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  • depressive disorder is different from just any sadness that comes from disappointment or sorrow.

  • The word disorder means an abnormal physical or mental condition.

  • Patients suffering from depressive disorder or depression are in a longer state of sadness than normal

  • to the point that it disrupts normal daily activities because of symptoms like insomnia,

  • inability to focus, lack of appetite and a complete loss of interest.

  • Everything just seems terrible.

  • Depression can come from many different causes like genetics and chemical imbalances in the brain

  • but it's most often triggered by a traumatic event like the loss of a loved one or personal failure.

  • just because someone is suffering from depression it doesn't mean that they are weak give up easily

  • or are unwilling to tackle a problem,

  • but due to the illness that has occurred to their mental state it means that they are not ready to face the issue

  • it's like being in a pitch dark room and no matter where they turn they just can't see the exit.

  • But with proper help and support of peers it's like there's a helping hand turning on the light

  • which guides them to solving their problem on their own and returning to their regular lives.

  • Many of you are probably wondering if perhaps you fall into this category too.

  • Let's see if within the last two weeks you have experienced any of the following symptoms.

  • 1. Feelings of discouragement, sadness or despair

  • 2. Complete loss of interest in activities or hobbies

  • 3. Loss of appetite or extreme overeating.

  • 4. Insomnia or excessive sleeping

  • 5. Feelings of anxiousness, restlessness or complete lack of motivation

  • 6. Fatigue or easily decreased energy.

  • 7. Feelings of worthlessness and disappointment in oneself.

  • 8. Lack of concentration, focus, memory retention and inability to make decisions.

  • 9. Suicidal thoughts.

  • If you have experienced more than five of these symptoms almost every day within the past two weeks

  • it could mean that you are at risk of having depressive disorder.

  • But before diagnosing yourself with depression you should consult a psychiatrist

  • who can offer you their professional opinion after conducting a detailed analysis.

  • Seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist isn't an unusual or something to be ashamed of.

  • It's an incorrect assumption that those who seek mental health professionals are insane.

  • In reality those that are suffering from stress or complex issues with no one to confide in

  • can also consult a psychiatrist or psychologist.

  • Mental disorders are exactly like physical disorders that require specific consultation.

  • It's the same as if your teeth hurt that you see a dentist or your knee hurts that you see an orthopedist.

depressive disorder is different from just any sadness that comes from disappointment or sorrow.


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B2 中上級

うつ病の症状 (The symptoms of depression)

  • 124 6
    Shinichiro に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日