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Back from the President's Day holiday, it's great to see you and have you watching CNN 10.
ワシントン誕生日の祝日から明けて、再び CNN 10 の時間がやってきました。
I'm Carl Azuz at the CNN Center.
CNN センターから、カール・アズスがお送りします。
Today's show starts with the number 780 million.
今日は、7 億 8 千万という数字から始めます。
That's almost half the population of China.
It's more than twice the population of the United States, and 780 million is the number of Chinese under some form of travel restriction as their government tries to stop the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus.
アメリカの人口の 2 倍以上ですが、この数字は武漢コロナウイルスの拡散を防ぐために中国政府から何かしらの形で渡航を禁じられている人の数です。
As we've reported its spread around the world, but China has been hardest hit: 70,000 people there have been infected with the virus, 1,770 have died there from it.
すでにお伝えしているように、世界各地で被害が出ていますが中国国内が最もひどく、これまでに 7 万人がウイルスに感染して 1070 人が死亡しています。
That's about 2.5 percent of those who catch the disease in China.
つまり中国国内で感染した人の約 2.5% に当たります。
Deaths have also been reported in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, and France, and cases have been reported in more than 24 countries on almost every continent.
死亡例はこの他にも香港やフィリピン、日本にフランスでも報告されており、感染だけを見ると全大陸に渡って 24 か国で報告されています。
There's no vaccine or cure for the new coronavirus.
Some people get severe symptoms and develop pneumonia.
Some people have almost no symptoms at all, and quarantines have been put in place in China and abroad in an effort to protect those who don't have it from those who do.
Aboard the Diamond Princess—that's a cruise ship that's been docked in Japan for two weeks—at least 456 people have tested positive for the corona virus.
日本に 2 週間係留されているクルーズ船、ダイヤモンドプリンセスでは、少なくとも 456 人がコロナウイルスの陽性反応を示しています。
There were roughly 3,700 people aboard in total.
全体ではおよそ 3700 名が乗船しています。
More than 300 Americans who were on the ship have been allowed to travel back to the U.S., but they'll reportedly be quarantined again on American soil for another 14 days.
乗船していた 300 人を超えるアメリカ人乗客は、アメリカへの帰国が許可されましたがアメリカ国内に到着後、改めて 14 日間の検疫隔離生活を余儀なくされるということです。
The World Health Organization, which is part of the United Nations, is not officially classifying the new coronavirus as a pandemic, a disease epidemic that spreads throughout the world.
Officials there say they're not seeing the virus spread widely in individual communities outside of China, but for those inside China, the scenes are eerie and the economic impact is growing.
You're looking at the post Lunar New Year holiday rush on the streets of Beijing.
Most years you'd see millions of migrant workers pouring back into China's capital, but this year a much slower pace and thin crowds.
The normally bustling shopping districts, desolate on the outside at least.
And think you'd find more life indoors?
Health checkpoints like this one screen people at every entrance of this shopping mall.
Sanitized only to enter a sterile and near empty space.
On any other given Sunday, especially in winter, malls like this one would be packed with people; instead, we're pretty much the only ones here.
Popular Beijing restaurants like this one known for their Sichuan cuisine have no need to change out the white table cloths for weeks.
Many are scared to even talk face to face to others let alone share a meal with them.
But there's still a need to make money, and there's still a demand for fresh produce.
Instead of wasting their supplies, the restaurant staff has set up tables outside their storefront creating a makeshift farmer's market of sorts.
They can't operate because of the epidemic so they need to sell out the stocks.
(北京市民の Zhang Rui さん)レストランの方はウイルスの影響でさっぱりだから在庫を処分しなきゃいけないんでしょうね。
It's convenient for customers like Zhang Rui.
これは、Rui さんのような消費者にとっては便利なシステムとなっています。
He's been working remotely in IT for about a week.
IT の仕事をする Rui さんは、ここ 1 週間ほどは自宅で仕事をしています。
His company like many here in Beijing encouraging their employees to work from home, but he's noticed a slump in company productivity.
