字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント [bright chime] [この番組には性暴力の描写が含まれます 視聴の可否はご自身で判断してください] [dramatic music] 邪魔だ どけ! ♪ ♪ 誰か つかまえろ! [both grunting] やめろ… ♪ ♪ 線の内側までお下がりください Aah! 邪魔だ!どけよ! ♪ ♪ 自分自身を見る必要はもうない [gasping] 10 代の夢は [grunting] 病院で死んだ ♪ ♪ 日記1冊と エアジョーダンを残して [passengers exclaiming] 流行りのロックバラードの歌詞に ♪ ♪ 加えられた彼の名前 Go, move, get out of my way! 僕のハートは返してもらう Somebody grab him! 君が深い場所に埋めてしまう前に [grunts] ステート・パークで… ♪ ♪ ヘンリー また学校に遅れるよ! No, no, no, no. 急いで ♪ ♪ おばあちゃんよりも たくさんの薬を飲むのね - Please stand back... あんたこそ おばあちゃんみたいな服ね ♪ ♪ 起きたのね - Get out of my way! Move! - おはよう - ママ? Aah! チーズ入りの スクランブルエッグよ [grunts] 好きでしょ? No! [yells] 放課後に車を使っていい? [desolate music] いいわよ 私が仕事から帰り次第ね [mumbling] 遠くに行かないから ひとりで出かけてもいい? ♪ ♪ お医者さんが いいというまではだめ ♪ ♪ 座って食べてくれない? [stirring music] 3分もかけて一生懸命作ったのよ ♪ ♪ 空腹じゃ 薬も飲めないでしょう? [Car Seat Headrest's "1937 State Park"] 夜中に食べたから 腹が減ってないんだろ ♪ No one should ever have to look at themselves ♪ 出しっぱなしだったぞ No! 食べ物は無駄にするなって 言っただろう? ♪ High school teen dream ♪ わかってるわ まだ途中だったのよ ♪ Dies in the hospital ♪ 昨晩 出かけたの? ♪ Leaves behind a journal and a pair of Air Jordans ♪ ちょっと空気を吸いにね ♪ Lyrics of popular rock ballads ♪ 夜中に? ♪ Changed to include his name ♪ 外なら 空気が吸えるから ♪ I'm taking back my heart ♪ 何が言いたいの? 空気ですって ♪ You were digging a hole for it six feet deep ♪ あの子を連れて 学校に行かなきゃだめ? ♪ At the state park at the state park ♪ 家族だからな [music continues over earpiece] 家族なんかじゃないわ Henry, you're gonna make me late for school again! 頼むよ お父さんを助けると思って Come on! あなたと私 パラダイスに向かって車を走らせる You take more pills than my grandma. あんたの前から すぐに消えてあげるわ - Well, you dress like mine. そう? - Oh. - Good morning, girls. 6ヶ月以上 居ついたことはないの - Hi. - Good morning. うちのパパの記録は あんたのママが破ったけどね Mom. じきに終わるわ でしょ? I made you scrambled eggs and cream cheese. 私にはアパートもないの Your favorite. 上手くやれば成功すると思ってたけど Can I take my car out after school? まだスタートを切ったばかり Yeah, as soon as I'm home from work. 近寄ると危ないわ Can I go alone if I stay close to the house? 安全でいたいなら今すぐ逃げるのね No, no--not until the doctor says it's okay. みんないつもそうやって逃げていく Could you just please sit down and have a bite of those eggs 私の車を黒く塗りつぶして that I slaved, like, three minutes in the kitchen over? 私の腕を真っ二つに折って… You can't take your pills on an empty stomach. 気に入らないなら 他の奴に送ってもらえよ Well, she's not hungry 'cause she had herself …私を支配して a midnight snack. 鞭を振り上げて It's still sitting there. 切り傷から血が滲む Do we need to have another talk about wasting? ノイズを聞かせて Uh, no, 'cause I plan on finishing this later. 支配してほしいの Did you go out last night? 鞭を振り上げて Um, just for some air. 切り傷から血が滲む… In the middle of the night? やあ The air is out there all night long. 元気? I don't know what that means. You're talking about air? 今日は ブレスレットは? Why do I always have to take her to school? 間違えて 捨てちゃった 'Cause she's family now. マジで? She's not family, Dad. 金曜日の試合を 見にこないかと思って Have a heart. Help your old man out. どう思う? ♪ You and I drive away to our paradise ♪ 誘い続ければ 確率も上がるんじゃないかな I'll be out of your hair soon, okay? もう10回くらい空振りしてるでしょ What's that? スポーツ選手にしては ひどい打率ね Just we never really stay in the same place でも 俺は一生懸命だ for longer than six months, so... それに俺は野球部じゃないから ♪ So young and reckless wild and zealous ♪ 次の選手は紹介するまでもない Well, your mom's already beating my dad's record, so... 背番号 32 クレイ・ブーン! Only a matter of time before it ends, right? みんな調子はどうだ? ♪ Here we go here we go ♪ 今週の金曜日 レベルズをこてんぱんにするぞ - ♪ I don't have an apartment ♪ ケイティ 良い出来だ ♪ Thought if I was smart I'd make it far, but ♪ B プラスだ ♪ I'm still at the start ♪ タウンズは今回も A ♪ Guess I'm contagious ♪ タウンズ? ♪ It'd be safest if you ran ♪ タウンズ おい ♪ That's what they all just end up doing in the end ♪ 誰かが僕のペンをとった ♪ Take my car and paint it black ♪ タウンズ いい加減にしてくれよ ♪ Take my arm break it in half ♪ 青いペンがない - If you don't like it, man, you can find your own damn ride 僕の青いペンが盗まれた to school, huh? - さっきまであったのに… - 座れ! - ♪ I need the buzz of a sub ♪ いつも授業の邪魔をしやがって ♪ Need the crack of a whip ♪ 今すぐ着席しないと 椅子にテープで貼りつけるぞ ♪ Need some blood in the cut ♪ 青いペンが盗まれた ♪ I need noise ♪ お前のペンなんてどうでもいい 座れ ♪ I need the buzz of a sub ♪ 盗まれたんだ ♪ Need the crack of a whip ♪ お前のペンは 黒と赤の2種類だけだ ♪ Need some blood in the cut ♪ 座れ! ♪ ♪ シェリー ちょっと質問していい? - How's it going? なぜ あんたが「博士」なわけ? - Hi. - Hi. 