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  • You know, stock music always makes me feel so productive.


  • Hey, there, harmonically inclined homies, Trace here for DNews.

    音楽通のみなさん、DNews のトレースです。

  • We all know music has the power to alter behaviors, like when Queen Bey makes you dance or Adele helps you work through a difficult breakup.


  • But music also helps us get through more mundane times, like the workday.


  • When I'm writing, I like to put on my headphones and pump up the jams like "Girl Talk" or the "National Treasure" soundtrack.

    僕が執筆中は、ヘッドフォンで音楽ガンガンかけるのが好きです… 『Girl Talk』とか『ナショナル・トレジャー』サウンドトラックとかです。

  • No judgement.


  • And that may not be such a bad thing.


  • A recent study in the "Journal of Organizational Behavior" took a close look at how music affects cooperation.

    Journal of Organizational Behavior という雑誌による最近の研究 では、音楽がどれほど協力することに影響を与えるのかを詳しく調べました。

  • Researchers put 78 college students into two groups: one exposed to happy music, and the other to unhappy music.

    研究者は 78 人の大学生を 2 つのグループに分けました。1 つはハッピー音楽に、もう 1 つはアンハッピーな音楽を聞いてもらいました。

  • Now, before we go any further, we know "happy" is a pretty broad term,


  • But according to these researchers, they decided to add "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles, "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves, and, of course, the theme from the song "Happy Days" that was all "happy" music.

    これらの研究者によると、彼らはビートルズによる「イエローサブマリン」やカトリーナとザ・ウェーブズの「Walking on Sunshine」を使用することにしました。そして、もちろん、『Happy Days』のテーマソングはすべてがハッピーな音楽でした。

  • And for unhappy music, they played songs from less familiar heavy metal bands.


  • Songs like "Smokahontas" by Attack Attack! and "You Ain't No Family" by Iwrestledabearoncecool band name, by the way.

    アタック・アタック! の『Smokahontas』や、Iwrestledabearonce の『You Ain't No Family』のような曲です。ちなみにイケたバンド名ですよね。

  • Alright, back to the study.


  • Individuals had to decide how much money they wanted to put into a group pool and how much they wanted to keep for themselves.


  • To incentivize cooperation, money put into the pool would be multiplied one and a half times before being split evenly.

    協力を促すために、プールに入れられたお金は均等に分割される前に、1.5 倍にします。

  • The results showed that contributions into the pool were about one-third higher with happy music than with unhappy music.

    その結果プールへ入れられた金額は、アンハッピーな音楽よりもハッピーな音楽の方が約 3 分の 1 も高いという結果にあわられています。

  • And listening to music you like is not just good for group work.


  • A music therapy expert at the University of Miami conducted a study with 56 computer developers who were asked to keep a detailed music log.

    マイアミ大学の音楽療法の専門家は、詳細な音楽ログを記録するように依頼された 56 人のコンピューター開発者と研究を行いました。

  • In the log, participants recorded how they felt before and after listening to music, how long they listened, and their musical selections.


  • The log was then compared to their overall quality of work.


  • The results showed that developers came up with better ideas, plus they worked better and faster with music on.


  • Without music, they had poorer work quality overall.


  • So, music may make you more cooperative and increase your productivity, but there is also evidence that it can sometimes have a negative effect, depending on the task at hand of course.


  • One study at Florida Atlantic University observed 45 students to see how fast they wrote essays with or without music.

    フロリダアトランティック大学での研究では、45 人の学生が音楽のあるなしでエッセイを書く速度を試しました。

  • The results showed that those who listened to music while writing wrote slower by an average of 60 words per hour, concluding that music may actually be distracting when doing something as cognitive as essay writing.

    その結果、文を書いているときに音楽を聞いた人は、1 時間に平均 60 語ほど遅くなることがわかりました。これは、エッセイを書くことと同じくらい認知的なことをすると、実際に音楽が邪魔になる可能性があるとという結果を示しています。

  • So when it comes to music in the workplace, remember that there are as many variables as there are different musical genres.


  • Not only should you consider happy versus unhappy music -- whatever that may be for you -- but also consider what it is you actually do at work.

    ハッピーな音楽かアンハッピーな音楽を聞くか、 それはあなたの好みですが、実際に仕事で何をしているのかも考えてください。

  • If you're going through a vacation's worth of junk email, go ahead and turn on those beats!


  • But if you're trying to meet a tight deadline on a quarterly report, silence just may be your best bet.


  • Understanding how music can affect you is not just good for getting work done, it's a profitable area of study.


  • Casinos also use music and different musical cues to keep you gambling and happy.


  • I learned that in "Casino Secrets" on DiscoveryGO.

    DiscoveryGO の「カジノの秘密」でそれを学びました。

  • DiscoveryGo lets you watch your favorite Discovery shows on your phone or tablet.

    DiscoveryGo を使用すると、携帯電話やタブレットでお気に入りのディスカバリーショーを見ることができます。

  • Download it for free at your app store!


  • So just because "Yellow Submarine" was classified as "happy" music by some researchers doesn't necessary mean it's good music... or does it?

    「Yellow Submarin」が一部の研究者によって「ハッピーな」音楽として分類されたからといって、必ずしもそれが良い音楽である必要はないでしょうか...

  • Is there a formula for good music?


  • Jules talks more about it here.


  • Notes a fifth apart like C to G create a nice repeating pattern, and we call this consonance, but lower that G just a half step to F#, and suddenly the wave form pattern goes crazy, dodging, dipping, diving, ducking and dodging, and this is called dissonance.

    C から G のような 5 分の 1 の間隔が素敵な繰り返しパターンを作成し、この子音を呼び出しますが、その G を F#の半分のステップだけ下げると、突然、波形パターンが狂い、回避、浸漬、ダイビング、​​ダッキング、回避、これは不協和音と呼ばれます。

  • What do you guys listen to when you want to get ish done?


  • Seriously, I am standing by this "National Treasure" Soundtrack.


  • It's amazing for my brain


  • I mean I can't do a Nick Cage impression, but if I could I would.


You know, stock music always makes me feel so productive.


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