字幕表 動画を再生する
As we reach the midpoint of the week and the month, we're thankful you're taking 10 for CNN 10.
週の真ん中、そして 1 月も中盤に差し掛かりましたが今日も CNN 10 をご覧いただきありがとうございます。
I'm Carl Azuz.
A quote starts off today's show.
This is not an ordinary case, and all of the world is looking at us.
Those are the words of the president of Iran.
He was talking about the crash of a passenger plane last Wednesday, shortly after it took off from an airport in the Iranian capital on its way to Ukraine.
At first, Iran said a technical problem was the reason why the plane went down.
But the United States and other countries said Iran was responsible.
And after three days of denying it had any involvement, the Iranian government admitted that its military shot down the plane by mistake.
そして 3 日間関与を否定をし続けた後、ようやくイラン政府は間違って軍が攻撃をしてしまったと認めました。
Since then, several arrests have been made.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said those responsible would be punished, and protests welled up in the Iranian capital, with demonstrators chanting "death to the dictator" and asking for Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to step down.
Many of the protesters are angry because it took several days for the government to admit it was responsible.
Dozens of them were arrested in the demonstrations, which Iran's government called illegal rallies.
Iranian President Rouhani says his government is accountable, and that an event like the plane's destruction wouldn't happen again.
All 176 people aboard the Ukraine International Airlines flight were killed.
ウクライナ国際航空便に乗っていた 176 名は全員が亡くなりました。
It was shot down shortly after Iran launched missile strikes on Iraqi military bases where American troops were staying.
That came after the U.S. killed a controversial Iranian general who was in Iraq.
Now, Iran's government has internal challenges to deal with as it deals with international ones involving the U.S. and other countries.
Another big story we've been following this New Year, the widespread wildfires in Australia.
We have some hopeful news about that.
Badly needed rain is in the forecast for the southeastern part of the country, where the fires have been worst.
Firefighters don't expect there'll be enough rain to soak the state of New South Wales and put out its fires.
But it could bring some relief where there's enough of it.
Meantime, the government of New South Wales is tossing thousands of pounds of sweet potatoes and carrots out of helicopters.
It says this is to help the brush-tailed rock wallabies who are likely to survive the fires but have less to eat if their vegetation has burned.
So, Operation Rock Wallaby is raining food from the air.
Operation Rock Wallaby と銘打たれたこの活動は、空から恵みの食料を落としているというわけです。
The quality of that air isn't good.
Smoke from the bushfires is causing problems for residents and some of the tennis players preparing for the Australian Open in Melbourne.
It's one of many problems caused by fires in Southeast Australia.
Here in New South Wales, we're getting a bit of a break of the smoke that we've been breathing in over the last several days.
It really is exhausting when you're outside for an extended period of time, breathing in that heavy smoke, and there have even reports of birds falling out of trees because they can't handle it, in places like Canberra, the Australian capital.
But for people who are able to breathe a bit better and get back to their homes, start assessing the damage, they're realizing what a monumental task lies ahead as they try to rebuild their lives.
In Wingello, Australia, nobody imagined the fire can move so quickly.
The front line was miles away from David Bruggeman's home and store last week.
But then we all saw the sky go red, and we go, that's not normal.
Then we heard the sound of the fire, like a furnace, like a freight train right next to you.
That familiar sound followed by a terrifying, almost apocalyptic scene.
The Morton fire so intense it created its own weather, raining down fiery embers on this village of about 500.
灼熱の炎はその強度のために独自の気候を作り上げ、500 人ほどの村の中に残り火が空から降ってきました。
And there's houses exploding, fire everywhere, and I think, my house is gone for sure.
That picture you took you thought would be the last view ever took of this place.
この写真を撮った時には、これがこの場所が写された最後の 1 枚になると思ってたんじゃないですか?
For sure. I said, "that's it, gone."
A feeling shared by Wingello Fire Captain Mark Wilson.
It's different when it's your own town.
Like, I've been everywhere else, helped out everywhere else, but the emotions and everything kick and going, yes, this is my house, my friends, my loved ones.
Wilson's team of volunteer firefighters battled throughout the night.
It's a feeling like you're losing.
You don't realize how much you have saved until the next day.
We saved well over 80 houses that night.
あの夜、80 件以上の家を火災から守ったことになります。
Even the most seasoned firefighters say it doesn't make sense how a house like this can be standing, the bushes are green, and yet, just a few steps away, everything next door... gone.
The fire danger is far from over.
We've got a fire over at Peter and Simona's.
As temperatures heat up, small fires reignite.
But how quickly can a small, you know, hot spot turn into a dangerous situation?
Oh, very easy.
Because we still have a lot of unburnt trees in this property, and very quick, especially with little breeze that picks up.
Here in New South Wales, Australia's hardest-hit state, the fire season is only halfway through.
With the shop, there's no other shop here, and we are the center of where everything is.
Bruggeman says he's doing everything he can to help neighbors who have lost everything.
We thought we should've lost about 50 houses and people dead.
最初は 50 件ぐらいの家が消失して犠牲者も出るだろうと思っていましたけど、
No one died, no one injured, and we lost a dozen houses, but all those people are taken care of now.
It's a miracle.
I call this the miracle of Wingello.
Nobody knows how long that miracle will last.
Insurance claims are already starting to pile up.