博士号なんてないでしょ? You're not wearing your ギブソン先生 私 調べたのよ spirit bracelet. シンシナティ大学院に 行ったのよね? - Ooh, I left it in the trash. Sorry. 変なことを言ったら承知しないぞ - Did you now? 博士論文はインターネットで 見られる時代よ Um, I was wondering if you もうやめなさい wanted to go to the game Friday. 修士論文が載ってたけど - What do you think? - 読めたもんじゃなかったわ - 校長室に行くぞ - Uh, I think if I keep asking you, でも 博士論文がないのよ おかしいでしょ? you know, my odds are bound to go up, right? - 校長室へ来い - 触らないでよ! - Do you know that you've, like, 教室から出て行け struck out ten times already? やめてってば… For an athlete, your batting average is shit. 頼むから教室から出てくれ - Yeah, well, you know, at least I play with heart, コールズ? you know? And I'm not even, uh, コールズ! a baseball player, lucky for me. なんてこった [people cheering distantly] 着席して! - And now, a player who needs no introduction: そっとしておくんだ number 32, Clay Boone! どうしよう… [cheers and applause] 近づくんじゃないぞ - Now what's up, Reston? 誰か呼んでくれ Are you ready to kick the Rebels' ass this Friday? 誰か… 看護師を呼んでくれ Give me a W... - W! 過去8ヶ月で - Give me an A... - A! ヘンリエッタが 筋けいれんを起こしたのは2度目ですね - Give me an R... - R! 3度目です 以前に家でも一度起きて - Give me another R! - R! すぐに治まったので 病院には来ませんでした - Give me an I... - I! 記入していない項目がありますね - Give me an O... - O! 父親の病歴もわかれば 発作の原因を突き止めやすいのですが - Katy, good work. 娘が幼い頃 父親とは別れました You got a B plus. 父方の親族で連絡を取れる人は? Townes, you got an A, again. いいえ Townes? では 薬の服用量を増やしてみましょう Townes. [snaps fingers] Hey! 受付で手配できますから Townes. - Uh, someone took my pen. あの… - Oh, come on. Not this again, Townes. 車の免許はどうなるの? - Who took my blue pen? そうだったわね 来月には免許を取り戻せますか My blue pen was stolen. - Townes... 悪いけど… - My blue pen was right here. - Earth to Townes! それは無理だよ Sit down. - My blue pen-- 管理局に発作の報告をするから - Sick of you disrupting my class. だけど… - Someone stole my pen. - Sit your ass down 前回診てくれた医師は before I tape it to your chair. 管理局への報告はまだしないって - My blue pen was stolen. 君自身の安全のためにも 運転はしない方がいい - I don't care about your pen. Take a seat. けいれんの症状が落ち着いたら - It was stolen! - Look, you have a black pen, 免許は3年後に申請できる you have a red pen. You have two pens! 正しいことも 間違いも - It was stol-- - Sit down! ままならないのが人生 - I have a question for you, Shelly. 宇宙に答えを求めても Why do we have to call you "Doctor"? 何の答えも返ってきやしない You're not actually a PhD, are you? 人生は旅のように 不安ばかり I actually looked you up, Mr. Gibson. 人を愛せば 気が狂うばかり You did your post-grad だけど 生きるからには くよくよせず at the University of Cincinnati, right? こっちは車だから 逃げても無駄よ - Young lady, choose your next words very carefully. こんばんは - Well, they publish 最近多発している事件なんですが their doctoral dissertations online. バディ・ニールの車 - Okay, you know what? That's enough. 昨晩は広告掲示板 それにスクールバス - Your Master's is there. 私からも謝ります It's a rambling piece of shit どうして こんなことを? but it's there. - Principal's office, now. 自己表現が大事だって 言ってたじゃない - I just, like--it's odd that I couldn't そういう意味じゃないでしょ find your dissertation - You know what? グラフィティはアートよ Get to the principal. - Don't touch me, dude. ここでは重罪のひとつだ - Let's go. Get out of my classroom. 私だって手錠はかけたくないわ Out of my class- - I said don't--dude! 罰金を払って もう二度とやらないと約束するなら - Miss Coles, get out of my classroom. 今回は見逃してあげる Uh, Miss Coles? 必ず約束させます Miss Coles? 二度とこんな真似はさせません Uh... 絶対に Oh, Jesus. どうも Uh... この子と話してもいいかしら Sit down. But--just-- どうぞ everybody just give her some space. 引っ越してきたばかりで 大変なのはわかるわ Oh, God. この街は 新入りには優しくないから Oh, shit. でもね ヘンリー Stay back. もっと別のやり方で 発散しなきゃだめよ Jesus Christ. 努力してるように見えないわ Uh, please call someone. しなきゃいけないの? Uh...oh, God. どうしてかって? Um...somebody-- わかるでしょ somebody call the nurse. 