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  • My name is Kevin. Well it's sociable. Get everyone together

  • everyone meets and it's an evening out. Away from home I suppose.

  • Actually the heath has come along a lot. It's all pedestrianised. Not really a lot to say

  • about it really. Fingers crossed on the time that 2012. Hopefully it does well. Only if

  • they did table tennis but they never do it do they? They're supposed to. If it was there

  • I would like to see that. They ought to publicise it a bit more really. Some people call it

  • Wiff Waff as well. That's another name you hear people call it. My Dad actually got me

  • into Table Tennis he wanted to get me into Cricket as well because he used to play for

  • Bexley Cricket but I found it very boring. I tried it a few times but I'll just stick

  • to this.

My name is Kevin. Well it's sociable. Get everyone together


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

2012年への道。出発 - ヤングス卓球グループ - ケビン (Road to 2012: Setting Out - Youngs Table Tennis Group - Kevin)

  • 55 1
    Annie Tseng に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日