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  • This is the triple William-- nah, I'm kidding, guys.

  • Three is too many.

  • It's just a double.

  • It's just two.

  • Dude Perfect.

  • This is the bow fishing balloon buster.

  • Let's go, baby!

  • This is the bow and arrow bottle buster from a Sea Doo!

  • Whoo!

  • Let's go!

  • This is the mobile gonger.

  • Yes, let's go!

  • We've shot some small targets in the past, flying skeets,

  • swinging eggs.

  • But it's time to get just about as tiny as you guys

  • can still see on camera.

  • This is the lifesaver shot.

  • Sounds heroic!

  • Whoo!

  • All right, we've got to turn, we've got to shift.

  • Pivot!

  • Which way are we pivoting?

  • Pivot!

  • This way!

  • Unnecessary.

  • We are going to tee off.

  • Instead of with a driver, we're going to use a bow and arrow.

  • And this thing's going to launch.

  • Boy, he got all of that one.

  • The name of the game is advancing the ball.

  • I think I accomplished that today.

  • This is the high speed bow and arrow triple shot.

  • Yes!

  • Let's go!

  • What up, guys?

  • Ty had a ridiculous idea to put a washer on a string,

  • have it swing, and shoot an arrow from 30 yards right

  • through the middle.

  • Oh.

  • Harder than it looks.

  • This is the swinging washer shot.

  • Wow!

  • We just put an arrow through a washer.

  • Going a little old-school with the recurve,

  • climbing up on the roof, jumping off into the pool.

  • But first we're popping the balloon in mid-air.

  • Here we go.

  • Missed the five there.

  • I didn't know you were giving me a high five.

  • We'll redo that one ...Cobes!

  • I never saw the high five.

  • You guys know those secret agent movies

  • where they shoot a grappling hook across?

  • That's basically what we're about to do, bow and arrow

  • style.

  • Here we go!

  • Yeah!

  • Here you go Cobes!

  • For anybody that wonders how much effort

  • goes into making trick shot videos for you guys,

  • take a look at the temperature right now.

  • Chad, show them how hot it is.

  • 111 degrees!

  • I saw numbers next to the time, and I

  • was like, what the heck is that 111?

  • That's the temperature outside!

  • So a fun fact about me you may not know I actually

  • used to professionally whack weeds for about two years.

  • So I got that going for me.

  • There's no need to see it when you can hear it.

  • This is no-look gong shot.

  • Yeah, it feels about right.

  • Hey, that's the sound I'm looking for, baby!

  • Whoo!

  • Got a nice little chain reaction shot coming up.

  • We got our basketball goal.

  • We got the bounce back.

  • Getting ready to put this brand new Dude Perfect basketball up

  • in a tree.

  • Cut the line, falls down, bounces in, swishtastic.

  • Here we go.

  • Somebody take care of that.

  • I was hoping that was going to go in.

  • It is actually way harder than you

  • might think to sink a balloon.

  • Dead serious.

  • Try it.

  • Try to sink a good-sized balloon.

  • This is the top of the rock balloon bust.

  • Here we go!

  • I should reel in and see if I caught a fish.

  • I don't know, we'll see.

  • I caught seaweed!

  • Beautiful stuff.

  • Taping up a little balloon for the world's longest archery

  • shot of all time.

  • Pro tip-- colored powder makes everything better.

  • So does sugar glass.

  • So do gongs.

  • Just a couple of targets that we brought to you over the years.

  • If you can brainstorm a new target for us--

  • We'd love to hear it.

  • --feel free to leave that in the comment section.

  • We've been kind of repetitive.

  • Hoops, tissue paper.

  • We'll add you to the honorary props team.

  • You know when you watch our videos you're almost guaranteed

  • every once in awhile to see something

  • you've never seen before.

  • No different here.

  • (WHISPERING) Let's go.

  • Almost guaranteed every once in a while.

  • Yeah.

  • The balloon is ready.

  • Cameras are ready.

  • Let's do this.

  • All right, balloon is set up 465 yards down range.

  • Just about go time.

  • This is the world's longest bow and arrow shot.

  • 465 yards!

  • If I had to guess at how Cody's going

  • to take us to the outro, Codes, do what you do.

  • What's up, guys?

  • Thanks for watching.

  • If you're not already a Dude Perfect subscriber,

  • click down here so you don't miss out on any new videos.

  • Huge thanks to our friends at Bass Pro Shops

  • for making this video possible.

  • To start your adventure, click here to go to

  • If want to see the last video, click right here.

  • Signing off for now.

  • Pound it, noggin!

  • See ya!

This is the triple William-- nah, I'm kidding, guys.


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アーチェリーのトリックショット2|デュードパーフェクト (Archery Trick Shots 2 | Dude Perfect)

  • 93 3
    潘韋寧 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日