私達にとって良いチャンスなのよ [machines hissing, beeping] この場所なら落ち着けそうだし - This is Henrietta's second やっと最愛の人を見つけたのよ myoclonic seizure in eight months? ママ… - Actually, it's her third. She had one at the house, 何? but it was over so quickly that we didn't bring her in. 別の男とつきあってたときにも 同じことを言ってた - I noticed that you left some of the questions blank here. 5回はそのセリフを聞いたわ If we want to get to the bottom of these episodes, ひどいこと言わないで it would be helpful if we had her father's medical history. 言う権利が私にはあるわ - Henry's father left when she was a little girl. いつもそうじゃない? - Is there any other family on his side 新しい男を見つけて we could track down? その男に飽きたら またすぐに引っ越し - I'm sorry, no. 半年に一度 また同じ会話を繰り返すのよ - Okay, we're going to up the dosage バーリントンでバイクを盗んだのも 私のせい? of Henry's Carbamazepine and Lamotrigine. ニュートンは? Lucy at the front desk can help you out with that. ろくでなしのフィルのせいで 夜逃げするはめになった - Okay. - Um, can I-- 私のせいじゃないわ What's going to happen with my license? そうね あなたの言うとおりだわ - Oh, yeah, Henry was hoping that お互いに間違いを犯すときもある she could get her license back next month. だけど 今回だけは違うの - I'm sorry. トーマスは誠実でとても良い人よ Unfortunately, that's not going to be possible. あなたの父親は I have to file with the DMV this afternoon. あなたが思っているような 人じゃないわ - Um, but the-- 家族のことなどほったらかし the doctor last time said that we could just 気が向いたら顔を見せて またいなくなる not tell the DMV for now, and we could wait. 私にはまったく理解できなかった - It's better for everyone if you didn't drive, パパのことなんか聞いてない including you. おやすみ If we can get these seizures under control, やあ you can re-apply for your license in three years. トレーラー2台分の金を払ったはずだ もう1台はどこだ? [desolate music] 運転手がパスポートをなくして オタワで足止め ♪ ♪ なぜ 早く言わなかった? ♪ ♪ ごめん 父さん なんとかするから - ♪ A right for a right a wrong for a wrong ♪ 無理だな ♪ Was clearly not life's design ♪ お前はチャンスを無駄にしたんだ あとは俺がやる ♪ Figure out quickly that nothing gets answered ♪ わかりました ♪ When you ask the universe why ♪ どういうこと? ♪ Life is a journey to live is to worry ♪ ねえ ♪ To love is to lose your damn mind ♪ やあ ♪ But living's a blessing so I'm not stressing ♪ 何してるの? [siren chirping] 君の車を売るんだ - You'll get tired before I run out of gas, honey. どうして? Evening. 昨日 警官に言われた罰金は この車を売って払う We've had, uh, a rash of incidents lately. 罰金は払うわ Buddy Neil's RV, 言ったでしょ ちゃんと自分で払うわ! a billboard last night, 本当か? uh, a school bus. どこにそんな金がある? - I'm so sorry, officer. 俺は出さないぞ What were you thinking? ママ! - You told me it was important to express myself. ママ? - Don't be a smartass. ねえ You know that's not what I meant. 自分の行動には責任を持ちなさい - You know, in most places, 言うことを聞きなさい tagging is considered an art form. 自分で罰金は払うって言ったでしょ - You know what? Here, it's considered a felony. もう決まったことよ 撤回はしないわ - Look, I'm not looking to lock anyone up, folks. あきらめて If she pays a fine, この車の欠点は何だと思う? promises not to do it again, 欠点が無いことよ I don't have to bring her before the judge. 最高 - Thank you so much. I promise she will. あんたは今年いっぱい 私の運転手だけどね - Yeah, this will not happen again. それでも嬉しい? You have my word. 笑ってるけど悲しいの - Thanks for this. 静かにやることやってるわ Can I speak to Henry a moment? 私の愛を感じてみて - Yeah, of course. スイッチを入れて 引きずり込んで - I know what it feels like 柔らかそうで固いのよ to be the new girl in town, believe me. 強そうに見せかけて 怖がってる This particular town あの娘をものにしろ doesn't do newcomers well. 袖を切り裂いて… But Henry, 超かっこいいわ you have to find other outlets. 古代のシンボルみたい [approaching footsteps] 多分… 中国語か何かだと思う - You're not even trying, Henry. パティ バレたら お母さんに怒るよ? - Why should I? バレないわよ - Well, you know, あら this is a good opportunity for us, okay? 何か用? We could really build a life here. 土曜日 あの妹は 一緒に来ないわよね? I finally feel excited to come home to someone. 妹じゃないし 来るわけないわ - Mom... 