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  • What's up guys, it's all you here. Welcome to today's video today. We're doing a day in the life video

  • I just got ready headed to breakfast

  • But yeah, we have a busy day today so if you

  • I'm heading out to my first class of the day, which is marketing

  • I'm actually running late, but luckily the class is right upstairs

  • from where eat breakfast so

  • Oh

  • God so I am headed to my next class of the day

  • Which is called talent management and organizational fit. It's one of my classes for my major

  • And I'm majoring in human organizational development also called h OD

  • But yeah, this class is pretty far. So I'm taking the boosted

  • Over to Commons which is kind of like where the freshmen live when they first get on canvas

  • Well, yeah, this is for my HIV class and I'm running late again. So

  • I'll bring you guys along

  • Really liked it

  • See you like it shining brightly for a heggs and little snakes and a croak smoke mirrors

  • And I see meet my gags. Oh my heart beats like

  • Soccer get up hot to say she's on my head with madness

  • Good impact on beat one who got away. You got away you go

  • bang bang

  • I

  • Just got done with my second class of the day

  • I have one more after but right now I'm headed to lunch on Commons

  • Which again is like the where the freshmen live but a lot of my classes are on Commons

  • So I eat here a lot. But um

  • yeah, I'm gonna go grab lunch right now and

  • Then go to my next class

  • All right guys, so I'm eating lunch right now and I think the food here at Vander is pretty good I

  • Think most schools, you know, if you're eating a lot on campus, you're probably gonna get sick of the food a little bit

  • But I just try to balance it by eating out on the weekends

  • And I really have time to go off-campus during during the week for lunch or something like that. So I'll usually go to

  • Commons, which is here or e Bronson, which is a residence hall

  • But it's also a dining area and they have pretty good food all-you-can-eat. So I usually go there or here, but I don't have any

  • Major complaints about the food but it does get a little bit old sometimes. But again, I think that's pretty typical of any college

  • All right, guys, I'm headed - what's up

  • I'm headed to my last class of the day understanding organization. That's for my HIV major again

  • But this is my last class also. It's like really nice out today

  • So I think that after class I'm gonna film some

  • some some of campus show you guys around but right now

  • So we'd open

  • My hands through your hair

  • Alright guys just got finished with class done for the day. So I'm headed back home. I'm actually gonna pick something up from

  • the campus post office

  • but after that, I'm gonna

  • Have to actually fix my booster board right now. It's like

  • Fix that but then I'm gonna head to the gym right after

  • She says she can't see I said not yet

  • She says she yellow see a fixture of something I'm on my way home right now, but it is so nice outside

  • So I think I'm going to film for a little bit and I'll show you guys a little edit. I put together, right?

  • Good to see you

  • The time is currently 308 so I'm gonna go to the gym right now first kind of change

  • Okay

  • Alright guys, I just got back from the gym

  • I'm going to take a shower and then I have headed to dinner with some friends

  • But before that I got to get some work done, so I would speech tomorrow for my public speaking class

  • I'm gonna work on that until I leave for dinner

  • Once you business variances, please don't pay me for whatever

  • Get you in trouble see ya. Yes for sure

  • We're at the mantra Mart, which is what is it? What is it Cory?

  • Chobani flips

  • Have you guys tried so many flips? They're really good

  • All right, guys, we just got back from Shake Shack. I have some work to do

  • I've got that speech tomorrow as well as a quiz and then I have a few things I want to do before I sleep tonight

  • But it is currently

  • 8 p.m. And so we're gonna try to end the day strong and keep working hard

  • We found a study room - this one work in C. Hi Leah

  • Say hi Leah

  • And I still not practice my speech but we're gonna do that right now

  • Alright guys

  • so I just got back to the suite finished studying at the library and

  • I have to learn some programming and do some research for my business

  • But after that I will be done for the night. So

  • Let's get right into it

  • Thank you guys so much for watching this video

  • If you enjoyed any part of it

  • Please drop a like it helps me out a ton

  • And let me know down in the comments what other types of videos you want me to make also

  • feel free to check out my Instagram and

  • Again, thank you guys so much for watching until the end

  • My life is not that

  • Interesting, but you guys made it all the way through so congrats and I will catch you guys in the next one

What's up guys, it's all you here. Welcome to today's video today. We're doing a day in the life video


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

バンダービルト大学での一日 (A Day In My Life at Vanderbilt University)

  • 69 3
    1545342534 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日