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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • As a family doctor on the frontlines, Dr. Sharon Domb does this all day long.

    診療医として最前線に立つドーム先生にとって、これは 1 日中繰り返されます。

  • The biggest thing that I do is hand-washing, and that transfers over from work to home.

    1 番大切なのは手洗いですし、仕事場を離れて家に帰ってからも一緒です。

  • Even if you washed your hands five minutes ago, Dr. Domb says do it again before you touch your face or eat anything.


  • So you're touching a lot of other surfaces that could be contaminated in the meantime.


  • That includes eating out.


  • Wash your hands after handling the menu, a surface that is often ripe with germs.


  • Dr. Domb says some organisms can live on surfaces for days.


  • Her next tip? Get the flu shot early.


  • It's an inactivated or dead vaccine, and you can't get sick from it.


  • So I really encourage people to get the flu shot.


  • Remember that it will take about two weeks for the flu shot to take full effect.

    その際に、予防接種の効果は 2 週間ほどしてから現れることを覚えておきましょう。次は何でしょうか?

  • Tip three? Keep your immune system strong.


  • Eating a well-balanced diet, making sure you're getting the four food groups, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly,

    バランスの良い食生活、4 つの食品群を摂って、睡眠をしっかり確保、定期的にエクササイズをするというのは、免疫力を高めて体に戦う力をつけさせるという意味でとても有益です。

  • none of that is going to hurt, it's all going to help in terms of your immune system and your ability to fight things.

  • So what about taking lots of vitamin C?

    では、ビタミン C をたくさん摂取するというのはどうでしょうか?

  • Unless you have dietary restrictions, the only supplement Dr. Domb recommends for most people is vitamin D.

    特に食べるものの種類に制限が掛けられていなければ、一般の人にドーム先生が勧めるのはビタミン D だそうです。

  • Aim for one thousand international units per day throughout the fall and winter months.

    秋口から冬にかけては、毎日 1000 国際単位の摂取を目安にしましょう。

  • If you do get the flu, she says to stay home to avoid spreading it.


  • If you've got a fever and malaise and tired and just generally stuffed up and cough, most of that will resolve usually in seven to ten days.

    熱が出たり体調不良や疲れを感じたり、鼻詰まりや咳などの症状が見られたら、通常は 7~10 日で完治します。

  • Very young or old patients, those with other health conditions, or people experiencing localized symptoms like in their ear or lungs may need to seek medical help.


  • And of course, don't forget the chicken soup.


  • While Dr. Domb says there's no compelling evidence it will fight or prevent the flu, it sure can help you feel better.


  • With Sunnyview, I'm Monica Matys.

    Sunnyview より、モニカ・マティスがお送りしました。

As a family doctor on the frontlines, Dr. Sharon Domb does this all day long.

診療医として最前線に立つドーム先生にとって、これは 1 日中繰り返されます。

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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