昨日の話聞いた? - What? ミシェルから聞いたの - You've said that same thing about, like, the last トレーシー・スタフォードと クレイがヤったらしいわ five guys that you've dated. ちょっと… - That is not fair. - ごめん パティ - なんで? - Yeah, it is. It is fair, 私がクレイに未練があるとでも? because this is what you do. あんな男 尻軽女にくれてやるわ You find some guy, 全身けいれんは 6種類あるって知ってた? you get sick of him, 君の苦悩について知りたい and then I have to move to a new fucking town, このことについて ちょっと調べてるんだ and we have this conversation every six months. 居残り組は会話禁止だ - Okay, was Burlington my fault 君のけいれんが始まったとき 僕のペンが動いたんだ when you stole that motorcycle? 教室にあった他のものも - What about Newton? 異常な出来事だった We had to leave in the middle of the night 脳腫瘍はある? because of Phil the asshole. 私の知る限りでは ないはずよ That wasn't because of me. 脳腫瘍だと推測したんだ - Okay, you know what? 脳腫瘍は超常現象を起こすことがある You're right, all right? 物を動かしたのは私じゃないわ But we've both made some mistakes, and... どうして言い切れる? this is different. だって… - [laughs] - Thomas is a good 手で触れずに 物を動かせるわけないじゃない and honest man. Okay. 僕はそうは思わない [sighs] あんたは私より頭がおかしいわ Your father is 気づいていた? not the person that you think he is. スイングしろ He was never around. よし He just came and went as he pleased. クレイ! 押し込め! I never had any idea what was happening. この間の話の女だけど 妹がいるみたいだ - I didn't ask you about Dad, so... 名前はキャンデス ニュー・ロシェル校の一年だ - Good night. 気の毒な子だな [foreboding music] クレイ 無駄話はやめろ! ♪ ♪ 何の話だ? [indistinct chatter] 黙って集中しろ ♪ ♪ リバウンドに入れ - Hey. ボールを回せ! - We paid for two trailers. 運転手の1人がオタワで足止めだ I'm only seeing one. パスポートを失くしやがった - Yeah, one of the drivers lost his passport, わかった 俺にまかせてくれ and he's stuck in Ottawa, so... 悪いな - Why am I only hearing this just now? しっかりついておけ! クレイ! - Sorry, Pop. I'll take care of it. 下手くそ! - No, you won't. こんな弱虫を育てた覚えはないぞ You had your chance to take care of it. 女みたいなプレイしやがって Now I'm gonna take care of it. 何を考えてんだ? ♪ ♪ 動き続けろと言ったはずだ - Yes, sir. 全然お前らしくなかったぞ [engine turns over] 闘志を出せ - Um...what the fuck? 父さん ただの練習試合だろ Um...hi. 練習は本番に影響するんだ - Hey. わかったか? - What are you doing? 今度 絶対お前を連れていくぞ - We're selling your car, Henry. あの…クレイ? - Why? クレイ! - You heard the officer last night. ちょっと話せる? There's a fine to be paid やあ and your car is gonna pay for it. - 元気? - どうしたの? - But I'm--I'm gonna pay the fine. 頼みがあるの I've said that I will pay the fine. オーケイ I'm gonna pay the fine! 頼みって? - Really? 車を盗みたいの Really? With what money? 車を盗む? I don't got it. なるほど… - Mom! 前にも盗んだことがあるの? Mom! あるわ Mom? なら どうして僕の助けが? Mom. あなたのお父さんの店に 停めてある車なの - There have to be consequences for your actions. なら 助けてあげるよ Don't fight us on this. 本当? - But I-I said that I would pay the fine. また放課後に - We made a decision, and that's final. わかった I'm sorry. やあ [pop music playing on radio] クレイね 元気? - You know what the worst thing about this car is? 店に来ること 父さんに言ったのか? ♪ ♪ びっくりさせるなよ Nothing. 何してる? It's awesome. なんでもないよ ただ... ♪ ♪ ただ何だよ? - Well...now you're stuck being my chauffeur 車を借りようと思って for the rest of the year, so... なぜ書類の引き出しを見てる? Don't know why you're so happy. そうか - ♪ See me sadness when we laugh ♪ まあいい 見なかったことにするよ ♪ When we quiet hear me work ♪ 少しは感心した? ♪ Feel me love and watch me ♪ ありがとう ♪ Pull me switch drag me over ♪ 助かった ♪ Know me hard when me soft ♪ ああ ♪ Know me scared when me talk tough ♪ - やあ - ただいま ♪ Go get them guts go get them guts ♪ ダンの子供に スープをこぼされたのよ ♪ Cut then cut up your sleeve ♪ 全身汚れちゃったわ - So freaking cool. どうかした? Looks like an ancient symbol. ヘンリーが学校から帰ってない - Yeah, it's, like... Chinese? I think. 最低 - [laughs] Patty, your mom's gonna kill you. マークが言ってたけど 居残り授業をさぼったみたい - Yeah, she's not even gonna know. どうしようもないわね Hi. 僕も2度電話したけど 留守電だ Hi, can I help you? なあ… - Your sister isn't coming with us on Saturday, is she? おい 大丈夫か? - She's not my sister, and no. 今夜は容赦しないわ - Did you guys hear what happened last night? 元気? Michelle Reilley said that やあ Clay hooked up with Tracy Stafford. 今回はありがとう - Brenda... いつでも言ってよ - Sorry, Patty. - Why? 俺達けっこう息が合うよな You guys think I want Clay Boone back? 次は何を盗もうか? Yeah, those sluts can have him. あのさ ひとつ質問があるんだ - [laughs] 何を隠してるんだ? - Did you know that there are six いつも一人でいるよな different kinds of generalized seizures? 