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  • AMNA NAWAZ: An American civilian contractor died today in a rocket attack on an Iraqi

  • military base that houses U.S. forces.

  • U.S. Central Command also confirmed multiple U.S. service members and Iraqi personnel were

  • injured. The Iraqi military said several rockets hit an arms depot at the so-called K1 base

  • northwest of Kirkuk. There was no immediate word about who carried out the attack.

  • In a separate development, Iraq's president, Barham Salih, is facing backlash from Iranian-backed

  • parties over his refusal to designate their nominee as prime minister. Salih's rejection

  • was in response to months of Iraqi protests demanding more independent candidates and

  • political reform.

  • The latest happened today in Baghdad's Tahrir Square, as anti-government demonstrators marched

  • and voiced their support for Salih's decision.

  • MAN (through translator): As a protester, I see it as a heroic action by the president,

  • because he rejected one of the candidates by the political blocs, because he was rejected

  • by the protesters in Tahrir Square.

  • The political elites didn't do anything in the past 16 years, and there won't be anything

  • in the future if the same names remain.

  • AMNA NAWAZ: Salih said that, because Iraq's constitution doesn't give him the right to

  • reject nominees for prime minister, he was prepared to quit.

  • We will have more on anti-government unrest in two other countries, Iran and India, later

  • in the program.

  • At least 12 people died today after a passenger jet in the Central Asian country of Kazakhstan

  • crashed shortly after takeoff. The Bek Air plane departed the Almaty Airport with 98

  • people on board, before it smashed into a concrete wall and a building.

  • Rescue workers at the scene tended to dozens of injured passengers and combed through the

  • wreckage looking for more survivors. Officials said the jetliner had struggled to get off

  • the ground.

  • ROMAN SKLYAR, Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister (through translator): Today, we found two

  • consecutive sets of skidmarks from the tail end of the plane on the runway, meaning the

  • aircraft touched the runway twice while taking off.

  • Mostly passengers who were in the front part of the aircraft died. Flight recorders have

  • been found and have been brought for inspection.

  • AMNA NAWAZ: Authorities immediately suspended all Bek Air flights, as well as all planes

  • of that same model, pending an investigation.

  • In Hawaii, rescue teams located the wreckage of a tour helicopter that had gone missing

  • with seven people aboard. It was found in a mountainous area on the island of Kauai.

  • The helicopter failed to return from a sightseeing tour of the Na Pali Coast yesterday. Coast

  • Guard crews are still searching for signs of survivors.

  • The death toll from a devastating typhoon that struck the Philippines late on Tuesday

  • has nearly doubled to 28 people. A dozen others are reportedly still missing. The typhoon

  • swept across the country's central islands, tearing through buildings and toppling trees.

  • Today, families in hard-hit coastal towns sorted through mounds of debris as they carried

  • on their recovery efforts.

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is celebrating a sweeping victory in his Likud

  • Party's primary election. Netanyahu defeated his main rival within the right-wing party,

  • Gideon Saar, to win 72 percent of yesterday's vote. That is in spite of being charged with

  • corruption in three criminal cases.

  • Today, the embattled leader hailed his win at the party's campaign headquarters near

  • Tel Aviv.

  • BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, Israeli Prime Minister (through translator): This is a huge victory,

  • because we have also overcome the fake polls and the fake news, who are already now trying

  • to dwarf the victory. This is a huge victory because almost all the media has rallied against

  • me, with the left parties also in this candidacy.

  • This is the time to unite, to bring a sweeping victory to the Likud and the right in the

  • Knesset elections.

  • AMNA NAWAZ: Netanyahu now heads toward a national election in March. It will be Israel's third

  • national election in less than a year, after failing to form a government in the previous

  • two elections.

  • Back in this country, skies cleared up in Southern California today, following a massive

  • winter storm that sparked traffic chaos. Heavy snow and icy conditions forced major highways

  • north of Los Angeles to close, leaving drivers stranded, including some for hours, as they

  • headed home after the holiday.

  • Torrential rains also prompted more road closures. The storm system, now over Arizona, is continuing

  • to move eastward.

  • And stocks were mixed on Wall Street today. The Dow Jones industrial average gained nearly

  • 24 points to close at a record close of 28645. The Nasdaq fell more than 15 points, and the

  • S&P 500 added a fraction of a point, to record its fifth straight week of gains.

  • Still to come on the "NewsHour": Iran cracks down on protests, as it deepens military ties

  • with China and Russia; the Indian government shuts down the Internet in response to a controversial

  • citizenship law; how two life skills programs are helping kids in the Dallas juvenile justice

  • system; and much more.

AMNA NAWAZ: An American civilian contractor died today in a rocket attack on an Iraqi


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B1 中級

ニュースラップ。カザフスタンで98機を乗せた飛行機が離陸直後に墜落 (News Wrap: Plane carrying 98 crashes shortly after takeoff in Kazakhstan)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日