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  • I'm not internationally known but I'm known to rock a microphone.

  • That was a song I heard the other day because it is from back in the day

  • but it literally I heard it the other day. Yeah, OK.

  • Hi my name's Father Mike Schmitz and this is Ascension Presents.

  • So, I don't know if you saw, but recently I was interviewed for The Wall Street Journal

  • or the wall as I like to call it, Michael Scott. It was interesting. It was

  • an article that was about how many Christians Catholics these days

  • are using Lent as an opportunity to get fit.

  • You know, they're trying to increase some kind of healthy habits

  • and they're trying tolike a self-help Lent kind of a thing.

  • And you know what do I think about that and so after like a

  • 30 minute interview there was like one little quote enough and I was like I had

  • not ... that is what I said but I didn't ... it wasn't what I kind of entirely meant.

  • You know, anyways it's fine. It was well-written. The person did a great job

  • with the article because a lot of people ... because the reality is a lot of people

  • look to lent for like as if it as if it's like a New Year's resolution. This

  • is when I'm gonna really hit it hard is what I'm gonna start living clean this

  • is what I'm gonna start you know eating well I'm gonna start doing all these

  • things that are good habits. I'm gonna start or stop doing all these things

  • that are bad habits. And there's nothing inherently wrong with that, but

  • ultimately why do we do the three practices of Lent: prayer, fasting and

  • almsgiving? Particularly the fasting, why? It's ultimately not because we're trying

  • to start a good habit or trying to kill a bad habit, although that's a

  • good thing. I would say the primary reason why we do penance, fasting,

  • that kind of thing, during Lent or anytime is for repentance and to give

  • God access. So repentance. We all realize you know that there's there's things in

  • our lives like we were sinners. Right? And so we repent by giving stuff up. If

  • that's gonna be the bad habit or if that's gonna be the bad sin, great, yes,

  • that's that. But we repent, but we turn away from the evil that we

  • do, that we choose and we turn towards the Lord. That's repentance. So we fast,

  • we do the penance for that sense of like

  • repentance. Right? So turning back to the Lord. We also do it to give the Father

  • access to our hearts. Why do I choose the thing I choose to do for Lent? It could

  • be because I want to feel better about myself because I want to live a

  • healthier life. But ultimately what it comes down to is I'm choosing this

  • because I believe that it'll it will give the father access to my heart. Yeah

  • there's also other things I made a video about it, like we do it to unite our

  • sufferings to sufferings of Jesus, and that's very important. But it's not about

  • repentance, turning away from sin and turning towards God, if it's not about

  • giving the Father access to our hearts then ultimately what it's about is about

  • ourselves, and our penance gets to be so ... gets to be about so much than

  • just ourselves. It gets to be about so much more than just I started a good

  • habit or I stopped a bad habit. I lost a few pounds or you know I got extra

  • sleep or whatever the thing is. It gets to be about him. You know I was thinking

  • about this particularly when it comes to fasting as it relates to repentance.

  • When I was reading The Book of Jonah, here's Jonah who goes through Nineveh

  • after his whole story with a great fish and everything he goes through Nineveh

  • and he says, "forty days more and Nineveh will be destroyed." And the word gets to

  • the king of Nineveh, and the ruler of Nineveh then proclaims a fast. He

  • commands that everybody from the oldest the youngest, from the wealthiest to the

  • poorest, even the animals that they would be dressed in sackcloth and ashes and

  • not eat or drink anything. And it was really remarkable because I just think

  • about this, like, we read the story. We know the end we know that the Lord did

  • not carry out the justice he was going to inflict upon Nineveh, but the people

  • of Nineveh didn't know that. Like they didn't know when they started fasting,

  • when they started doing the penance, when they dressed in sackcloth and ashes, and

  • didn't eat or drink; they didn't know that the Lord God would a.) notice, b.) care

  • and c.) respond. But we know. This is the declaration of faith that

  • happens every single time you and I do an act of penance. We believe that God,

  • who is our Father who loves us, notices. The most amazing thing to being a

  • Catholic Christian is to realize that you matter

  • to God, that you don't have to do anything huge for him to notice. In fact,

  • your penance probably is something really really small. I mean it's probably

  • not like the amazing fasts of some of the great saints. It's probably

  • something very very insignificant in the big picture of things, but you believe

  • something about God. You believe that he cares about you so he notices.

  • And then, as I said, after he notices he cares and he responds. Now, it's not like

  • we moved to God to respond because God is ... he's always the initiator, we're

  • always the responders, right? He's always the one who moves and then we respond to

  • his movement. But there's something powerful about, "OK, Lord. I have changed

  • this at your at your ... by your request and by your grace, I've moved by this penance,

  • by this act of giving up something, by this act of fasting, I've moved.

  • You've noticed it, you care, and now you respond. There's something, there's a

  • massive act of faith and that act of faith is that you have a father and you

  • matter to him. It reminds me of a scene in one of my favorite movies, it's

  • relatively violent: Braveheart. Here's William Wallace and he's fighting

  • for Scotland and all this stuff, and his buddy, he says, "Why are you doing

  • this?" and he says, "I'm doing this for freedom." And his buddy says, "No

  • you're not. You're doing this for Murran!" His wife who had been murdered. "You're doing this

  • for Murran. You're doing this because you think she sees you."

  • William Wallace responds and he says, "No, I know she sees me." And this moment

  • is so incredibly important because, why are you doing the fast? Why are you

  • doing the penance thing you're doing? Well, it's because I want to lose weight,

  • it's because I want to do this, because I ... No. You're doing it because you think

  • the Father sees you, because you think, you're convinced, you

  • believe, no. You know the Father notices, that he cares and that he

  • responds. Ultimately our penance is about repentance while giving the Father

  • access to our hearts. From all of us here at Ascension Presents, my name is Father

  • Mike. God bless. Also, be sure to like, subscribe, comment on stuff.

  • Comment on my Scottish accent if you want. If you want to comment, comment

  • my Scottish accent. It's alright. It's OK. it's alright. It's not very good but

  • it's mine, so there. OK. Peace out.

I'm not internationally known but I'm known to rock a microphone.


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A2 初級

四旬節の間の断食のポイントは何ですか? (What's the Point of Fasting During Lent?)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日