一人が好きなの Your affliction interests me. 一人が好きな奴なんていないよ I'm doing some research on the matter. あなたはそう思うだろうね - No talking in detention. 俺のことを知ってるような 言い草だな - My pens began to move 知らない人はいないでしょ when your seizure started. - そうか - 少しはね So did other objects in the room. そうか It was an abnormal occurrence. 多分みんな間違ってるけどね Do you have a brain tumor? みんなが思うような 人間じゃない - Not that I know of. それ何? - I was hoping you had a brain tumor. 髪に何かついてる Brain tumors can cause ペンキよ psychic episodes. スプレーペイントがついたの - Shh. 君の作品 どこかで見たかな - I didn't cause things in the room to move. どうかな 見たかもね - How do you know? ちょっと… - Because 私… no one can cause things in a room to move. もう行かなきゃ - Well, I don't believe that to be true. どこに? そんなわけないだろ - Shh! ちょっと待って クレイ - [whispering] You're crazier than I am. ダメ… Do you know that? - 心配しないで - 本気で言ってるのよ - Swing the ball. Swing the ball. 痛い! Whoo! Good edge. 気持ちよくなりたいだろ - Hustle, Clay, hustle! 痛いってば - That girl I was telling you about? ヘンリー 落ち着け She's got a sister. お願いだからどいて Her name's Candace. She goes to, uh, お願いだから… New Rochelle. She's a freshman. ダメだってば - Oh, that girl has no idea what she's in for. お願いやめて - Stop talking, Clay, God damn it! 嫌なの - What are you guys talking about? ほら - Shut up, Munther. - Cut the chatter out there. ほらね? - Focus. Rebound, rebound. すぐ濡れるよ - Whoo! - Yeah! どいて! - Move the ball, move the ball. ヘンリー 何すんだよ! - One of my drivers got stuck in Ottawa. どいてよ! Dipshit lost his passport. いいからじっとして - Yeah, I'll--I'll take care of that. なんだ? - Thanks. どうなって… Stay on him! Come on, Clay! 何なんだ! You dummy! ヘンリー? 上にいるの? - I didn't raise a pussy, but that's how you're playing えっと… out there, like a goddamn pussy. いるわよ You got rocks in your head? ヘンリー? Huh? ええ I told you to drive and keep driving. ヘンリー いるの? I didn't even recognize you out there. どうやって家に入ったの? Where's the killer instinct? えっと… - Dad, it's just practice. どこに行ってたの? - You play like you practice. えっと あの… You understand? わからない [inaudible] わからないって何よ? [dark music] ハイなの? こっちを見て ♪ ♪ 違うわ - Unh! いいから… [rock music] いいから私の話を聞いて ♪ ♪ あれは何? - We got to get you there. That's what needs to happen. ママ… - Uh, C-Clay? 何かすごく変なことになってるの Clay! 一体 何が? ♪ ♪ 本当にごめんなさい Can I talk to you? この壁は何だ? [indistinct chatter] ママ… - Hey. - あのね… - 教えてちょうだい - Hi. - 'Sup? また警察がうちに来るのかしら? - I need a favor. いいえ - Okay. そんなことにはならないわ What's the favor? ごめんなさい - I need to steal a car. 完璧よ - You need to steal a car? このドレス大きすぎない? Okay, um... お尻が大きく見えるのも嫌よ You ever stolen a car before? 大丈夫 ピッタリだわ - Yeah, actually. すごく素敵よ - So then, if you're so experienced, ちょっと why do you need my help? ノックしてくれる? - It's parked in your dad's lot. 車を貸してほしいの - Yeah, I think I can help you. - あの女 何の用だって? - わかんない - Yeah? ジェナ 車の鍵はどこ? Okay, meet me after school. - パパ! - ジェナ! - Okay. お願いだから協力して Hey, Gale. どうした? - Hey there, Clay. なんでもないわ - Dad know you're down here? おやすみなさい - Jesus. Scared the hell out of me, man. あのね… さっきクレイと一緒にいたの - What are you doing? クレイ・ブーンと? - Um... そう 彼のトラックに一緒に乗っていて Nothing. I'm just... キスしてたの - Just what? そしたら彼が… - Just borrowing a car. 手を出してきたのよ - Why are you in the pink slip drawer, then? 嫌だって言ったのに やめてくれなくて - Uh... ヘンリー - Okay. 私の脚を触ってきて Never mind, hotshot. I don't want to know. それで - Am I the man, or what? 大丈夫? - Thank you. Uh... それで手を私の… [whispered] Thank you. 私の… - Yeah. それで… - Hi, babe. - Hi! 嫌だと言っても やめてくれない Dan Garvey's kid just spilled レイプされたの? split pea soup all over me. いいえ Just chucked it at me. でも もし私が抵抗しなかったら… What? What is it? 気づいたら ここにいたの - Henry never came home after school. どうやって… - Oh, shit. なぜ ここにいるのか わからないの - Mark Weiner said she skipped detention. - 薬を飲まされたとか? - それはないわ - She's out of control. これを見てほしいの - Don't--I called her twice. It just goes to voice mail. これよ [pop music playing on radio] 本当に意味不明なの ♪ ♪ ちょっと見てくれる? [hip-hop music playing on radio] 何これ? ♪ ♪ クレイの車のドアだと思う [phone buzzes] どうして ここにあるの? - Honey, what, uh... 