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  • O'Connor: There's a whole lot said about "fake news" or "biased news."

  • Let's talk about irrelevant news for a minute.

  • How many times are you watching cable news, and,

  • unless you're living in Manhattan, Washington, D.C., LA,

  • San Francisco, or Chicago, what you're watching there

  • really is completely irrelevant to you.

  • The topics that are most important to them

  • aren't things that are really important to you.

  • The perspective that they bring to the table,

  • the arguments that you see them having

  • are not the arguments that you'd be having with

  • anyone that's important to you in your life.

  • I know that we want our news media to tell us

  • the truth, of course. That should go without saying.

  • We also want them to do more than that.

  • We want them to actually talk about things that are

  • important to us, that matter to us, that are relevant

  • in our lives. That's the real danger of today's news media,

  • especially when it is so focused on the winners and losers

  • in Washington, D.C. Don't worry about being

  • fake or biased. Just be relevant.


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A2 初級

"無関係なニュース "は#FakeNews ft.ラリー・オコナー|#TruthStraightUp ("Irrelevant news" is as bad as #FakeNews ft. Larry O'Connor | #TruthStraightUp)

  • 14 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日