularly in today's market where it seems

  • like it does nothing but go up, but as we've seen over the past week here, we're watching

  • day-after-day of +1,000 point drops on the Dow. And so just because it happened one day

  • doesn't mean it can't or won't happen the next. So, I think that this represents a great

  • opportunity to continue putting money to work. But I also think it is a great opportunity

  • to do that slowly. You don't have to get everything in there at one time, particularly now with

  • commissions at zero, you can afford to be patient and methodical, take off a little

  • bit at a time, don't feel like you have to rush, because you never know it can always

  • get a little bit worse. Hill: Another viewer saying, “I'm thinking,

  • I might step back and use the cash that I have, that I would normally invest to put

  • it towards my student loans instead. I know it's best to always be adding to the portfolio,

  • especially when things are discounted, but do you think this is a bad idea?”

  • Ben, great reminder there are a lot of different ways to invest money, we like to invest in stocks,

  • but you can invest in paying down your debt, your mortgage, to your point earlier,

  • maybe not the best time to invest in a new car.

  • Ra: Yeah, I mean, it really depends on your situation there. Anytime youre paying down

  • debt, that really can't be a terrible thing. So, I would say it’s definitely a possibility.

  • Generally speaking, you want to have some sort of a cash balance that you're comfortable with,

  • that you can use to jump into the market when you see opportunities. So, take that

  • into consideration. Hill: “Are there certain kinds of stocks

  • that are more likely to get punished with the current market conditions?”

  • Well, we already talked about the cruise lines. I mean it really does seem like some of the

  • businesses that are capital intensive and have just tougher supply chains than others

  • -- we saw a report today out of Starbucks that 85% of their stores in China are still open.

  • So, my expectation is that, whether it's Starbucks or any of the restaurant companies

  • that are operating in China, they're going to have a little bit quicker time getting

  • their supply chains up-and-running then say -- well, not to pick on the cruise lines --

  • but the cruise lines. Ra: Well, I mean, it's going to be different

  • across the board, but if you're selling anything physical, if you're selling a physical product,

  • there's a very high probability that you are going to be affected in some way. There was

  • a study done recently, it was cited in Forbes where they said that of the Fortune 1000 --

  • so, the 1,000 biggest companies in the U.S. -- only 138 had a direct relationship with a Chinese supplier.

  • But if you look at the number of companies that have a tier-two relationship,

  • so they may not buy from a Chinese company directly, but a company that they buy from

  • buys from a Chinese company. That's way higher, that's like 938. The number was 168,

  • by the way, the previous number, just to be exact. But, yeah, so there is definitely exposure

  • across the board. Hill: I saw one report, Jason,

  • about Apple essentially saying, “Look, we're not giving you any guidance just yet,” but it reminded

  • me that you know some of the businesses that we like to focus on -- and Apple is one of them --

  • they're selling higher-end products and sales that they are losing right now are

  • not lost forever, they're just delayed as opposed to a Starbucks or Yum! Brands, a restaurant

  • that's operating in China, where the stores are closed, people aren't coming back once

  • they reopen and buying a lot more food or doubling up on their coffee.

  • And it seems like, for businesses like that, maybe they take a short-term hit, but then

  • it's possible that six months from now or a little bit further down the line, we see

  • their earnings reports pop even more, because again, those sales aren't gone forever,

  • they just got pushed into a different quarter. Moser: You know I'm glad you said that.

  • I was actually talking about this last night. And I think Apple is a great example.

  • This has been a sell-off that hasn't really discriminated at all, for the most part. And even Apple,

  • I would argue probably the fittest company in the world, is even being punished on this.

  • But I don't like to look at Apple’s potential revenue shortfalls here for the coming quarter

  • as a miss, I mean, this is more of a delay, like you said, whereas restaurants are going

  • to have a harder time making up for those sales. There's some levers they can pull,

  • Starbucks is really good with things like that trapeze in stoking sales and they can

  • maybe make up for a little bit of lost ground, but for the most part, you're not going to

  • go in and get two cups of coffee because you didn't get the one the day before.

  • And so, I do think there's a lot to be said for that, because when you look at a company

  • like Apple, maybe this current quarter, may be the next quarter they miss expectations,

  • but you can be darn sure they are still there every day innovating and they've got a product

  • line ready to roll out. And I know we just got finished talking about this recent holiday season,

  • but you know what, there's another one coming up and Apple is really good at

  • exploiting their technology on those holiday seasons and really getting it into consumers hands.

  • And so, while maybe there's a miss here this

  • quarter and perhaps a miss next quarter, that doesn't mean they couldn't really knock it

  • out of the park for the final quarters of the year; you have to just keep that in mind.