待ってて what are you doing? もしもし 警察ですか? - She is not getting past me tonight. 事故みたいなんです ♪ ♪ 車に乗って! - Hello. 頼むから ママにも あなたのパパにも言わないで - Hi. こんなことになるなんて ♪ ♪ 鹿かもしれないな - Thank you for this. こんな鹿の事故を前にも見た - Yeah, any time. 鹿がドアを持ち帰る? You know, I think we make, actually, a pretty great team. ビール飲んでる場合じゃないわ What should we steal next? これは犯罪よ ♪ ♪ 当て逃げだと思うか? So, uh, let me ask you something. その可能性もある ♪ ♪ そうなら 逃げた車の塗装が ついてるはずよ What's your deal? 鹿の事故という俺の説を 信じたらどうだ - [laughs] 息子は バスケに復帰できますか? - Like--like, why are you always alone? 息子さんは すごく頑張っていますよ ♪ ♪ 山場はなんとか - Um... [laughs] ただし I like being alone. クレイは脊椎を骨折しています - No one likes being alone. 第2腰椎部横突起が 損傷しています ♪ ♪ とても残念ですが - Yeah, well, you would think that. どうしたの? - So, now all of a sudden you know me? ブーンの息子が事故にあったらしい ♪ ♪ ひどい怪我を負ってるみたい - Think everybody kind of knows you. 当て逃げだってさ - Okay. - A little bit. 容疑者がいる - Okay. Maybe they're wrong, though. 誰なの? Maybe I'm not what people say. 父親が ただじゃおかないだろ - [laughs] 待ってくれ 昨日の夜 俺は家にいた ♪ ♪ アドバイスしようか? - What is that? 黙れ In your hair? - どうも - やあ - Oh, um... [laughs] この逮捕劇は 地元ニュースで もう報道されたわね It's paint. クレイ・ブーンは人気者だ It's spray paint. ニュースはすぐに広まった - Oh. Mm. この男は昨夜 宿で泥酔していた Have I seen your work? - 待ってくれ - いいから黙ってろ - I don't know. Maybe. 黙ってろって ♪ ♪ 酔ってクレイの車にぶつけたんだ - Oh. [laughs] エディ トレーラーパークに住んでたの? - Yeah. いや 違う ♪ ♪ 母親のトレーラーがあるんだ - [laughs nervously] エディの車はどこ? Um... 押収されてるのなら 見ておきたいわ Ah. 当て逃げだから 車は押収されてない Hey. これで解決だ I think... 昨晩のことは全部忘れましょう I think I should actually go... クレイの花代の寄付を募っています - Go where? What are you talking about? 優しいのね - [laughs nervously] 可哀想なクレイ Oh, okay. Clay, Clay, Clay, Clay, Clay. どうもありがとう No, I'm-- けいれんには 何度も繰り返すものがある - Hey, don't worry. - I'm being serious. また発作は起きた? Ow! Clay! すごく変なことに 巻き込まれたのよ - I just want you to feel good. 変なことって? - That hurt! Ow! 何か… - Henry, calm down. Calm down. 何か変なことが… - Please, just get off of me. すごく変なことが起きたの Ow, please, please, please. I'm asking you to please-- 教室で起きたことと 同じようなこと? no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. また無意識に物を動かしたとか? No, please, please, no. 私は… I don't want--please. Please, no. 自分が何をしたのか 理解できないの ♪ ♪ いつの話? - See? 昨日の夜 ♪ ♪ ちょっといい? - I... クレイに花を贈るための 募金なんだけど - See? 発作が起きたのは 昨日の夜だって? ♪ ♪ 何の話? You'll get wet soon. なんでもないわ - Get the f-- 今ちょっと現金がないの パティ Get the fuck off of me! - Jesus, Henry, あれば 募金するんだけど what's your problem? こんにちは ホープさん - Get the fuck off of me! お忙しいところ ごめんなさい - Henry, just stay. ヘンリーの母親はいますか What the-- 今 出かけてるんだ Holy-- お邪魔してもいいかしら? [metallic thumping] 昨晩11時頃 [dramatic music] ヘンリーの携帯電話から 警察に連絡がきた ♪ ♪ 彼女がクレイの事故を 通報した Jesus! ヘンリーが通報を? ♪ ♪ そんなわけない - [grunts] 電話の声は 間違いないわ [rumbling] ヘンリーは一晩中 家にいたんだ [chain creaking] 本当に? Uh... 本当です ♪ ♪ そのソファに座ってた - Henry? Are you up there? ヘンリエッタ・コールズ? - Um... 君を探してたんだ uh...yeah. あなた誰? [tense music] クレイの兄だ - Henry? 昨日 クレイは 君の車を駐車場から出した - Yeah. 悪いけど 私は何も知らないわ - Henry, is that you? クレイと一緒だったろ? ♪ ♪ 話の意味がわからないわ How did you get in here? ごめんなさい - Uh... 話がしたいんだ Um... - Where have you been? 冗談はよせよ - I-I don't... - 行こう - でも I don't know. ジェナ 車を出して - What do you mean, you don't know? 早く! Are you high? Look at me. - 早く! - 今 出してるわよ! - No. No, I'm not! もう! I'm not--I'm just-- okay, just... やばい just listen to me for a second, okay? どうしたの? I... - What the f-- クレイのお兄ちゃんよ - Mom... 何が目的? I think something really strange happened. ダメだわ! - What is-- what has happened here? ジェナ もっと速く! - I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. 急いでるわよ! - What happened to the wall? 横につけてきたわ! - Mom... - どうしろって言うのよ! - 無視して Just--okay-- - I just want to know - 逃げようったって無駄だ - 一体何なの? if we should be expecting どうなってるの? another knock on the door from the police tonight. おい!車を止めろ! - No. 危ない! Um... 信じられない No, that's not gonna happen tonight. ごめん I'm sorry. - 大丈夫?