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00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 Hi.
How are you?
I'm good.
Have you been here before?
You've been here before.
I've been here a couple times.
This is your third time or so?
Have you-- were you scared to come back?
I mean, I was a little nervous.
Honestly, I was a little offended that I haven't ever
been, like, scared before.
I feel like all my family members have been scared.
And you got my mom really good last time.
We got your mom so good that she said
if she didn't like me so much she would sue me.
We actually-- this is her backstage.
And, I mean, Corey was furious.
Oh, oh, oh--
It's so good.
00:00:37,408 --> 00:00:41,400 It's so good.
I think it's, like, your best one yet.
It was pretty good.
It's pretty good.
I mean, I definitely would have moved that dolly so that she
wouldn't have tripped over it.
But whatever makes someone wet their pants is our goal.
I tried-- you said you were offended.
You were offended that I hadn't scared you?
No, I was-- I mean, I wasn't genuinely offended.
I was just like, wow.
Like, I like all your little bits of--
like, the Diddy one was so good.
And I was like, I just--
I kind of wanted to get scared.
Well, I tried to scare her when she first got here.
I don't think it worked at all, but see--
I'm tough.
I'm tough.
You're like me.
I don't get scared.
Anyway, she was in her dressing room and I went in.
And this is the--
What's up?
Oh, my god.
I feel like I'm in the Principal's office.
No, you're not in trouble.
I was just--
It's just been so crazy around here.
I mean, the weirdest things have been happening.
Well, like what?
Well, I mean, like--
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god!
00:01:40,770 --> 00:01:42,630 That was so mortifying.
I was like, something is breaking and we're--
I literally thought I was in trouble.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
They're so fake looking.
I mean, that really didn't scare you at all?
It wasn't, like, the worst ever but it was good.
I think it was pretty bad.
I mean, I definitely was like, what is happening?
I heard it as we were speaking.
I heard something happening and I was like--
--oh, no.
Like, there's really problems here.
You guys got to fix things.
Well, that's why I started with weird things have
been happening.
But it would have-- next time, live snakes.
OK-- no.
No, no.
No, no.
You're into basketball, like way into basketball.
Have you always been into basketball?
I actually have.
I've been into basketball for a little while.
I used to go to games with Khloe a lot,
and I just got really into it.
Are you good?
Because you're very tall.
You would be--
--very good.
I'm not.
I used to-- I did play when I was in high school
and-- or, sorry, middle school.
But I just wasn't--
I wasn't that great.
See, there you are, but there's a guy in front of you.
I can hardly see you, but--
--I guess that's the picture they chose to--
That's me.
--show because you're there.
Who's that guy that's in the way?
I'm not too sure.
I'm not either.
I don't know anything about basketball.
But there you are.
Oh, you're good.
What are you looking at?
So do you-- I mean, obviously, you're dating this guy
who's on the--
This 76ers, is that what it's called?
I don't know--
I don't know basketball.
It's the 76ers.
That's a weird name.
But he seems like--
I don't know him but he seems sweet by that picture.
How long have you been dating him?
For a bit now.
And-- OK, that's all my questions.
And does your mom approve?
Does she--
I think so.
Oh, my god!
I knew that was going to happen.
But you still got scared!
Oh, my god.
I'm shaking.
00:03:42,090 --> 00:03:42,940 Good.
I was scared.
Oh, my goodness.
I only wish I had one more too, because--
Oh, my god.
That was good.
No, I don't think my heart could take it.
And you knew it was going to happen?
Well, no, I was like--
like, backstage, I was like, if they're really good,
they'll get me--
And we're really good.
--because they'll think that I'm not at-- right!
I was like, there's no way that's it.
But I wasn't expecting it--
--in that moment.
He got really, like--
And he almost killed himself getting out of there too.
Let's take a look.
You watch it?
I think so--
Oh, my god!
All right, we'll be right back.
That was really good.