The Insurance Council of Australia estimates more than a billion U.S. dollars so far, a number undoubtedly that will rise in the coming days and weeks ahead as people get back to their homes and start to assess the damage.
オーストラリア保険協会は、10 億アメリカドル以上がこれまでに請求され、当然ながらこの額は住民が家に戻り被害の程度を確認するにつれて、今後も拡大していくものとみられています。
Will Ripley, CNN, in Mittagong, New South Wales, Australia.
オーストラリア、ニューサウスウェールズのミタゴンより、CNN のウィル・リプリーでした。
Ten-second trivia: Who won Major League Baseball's World Series in 2017?
10 秒トリビアの時間です:2017 年のメジャーリーグ・ワールドシリーズを制したのはどのチーム?
Boston Red Sox, Chicago Cubs, Houston Astros, or Kansas City Royals?
The Houston Astros defeated the Los Angeles Dodgers in seven games to take the 2017 World Series.
第 7 戦までもつれた 2017 年のワールドシリーズの勝者は、ロサンゼルス・ドジャースを破ったヒューストン・アストロズでした。
But now, that win is clouded by controversy, and the Astros are being penalized for cheating in the 2017 season.
しかしながら、ここにきてこの栄光に影が落とされ、アストロズは 2017 年のシーズンに不正行為をはたらいたとして、処罰の対象となっています。
The team's manager and general manager have been fired.
監督ならびに GM が解雇され
The team has been fined 5 million dollars, and it's lost its first and second round draft selections for the next two seasons.
チームには 500 万ドルの罰金が科せられ、今後 2 年間に渡ってドラフト 1 位・2 位の指名権をはく奪されました。
A Major League Baseball investigation found that the Astros used a camera to steal the signs of the teams they played.
Sign stealing is as old as baseball itself.
But Major League rules say you can't use electronic devices to do it, and the league says in 2017, the Astros used a camera in center field to decode what other teams' catchers were signaling, and that info was passed along the Astros players.
ルール上、電子機器を使うことは認められておらず、アストロズは 2017 年にセンター後方のカメラを使って相手キャッチャーのサインを解読し、球種を自軍選手に教えていたのです。
Sometimes a trash can was hit a certain number of times to let a batter know what kind of pitch was coming.
Major League Baseball's commissioner says virtually all of the Astro's players had some knowledge or involvement in the scheme, but that he couldn't determine how much each player knew.
He also says he couldn't determine whether cheating helped the Astros win any games.
So, the team gets to keep its 2017 World Series title, though that angered fans of the Los Angeles Dodgers who lost the year's series to the Astros.
従って、2017 年のワールドシリーズ優勝のタイトルはそのまま保持できますが、この年アストロズに苦汁を飲まされたドジャースファンの怒りを買っています。
Alex Cora, who was the bench coach of the 2017 Astros, was accused of being directly involved in the scheme, and he later became manager of the Boston Red Sox.
2017 年にアストロズのベンチコーチを務めていたアレックス・コーラが直接この不正行為に携わっていたとされていますが、彼は後にボストン・レッドソックスの監督に就任しています。
So, now the leagues investigating whether the Red Sox also used illegal sign stealing in 2018.
そのため、2018 年にレッドソックスが不正サイン盗みをしていたかどうかにも調査のメスが入っています。
Before the selfie as we know it existed, a photographer started taking self-portraits every day starting on January 11, 2000.
セルフィーなどというものが一般的になる前に、2000 年 1 月 11 日から毎日自分の写真を撮り始めた人がいます。
"But Carl!" you might say, that's almost exactly 20 years ago.
20 年も前の話ですからビックリしますよね。
Yes, and now, he's edited more than 7,200 photos into the video you're about to see a clip of.
そうなんです、これから 7200 枚にも上るその写真をまとめた動画をお見せしたいと思います。
It's like a time-lapse of a man's face.
(Photographer Noah Kalina took a photo of himself almost every day for 20 years.)
(ノア・カリーナさんは自身の顔写真をほぼ毎日、20 年間に渡って撮り続けてきました)
(Between January 11, 2000 and January 11, 2020, he documented 7,263 days.)
(2000 年 1 月 11 日から 2020 年 1 月 11 日までの期間で、7263 日分の自撮り写真が残されています)
(The project began in Kalina's art school dorm room.)
(He has since traveled the world and moved several times, all documented in the background of his video.)
(Kalina says he will continue to release updates every 10 years for the rest of this life.)
(カリーナさんは今後も自撮りを続けて、10 年ごとにまとめて公表していくとしています)
Is it selfish?
Well, it's selfie-sh.
And it's amazing he's been able to selfie stick with it so long.
Some shutter at the thought of working ISO-hard to see them selfies age through a lens.
But if you're bokeh with the idea, you aper-sure of yourself, and you could focus long enough, the release of flash-synced video with so much depth, the field yield such a burst of achievement, it's hard to control one's selfie at the mirror image.
To our viewers at Renaissance Public Academy, it's great to have you all watching from Molalla, Oregon.
オレゴン州モララの Renaissance Public Academy の皆さん、ご覧いただきありがとうございます。
And thanks for subscribing and commenting at YouTube dot com slash CNN 10.
チャンネル登録や YouTube.com/CNN10 にコメントもよろしくお願いします。