ごめん - 平気よ - [laughs] It's perfect. - Yeah? いいわ You don't think it's, like, too big, ここは私にまかせて or makes my ass look huge, or something? どうするの? - No, it fits you perfectly. You look gorgeous. ヘンリー 車に戻って Excuse me. ジェナ いいから家に戻って Knock, please. 助けを呼ぶのよ わかった? - Um... なぜ 逃げたんだ? I-I need to borrow your car. 話がしたかっただけだ - What does the freak want? - I don't know. いいわよ - Jenna, where are your keys? 話しましょう - I--Dad! - Jenna! 事故の前 最後に弟と会ったのは君だ [pop music playing] 私は 彼と会ってなんかないわ [whispering] I need your help. 適当なこと言うなよ - What is it, hon? そんな嘘は通用しないぞ - Nothing, Dad. 嘘なんかついてない Good night. 本当よ - So, um, I-- I was with Clay. 本当に? - You were with Clay Boone? ええ - Yeah, we were in his truck. 何のことかさっぱり Um... 俺と来るんだ ちゃんと答えてもらう And we were kissing, 触らないで! and then he put his, um-- he tried to... 静かにしろ But I said no, and-- but he wouldn't stop, and... 助けて! - Henry... - Um... 黙れ! And then he put his hand on my leg, - じゃあ こうするか! - 助けて! and then on-- - Are you okay? 助けて! - He put his hand down 放して! my... 黙れ! And... ちょっと! 助けて! Um, and I said no, but he wouldn't... 助けて! - Did he rape you? - No. ここから出して I mean, if--if I hadn't, he... 出して! And then I ended up here, 出してよ! and I--I don't-- I don't know how... おい! I don't know how I'm here. おい やめろ! - Did he roofie you? - No, he didn't roofie me. 止めるんだ This is what I wanted to show you, 水を止めて because this--okay, this is the weird part. ねえ! Let me just-- let me just show you. ちょっと!助けて! - What is that? おい!掃除はもういいから! - I think it's the door to Clay's truck. 仕事は一旦中止だ - [scoffs] 車はそこにおいとけ 後で俺がやるから Well, how did it get here? いいから行って [ominous music] 終わりだ ここで切り上げて ♪ ♪ 早くしてくれ - Just wait here. 歩けよ 歩けるよな? ♪ ♪ もっと速く歩けるだろう? - Oh... - [screams] 誰か! ここにいるのよ! ♪ ♪ 言ってることがわかるか? Hello, 911? 今日は早上がりしろ Um, yeah, I need to report an accident. 嬉しいだろう? Get in the car. ヘンリエッタ ♪ ♪ 本当のことを話してもらうぞ! Jenna, please don't tell my mom or your dad, okay? パパ? [sirens wailing] パパ! ♪ ♪ ねえ?パパ! - This is so messed up. おかえり - Might have been a deer. 彼を置いてきたのね I seen a deer do stuff like this. 他の人達と? - Did a deer take the door with him? もうすぐ終わることだよ And put away the beer, Randy. そうすれば 心配もなくなる This is a crime scene. 約束する - Figure it was a hit and run? - Well, maybe, but where's the paint from the other vehicle? - Think you all should consider my deer theory. ♪ ♪ - Is my boy gonna play ball again, Doc? - Your son's a real fighter, Mr. Boone. He's got a very good shot at pulling through. That said, Clay's spine was fractured at the second lumbosacral vertebra. I am sorry, Mr. Boone. - What's going on? - The Boone kid had a car accident. - Poor kid was hurt really bad. - It was a hit and run. They got a suspect. - Did they say who? - God help the poor son of a bitch when Bill Boone gets his hands on him. - Hold on a second. I was at home last night. - You know, one piece of advice for you: shut up. - Hey. - Hey. - Local news picked up this arrest awfully fast, Sheriff. - Ah, Clay Boone's a popular kid in town. News travels fast. This son of a bitch got blind drunk at the lodge last night. - Hold on... - Just keep your mouth shut. Keep your mouth shut, you understand me? - Officer... - And then he plowed his truck right into Clay's. - I didn't know you lived in the trailer park, Eddie. - No-- - No, no, his, uh-- his mom's got a trailer over there. - Where's Eddie's car? Is it impound? 