  • Hill: A question from Danny, “In a market like this, would a dividend portfolio be more

  • solid overlooking at growth stocks currently as a form of hedge.”

  • We've talked any number of times about how we like to diversify in our portfolios that

  • there's room in your portfolio for growth stocks and for dividend payers. But to Danny's question,

  • Ben, do you think over the next month or so, if you've got a watchlist, maybe

  • you want to bump-up the dividend stocks and ratchet back the growth?

  • Ra: Yeah. A lot of it depends on what the dividend payout is. So, I mean a lot of these

  • stocks you're talking about, like a 1% ratio. So, I would not discriminate just based on

  • the dividends. So, you're looking at companies that are going to compound their earnings over time.

  • Those are basically the companies that, I think, at The Fool we focus on,

  • or the companies that retain earnings and that use it to grow in the future.

  • Now, if you don't have any growth prospects, of course, the best thing to do for a company

  • is to pay out a dividend. And there's fine companies that are in that position,

  • it's not really the kind of companies that I think we focus on a lot. Although, they can be good companies.

  • Moser: Yeah, I’d also too, I would not look

  • at this point in time, because I think dividend stocks should have a place in anyone's portfolio

  • at any time in their life. But really the point of a dividend is to be able to hold it

  • for a long period of time, right? Youre holding dividend stock for a quarter,

  • big deal, right, but if youre holding dividend stock for 20 years, that's when you really

  • see material impact there. And so, don't look at this point in time with this market sell-off,

  • don't think about trading one for the other. If you're a little heavy in growth stocks,

  • well, instead of putting more money into the growth stocks, maybe focus on building out

  • that dividend side of your portfolio. Because, whether you're young and looking to grow your

  • wealth or whether you're older and looking to protect your wealth, we always preach the

  • values, the merits of diversification. And certainly, having some growth and some dividends

  • I think is the best way, but it's not really about trading one for the other, it's about

  • adding and building as opposed to just taking away and subtracting.

  • Hill: Paul asked, “Could coronavirus lead to a permanent shift of business away from

  • China to other Southeast Asian countries? Are there any potential opportunities there?”

  • It's a great question and I think a natural one. Although, we've talked a couple of times

  • about the amount of uncertainty out there. I think there are probably a lot of businesses

  • that are uncertain about their own supply chains and are just thinking maybe in terms

  • of the next six months as opposed to what do we want our long-term relationships to be?

  • Moser: Yeah, I mean, we saw, even before the

  • coronavirus news, it was the China trade story before that. That was the crisis du jour.

  • And a year ago, companies really started focusing on diversifying their supply chains away from

  • China. We saw Home Depot, we saw Lowe's. I was going through these calls here for Lumentum

  • and Nvidia, they're all talking about how they've been working to diversify their supply

  • chain away from China and they've been at it for a year. So, a little bit serendipitous, right.

  • I mean, I think they're glad they got started early.

  • It's certainly an opportunity for the companies that are not pursuing that, that aren't working

  • on that now, they're going to continue to feel a pinch.

  • Ra: Yeah, as Jason said, this is something that's been going on for a while where companies

  • are trying to diversify away from China, but at the same time, you know, if you go to other

  • countries, a lot of these countries -- South Korea was one of those countries that people

  • wanted to diversify toward, and now it's been hit by the coronavirus.

  • The other thing that we have to consider is that, a lot of these countries that are close to China,

  • their biggest trading partner is China. So, there's a demand problem there,

  • where they're not getting the same kind of demand that they got from China before.

  • So, their economies are being affected. So, when these countries, their economy is affected

  • than that affects our economy as well. So, I don't think that there's really a simple

  • way to, sort of, unravel this, where you're going to be completely immune from something

  • that happens in China. Wherever you go, you are going to be affected.

  • Moser: And that really kind of gets back to where we all started this, just the entire

  • world is far more connected today than it was even ten years ago. I mean, it is truly

  • a global economy and what happens to one country, happens to us all. We have to keep that in

  • mind and we have to have that mindset going forward in perpetuity, because that is going

  • to be a very key part to our investing thinking. Hill: Alright. Ben Ra, Jason Moser, guys,

  • thanks for being here. Moser: Thank you.

  • Ra: Thank you. Hill: Thanks everyone for watching,

  • thanks for thethumbs up,” helping other people find videos like this. And, again, go to

  • for the free investing starter kit with five stock ideas from our investing team.

  • I'm Chris Hill, thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.

Chris Hill: Hey, thanks for watching. We're coming to you from Fool Global Headquarters


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