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  • Hi, this is Alex, from MinuteEarth.

  • You're probably sitting down right now.

  • Or maybe you're standing.

  • But it's unlikely that you're watching this video while playing baseball, or going

  • for a run, or rock climbing.

  • In fact, if you're like most people, you're not very active even when you're not watching

  • YouTube videos.

  • In the United States, for example, more than three quarters of all people fail to meet

  • recommended guidelines for physical activity, and some countries are even less active.

  • That's a problem, because when people aren't physically active, we're more anxious, we

  • sleep worse, and we have fuzzier memories and shorter lifespans than if we were active.

  • We also have a higher risk of cancer, heart attack, diabetes, obesity, stroke, Alzheimer's,

  • depression, and tons of other health problems.

  • If all of us were to exercise more, each year the world could save over 5 million lives

  • and $50 billion in healthcare costs.

  • But, unfortunately, that's really hard, because it seems to require fighting against our genetics.

  • Way back in the day, we spent tons of energy finding enough food to survive.

  • So ancient people who took it easy when they weren't searching for food replenished more

  • energy than people who also did pointless physical activity.

  • As a result, they had more energy for hunting and gathering, and were more likely to survive

  • and reproduce.

  • Modern studies have suggested that different genetic factors predispose us to be more or

  • less active, and can be passed along, so it's likely that our ancestors - at least the ones

  • who survived - had genes that promoted taking it easy that got passed along, and along,

  • and along, all the way to us.

  • But now that most of us don't need to throw things or run or climb rocks to get food,

  • our natural preference for taking it easy has taken over.

  • Sure, some people still do these things as exercise - which is what we call it when you

  • intentionally dophysical activityfor the purpose of improving your health - but

  • that's not enough of a motivator for most people.

  • So most people take it easy, which, as we mentioned before, leads to a ton of problems.

  • That's why some people are calling for us to reincorporate more non-exercise physical

  • activity back into modern life.

  • If we built fewer roads and more paths, it would be easier for people to use their own

  • power to get to school or work.

  • If we put stairways at the main entrance to buildings rather than hiding them in a back

  • corridor, more people would use them rather than elevators.

  • If our airports had fewer human conveyor belts, more people would walk.

  • If we turned our lawns into gardens, we could be active by raising and gathering food.

  • And if we took otherwise inactive pursuits like gaming, and combined them with a physical

  • activity, more people would have more reasons to be active.

  • Of course, it wouldn't be easy to redesign entire communities and make new norms, like

  • showing up to work stinky.

  • And most people wouldn't be able to easily incorporate enough incidental physical activity into their

  • daily life.

  • So to be healthy, most of us would still probably need to intentionally exercise in addition

  • to being incidentally physically active.

  • Which means that even if you've been watching this three minute MinuteEarth video from your

  • treadmill desk, you should still probably go outside and run around for a MinuteEarthree.

  • This video was sponsored by the University of Minnesota, where students, faculty and

  • staff across all fields of study are working to solve the Grand Challenges facing society.

  • One of these challenges is helping people be healthy, and promoting physical activity

  • is part of the solution.

  • Beth Lewis, the director of the School of Kinesiology, is working to identify which

  • types of behavioral interventions are most effective at increasing physical activity

  • among adults, and she's also documenting the effects of increased activity on mental

  • health.

  • For example, her research has found that higher levels of exercise are related to a lower

  • risk of postpartum depression among new mothers.

  • Thanks, University of Minnesota!

Hi, this is Alex, from MinuteEarth.


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B1 中級

なぜ運動は難しいのか? (Why Exercise is Hard ?)

  • 142 3
    doris.lai に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日