'Cause I'd love to take a look at it. - It ain't at the impound. It's a hit and run, okay? Case closed. - We need to just forget about last night, okay? [dark music] ♪ ♪ - Hi. We are collecting donations to get Clay some flowers. - That's so sweet. - So sad about Clay. Thank you very much. - Certain types of seizures are recurring. Have you had another episode? - I've been dealing with some really weird shit, Townes. - Define "weird." - Something... something happened. Something, like, really strange happened. - Strange like what happened in the classroom? Did you move things with your mind again? - I-I don't... I don't really know what I did. - When did this happen? - Last night. - Hi. We're collecting donations to get Clay flowers. - You had an episode last night? - What is he talking about? - Nothing. Um... I-I actually don't have cash, Patty. Otherwise, I-I would. [ominous music] ♪ ♪ [knock on door] ♪ ♪ - Hi. Hello, Mr. Hope. Sorry to disturb you. I need to speak to Henry's mother. - She's not here right now. - May I come in? So, last night, around 11:00 p.m., there was a 911 call from Henry's phone. She reported Clay's accident. - Henry called in Clay's accident? I don't see how that's possible. - Well, it sure sounded like her on the call. - Officer, Henry was with us all night. - You sure? - Yeah, positive. She sat right there on that couch. - Henrietta Coles? Just the little lady I wanted to see. - Sorry, who are you? - I'm Clay's brother. Know he... took your car yesterday off the lot. - Yeah, I-I don't know anything about that. - No, I think you were with him. - I-I don't know what you're talking about. I'm sorry, man. - Hey, I need to talk to you. Are you kidding me right now? - Let's go. - But-- - Jenna, let's go. Go, go, go, go, go. [pop music playing on radio] - I'm going. - Go, go, go. - I'm trying! Okay! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ - Shit. - What's wrong? - It's Clay's brother. - What does he want? [rock music playing on radio] ♪ ♪ - Shit! Jenna, drive. Jenna, drive, drive! - Okay, I'm going, I'm going. - Jenna, he's right beside us. - What do you want me to do? - Don't listen to him. - Pull alongside of the road. You're not getting away. - Henry, why is he following us? [horn honking] - Hey, pull over! [both shouting] [horn honks, tires screech] - Shit! ♪ ♪ - Fuck. I'm sorry. - Jesus, Jenna. - Shit. Are you okay? - Yeah. - I'm sorry. ♪ ♪ - Um, okay. I'm gonna handle this, okay? - What do you-- what do you mean? Henry, get back in the car. - Jenna, just go home. Go get help, okay? Go get help now. - Why'd you run away from me? I just wanted to have a conversation. - Well, I'm here. Let's converse. - You're the last person to see my brother before the accident. - Dude, I-- I didn't see him. - You're trying to bullshit a bullshitter right now, because I know you're lying. - I'm not. I'm not lying to you. I'm not. - You sure? - Yeah. I don't--I don't know what you're talking-- - Okay, you're coming and you're answering my questions. - Hey, hey! Don't touch me! Hey! - Answer--shut up. - [screams] - Help! - Shut up. - Let-- - All right, you know what? - Help! Help! Let go of me! [screams] - Shut up. - Hey! Help! Help! Help! [engine turns over] Let--let me out! Hey! [rock music playing] ♪ ♪ [grunting, screaming] Let me-- let me out! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [horn honks] [horn honks] - Hey! Hey! Hey, stop! Stop! Cut it, Jorge! Cut the--cut the water! - Hey! Hey! Help! Hey! - Hey, don't worry about the vacuum. Hey, hey, just leave the car. Leave the car, Nick. I'll get it. Can you just go? ♪ ♪ Let's go! Lomo, you don't need to... Come on. Come on, let's move it, guys! Hustle! You have legs! Use your legs. Jorge, you got legs. Can you just not walk any faster? - Hey! Hey, I'm in here! Hey! - Are you listening to anything I'm saying? I'm giving you the rest of the afternoon off, okay? Everybody happy? Okay. ♪ ♪ Okay, Henrietta. No more fucking around. [tools rattling] [rumbling] [desolate music] ♪ ♪ - Dad? ♪ ♪ Dad! Dad? Dad! ♪ ♪ - Hi. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [whooshing] [water running] ♪ ♪
B1 中級 日本語 米 クレイ ヘンリー いい ペン ママ ジェナ インパルス - 第1話 (Impulse - Ep 1) 123 6 Mackenzie に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語