It's not as efficient as working in the office because it's not very convenient if colleagues are not physically together.
Zhang is still among the fortunate ones.
The outbreak's left many without jobs to clock into.
Huang Keyun video chatted with us from Anhui in Central China.
今回ビデオインタビューに応じてくれた、中国中部安徽省在住の Huang Keyun さんもその一人です。
She, like many migrant workers, had expected to travel back to Beijing to return to her job as a nanny.
My boss told me that he would leave for America.
(出稼ぎ労働者の Huang Keyun さん)クライエントからアメリカに逃げるつもりだという話を聞かされたので
I asked him when he would come back, but he said he might not return.
Now jobless, she's living off the two months of extra pay her former employer provided her, but that's draining with each passing day.
こうして職を失ってしまい、今は 2 カ月分の有給を使って暮らしていますが、毎日残高は減っていく一方です。
I just stay at home, don't go out.
And the government asks us not to go out as well.
I just stay at home with my family.
And even if she wanted to return to Beijing immediately, she would be expected to self-quarantine for two weeks.
例え今すぐ北京に戻ったとしても、自主的に 2 週間の検疫隔離を余儀なくされます。
That's two more weeks without pay.
そうなると 2 週間給料無しになるわけです。
Many migrant workers facing similar financial struggles as the government's efforts to stop the spread of the virus intensify.
For now, at least, there is no containing the growing economic uncertainty.
David Culver, CNN, Beijing.
北京より、CNN のデイビッド・カルバーでした。
10 Second Trivia.
10 秒トリビアの時間です。
What animal would you find in the family Acrididae?
Aphid, marmot, sea horse, or locust.
In the family acrididae you'll find grasshoppers and locusts.
Imagine seeing an approaching cloud that's massive, 37 miles long and 25 miles wide, and instead of water or dust, it's a cloud of locusts.
長さ 37 マイル、幅 25 マイルに渡る巨大なかたまりが近づいてきて、それが水蒸気でもホコリでもなくイナゴの大群だったとしたらどうしますか?
That's the size of just one of the swarms that's descended this year on Eastern Africa.
これは今年アフリカ東部に襲来した集団の 1 つに過ぎないのです。
Specifically, these are desert locusts, the most destructive type of locusts that eats food and that's terrible news in a region that's food insecure, meaning there are already problems with people getting enough to eat.
The United Nations says this is the worst invasion of desert locusts in 25 years.
国連は今回のイナゴの襲来は過去 25 年間で最悪のものだとしています。
What might have made it so bad was a cyclone, a major storm that hit parts of Somalia and Ethiopia last December.
その理由としては、昨年 12 月にソマリアとエチオピアの一部を襲った巨大台風サイクロンの影響があります。
That brought a lot of rain to the region, and that creates the best conditions for these pests to breed.
The United Nations wants the world to contribute more than 75 million USD so pesticides can be sprayed to kill the insects.
国連は世界各国に対して、殺虫剤散布の資金として 7500 万ドルの資金提供を呼び掛けています。
Ravenous and ruthless, locusts have been known and feared by the world's most ancient civilizations, but their biblical infamy is all too real today.
Right now, millions of these insects are sweeping across the farm lands of East Africa.
Some reports say there are billions, destroying crops and threatening livelihoods.
For farmers across the region this is the sound of danger.
We depend a lot on this season, and we worry that the locusts will destroy our harvest, and we will end up remaining hungry throughout the rest of the year, waiting for October when we have the next cropping season.
この季節は重要な時期ですから、イナゴが収穫を邪魔してしまうと、残りの月日を食料不足の状況で乗り越えなくてはいけなくなるのではと心配しています。次の収穫は 10 月ですから。
This years locust's invasion is so bad that the UN is warning of a serious food crisis in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Somalia.
The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization says massive food assistance now maybe needed.
There's already 13 million people in that region that are in acute food insecurity.
(国際連合食糧農業機関イナゴ対策本部:Keith Cressman )すでに当該地域の 1300 万人が急性の食料不足に直面しています。
This is just one level below famine.
75 percent of those people live in areas that are now currently infested with desert locust.
当該地域に住む 75% の人が現在砂漠イナゴの被害を被っています。
Somalia has already declared a national emergency, and the UN warms this could become the most devastating plague of locusts in living memory if the world doesn't step up against the onslaught.
We have a very small window in order to achieve this before the next planting season.
If we don't get the help that we're appealing for or for some reason the control operations are not successful, the locust they just continue to breed.
And between now and June there could be a 400-fold increase of locust.
そうなると、今から6月の間にイナゴの数は 400 倍に膨れ上がることになります。
Climate experts are blaming unusual heavy rainfall and cyclones, which provide ideal environments for rapid breeding for this year's massive swarms.
And with wetter and hotter weather than usual forecast until May, they warn the worst is yet to come.
そして、通常よりも湿気が高く暖かい天気は 5 月まで続くことが予想されるため、状況はさらに悪化する危険性もあるのです。
Becky Anderson, CNN.
CNN の Becky Anderson でした。
A long-lost purse found in an Ohio school wall is like a time capsule from the 1950s.
( 1950 年代から長い時間を経てオハイオ州の学校の壁の中から見つかった財布はタイムカプセルのような感じです)
It was found in May of 2019 by a custodian repairing wall trim at North Canton Middle School.
(この財布は 2019 年にノースカントン中学校の壁を修復していた用務員によって発見されたのですが)
It belonged to Patti Rumfola, a former student who lost it in 1957.
(持ち主は Patti Rumfola さんという当時の生徒で、1957 年に失くしました)
Rumfola died in 2013, but the purse's contents gave her family a glimpse of her life as a teen.
( Rumfola さんは 2013 年に亡くなりましたが、財布の中身を見ると彼女の 10 代の頃の様子をうかがい知ることができます)
The clutch contained several black and white photos, presumably of family and friends.
Inside were also makeup items, a comb, school supplies and a football game schedule.
(The purse also held 26 cents, which became special mementos for her children).
(財布には 26 セント入っていましたが、彼女の子どもたちにとっては特別な思い出の品となりました)
The school said each of her five children kept one of the pennies.
(学校の話では、5 人いる子どもたちががそれぞ1セントずつをもらったということです)
10 out of 10.
( 10 out of 10 )
Well even though this happened in February, it was time to own the night like the 4th of July because baby it's a firework.
さて、この花火が打ち上げられたのは 2 月でしたが、まるで 7 月 4 日の独立記念日のように夜空を彩りました。
The Guinness World Record for the biggest one ever.
Its shell was more than five feet in diameter, and it weighed 2,800 pounds, as much as a compact car.
大きさにして直径 5 フィート、重さは 2800 ポンドで小型の車と同じ位です。
It took explosives to get the thing off the ground, but once it did, it lifted almost a mile high before onlookers in Colorado were left in awe, awe, awe.
爆破物質を使って打ち上げたのですが、一度打ち上がったら 1 マイルほど上昇してコロラドの空に大輪の花を咲かせました。
It was even brighter than the moon, moon, moon, and it's no wonder why when the colors burst viewers got such a "charge" out of it.
Critics might have called it a waste of space, but when its makers ignited the light and let it shine it would be "okatie" to say it was "perry impressive".
If you're not familiar with that song, those puns are a total dud.
But our viewers in Sioux Falls, South Dakota aren't.
サウスダコダの Sioux Falls さん、いつもご覧いただきありがとうございます。
Whittier Middle School has been subscribing to our YouTube channel.
それから、Whittier Middle School も Youtube チャンネル登録ありがとうございます。
For those looking for the shout-out tips, be sure you do that too to subscribe on YouTube and check out the community tab.
私も名前を番組内で呼んでほしいという方は、Youtube チャンネル登録をしてコミュニティのタブをチェックしてくださいね。
I'm Carl Azuz for CNN.
CNN のカールでした。